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Dietary advanced glycation end products (AGE) formed during heating of food have gained interest as potential nutritional toxins with adverse effects on inflammation and glucose metabolism. In the present study, we investigated the... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsBiomarkersDietComparative Study
The plasmon resonance of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) synthesized on a protein template senses formation of advanced glycosylated end products (AGEs). A graded alteration of plasmon resonance (both the peak and intensity are affected) is... more
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      TechnologyElectron MicroscopyNanoparticlesTransmission Electron Microscopy
Amadoriase I is a fructosyl amine oxidase from Aspergillus fumigatus that catalyzes the oxidation of Amadori products (APs) producing glucosone, H 2 O 2 , and the corresponding free amine. All the enzymes of this family discovered so far... more
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      EngineeringBrowningIn VitroGlycation
Diabetes is a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated pathology, with a worldwide prevalence estimated to double by 2030. A major effort has been launched to find therapeutic means to improve health conditions of diabetic patients. Recent... more
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      EngineeringOxidative StressAntioxidantsGlycation
BACKGROUND: Aqueous pomegranate seed extract (PSE), a by-product of the pomegranate juice industry, was recently identified as a potential antiglycative ingredient. Ellagic acid was proposed as the major polyphenol responsible for the... more
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      EngineeringWaterOxidative StressCytotoxicity
A B S T R A C T Oxidative, carbonyl, and glycative stress have gained substantial attention recently for their alleged influence on cancer progression. Oxidative stress can trigger variable transcription factors, such as nuclear factor... more
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      ImmunologyClinical BiochemistryCancer BiologyGlycation
Plant extracts have been suggested as a rich as yet unexplored source of potentially useful anti-diabetic drugs. Recent scientific investigations have confirmed the efficacy of many of these preparations, as effective antioxidants; able... more
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      ManagementChemical EngineeringFoodGlycation
Perceived age comprises different facial features and it is associated with multiple external factors, one of which is high levels of serum glucose. Modern Western diet is associated with systemic elevated sugar levels. Excess sugars... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsGlycationAdvanced Glycation End Products
El anciano en situación crítica: nuevos retos en la asistencia geriátrica del futuro A. López-Soto y E. Sacanella
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      AgingOxidative StressMitochondriaProtein Structure and Function
La perte d'ultrafiltration secondaire aux modifications des structures et des fonctions du péritoine est un facteur limitant l'utilisation de la dialyse péritonéale (DP) au long cours. La tolérance biologique, ou biocompatibilité, des... more
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The improvement of functional properties of proteins available in large quantity using non-toxic chemical modifications is of a great interest for the food industry. In this study, the Maillard reaction was used to improve the functional... more
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The aim of this study was to estimate the glucose diffusion coefficients ex vivo in skin of mice with diabetes induced in vivo by alloxan in comparison to non-diabetic mice. The temporal dependences of collimated transmittance of tissue... more
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Enhanced formation and accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have been proposed to play a major role in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications, and atherosclerosis, leading to the development of a range of diabetic... more
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      TreatmentIn VitroGlycationMetformin
Covalent modifications of therapeutic proteins are of interest for the biotech industry as they potentially impact the quality of the material. This study focuses on covalent protein modifications by the reducing monosaccharide glucose... more
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      Pharmaceutical TechnologyPharmaceutical ChemistryGlycationGlucose
Glycation is a spontaneous age-dependent posttranslational modification that can impact the structure and function of several proteins.
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      Parkinson's DiseaseDiabetesGlycation
Sweet and sour cherries contain several polyphenols that possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the maturity stage on phenol content and biological properties of extract of... more
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      GlycationPolyphenolsFood sciences and nutrition
Degenerative diseases like cancer, Alzheimers, arthritis, cardiovascular disease and others have plagued the lives of millions upon millions of humans. General aging is connected to the pathogenesis of these diseases and also harms the... more
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      NutraceuticalsAgingFood and NutritionOxidative Stress
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      Oxidative StressNeurodegenerative DiseasesAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisGlycation
Glucose reacts with the amino groups of protein to form a Schiff base that rearranges to form a ketoamine adduct. These early products eventually undergo irreversible chemical modifications generating advanced glycation end products... more
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      BiochemistryChemistryMolecular virologyMedicine
Context: Oxidative stress and formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), due to glycation of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids are characteristic in diabetic patients. Palmatine, a protoberberine alkaloid bioactive isolated... more
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      Traditional MedicineDiabetesOxidative StressMedicinal Plants
Protein glycation is an age-dependent posttranslational modification associated with several neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. By modifying amino-groups, glycation interferes with folding of... more
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      Neurodegenerative DiseasesHuntington's diseaseGlycation
Receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) is a multi-ligand member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell surface molecules. Driven by rapid accumulation and expression of key ligands such as advanced glycation endproducts... more
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      GlycationBlood GlucoseTheDiabetic Nephropathy
Glycated human serum albumin (gHSA) undergoes conformational changes of proteins caused by free radicals. The glycation process results in a reduced ability of albumin as an endogenous scavenger in diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM)... more
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      BiochemistryChemistryMolecular Dynamics SimulationBiology
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      LipidsGlycationPlatelet aggregationDiabetes mellitus
Growing interest in synthetic peptides carrying post-traslational modifications, in general, and the Amadori modification in particular, raises the need for specific building blocks that can be used in stepwise peptide synthesis. Herein,... more
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      Peptide SciencePolysaccharidesGlycationPeptides
Background: Glucosinolates from brassica plants are hydrolyzed by internal or salivary myrosinase to produce isothiocyanates. Glucoraphanin, a major glucosinolate in broccoli, is hydrolyzed to sulforaphane (SFN), which exhibits antitumor... more
