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From the Publisher. OVERVIEW: As the first country in the world to enact a formal policy of multiculturalism, Canada has made impressive strides toward promoting civic inclusion for all; however, the education system remains less than... more
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      Gender StudiesMulticulturalismIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
Como ha sucedido en otros trances de la historia contemporánea es hacia la educación donde primero se dirigen las intenciones de transformación socioeconómica de los países. Así, los cambios experimentados por nuestras sociedades —donde... more
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      Teacher EducationProfessional EthicsGlobalization and Teacher Professionalization
Como ha sucedido en otros trances de la historia contemporánea es hacia la educación donde primero se dirigen las intenciones de transformación socioeconómica de los países. Así, los cambios experimentados por nuestras sociedades —donde... more
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      Teacher EducationProfessional EthicsGlobalization and Teacher Professionalization
Over the past two decades, perhaps no factors have been as inextricably linked to the externalization of educational policies and reforms as the league tables resulting from large-scale international studies by the Organisation for... more
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      Comparative & International EducationPISA and TIMSS ResultTeacher Professional IdentityQuality of Education
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      Teacher EducationPedagogyTeacher EffectivenessPISA and TIMSS Result
Since the mid-1990s, perhaps no factor has been as inextricably linked to the externalization of educational policies and reforms (Schriewer, 1989) as the league tables resulting from international large-scale assessments (LSAs) sponsored... more
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      AccountabilityEducation PolicyPISA and TIMSS ResultTeacher Professional Identity
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      Teacher professionalismGlobalization and Teacher Professionalization
In response to rising youth unemployment and pressures for democratization, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s explicitly transformational Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy (ERfKE) aims to overhaul the centralized public education... more
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      Learning and TeachingGender and DevelopmentJordanEducational reform
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      GlobalizationGlocalizationCultureGlobalization And Postcolonial Studies