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End stage renal disease (ESRD) patients accumulate blood hallmarks of protein glycation and oxidation. It is now well established that these protein damage products may represent a heterogeneous class of uremic toxins with... more
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      ProteomicsOxidative StressGlycationReactive Oxygen Species
Receptor-mediated interactions with amyloid ␤-peptide (A␤) could be important in the evolution of the inflammatory processes and cellular dysfunction that are prominent in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology. One candidate receptor is the... more
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Glycation is a nonenzymatic process in which carbonyl groups of sugar react with the amino group of proteins and nucleic acids. This process leads to the formation of many deleterious products which are commonly called as advanced... more
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      Free RadicalsDNA damageGlycationMaillard Reaction Products
Glycated proteins are important biomarkers for age-related disorders, however their analysis is challenging because of the complexity of the protein-carbohydrate adducts. Here we report a method that enables the detection and... more
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Modern diets can cause modern diseases. Research has linked a metabolite of sugar, methylglyoxal (MG), to the development of diabetic complications, but the exact mechanism has not been fully elucidated. The present study was designed to... more
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      InflammationOxidative StressVASPGlycation
Posttranslational modifications of collagen studied by off-line coupling of HPLC and CE A typical example of non-enzymatic change of collagen is glycation (the Maillard reaction, formation of advanced glycation end products) resulting... more
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      Analytical ChemistryProteomicsCapillary electrophoresisGlycation
The non enzymatic reaction between the carbonyl group of sugars and amino group of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids is termed as glycation. It has been linked to various diseases such as diabetes, cataract, Alzheimer's, dialysis related... more
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      DNA damageGlycationPhenolicsMaillard reaction
Glycation, a local covalent interaction, leads to alterations in secondary and tertiary structures of hemoglobin, the changes produced by fructose being more pronounced than those caused by glucose. The Stokes diameter of hemoglobin... more
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      FluorescenceCollagen Cross-linkingBiological SciencesGlycation
A two step protocol has been set up to selectively conjugate PEG to buried amino acids of proteins. The process involves site-specific glycation followed by PEGylation of the oxidized glycosides. Aimed at glycating the cysteine groups of... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemical EngineeringKineticsMass Spectrometry
In a recent study, we were able to show that the intermediate filament protein vimentin aggregates in human dermal fibroblasts because of modification by the advanced glycation endproduct carboxymethyllysine (CML). In this work, we... more
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      FaceMultidisciplinaryWestern blottingGlycation
Diabetes and its associated complications are major known health disorders. Diabetes mellitus increases the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality by promoting cardiomyopathy. It appears to arise as a result of the diabetic state,... more
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      Oxidative StressAntioxidantsGlycationDiabetes mellitus
A pesar de nuestra profesión, cuando cocinamos no reflexionamos demasiado acerca de lo complejas que resultan las operaciones culinarias desde el punto de vista químico. Nuestra condición humana requiere alimentarnos con productos que... more
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      GlycationHuman natureMedicinaDiversity Combining
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) carries an unequivocal high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) contributing to high morbimortality; however, the underlying reasons are not fully known. Among mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of... more
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    • Glycation
Context: Oxidative stress and formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), due to glycation of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids are characteristic in diabetic patients. Palmatine, a protoberberine alkaloid bioactive isolated... more
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      Traditional MedicineDiabetesOxidative StressMedicinal Plants
Background: Glucose-induced protein glycation has been implicated in the progression of diabetic complications and age-related diseases. The anti-glycation potential of polyphenol-rich plant extracts has been shown previously. Bunium... more
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      PharmacognosyMedicinal PlantsHerbal MedicineGlycation
Objectives: Diabetes has become a major health and socioeconomic issue for India in last one decade. The condition is identified by an increased blood level which leads to generation of many harmful products collectively known as advanced... more
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      GlycationArtificial SweetenerAdvanced glycation end products (AGEs)
Blood glucose monitoring is important in optimizing long-term outcomes in diabetic patients. Reliance on near-patient testing and the use of longer term measures of glycation are the current cornerstones. However, as this review details,... more
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      DialysisGlycationBlood GlucoseEnd Stage Renal Failure
Aims: To study the immunogenicity of advanced glycation end product (AGE) modified IgG (AGE-IgG) in experimental animals. Main methods: Human IgG was subjected to in vitro glycation with glucose and the formation of N ε... more
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      Life SciencesGlycationRabbitsEnzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Amadori peptides were enriched using boronate affinity tips and measured by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS). As demonstrated by electrochemical measurements, the tips show the... more
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      Analytical ChemistryTime-of-flight mass spectrometryGlycationSilica
Chronic oxidative stress fuels pathogenesis of a large set of diseases. Oxidative stress is the cause and consequence of numerous diseases including type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), in which there is selective destruction of insulin... more
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      ChemistryMass SpectrometryMedicineAntioxidants
Glycated human serum albumin (gHSA) undergoes conformational changes of proteins caused by free radicals. The glycation process results in a reduced ability of albumin as an endogenous scavenger in diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM)... more
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      BiochemistryChemistryMolecular Dynamics SimulationBiology
Phosphatidylethanolamine glycation occurs in diabetic patients and was found to be related with oxidative stress and with diabetic complications. Glycated phosphatidylethanolamines seem to increase oxidation of other molecules; however,... more
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Modifications like asparagine deamidation, aspartate isomerization, methionine oxidation, and lysine glycation are typical degradations for recombinant antibodies. For the identification and functional evaluation of antibody critical... more
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      Mass SpectrometryOxidative StressGlycationQuality by Design