for substantive and valuable inputs, and to Anna Bernardo for editorial assistance. All errors are the authors' responsibility.
Concerns have been expressed about the impact of free trade on many developing countries and whether such countries really stand to benefit from the current regimes for the global governance of trade. This is particularly exemplified by... more
The current China-US trade war that started in early 2018 has been the largest of this kind in the global market in the past half century, if not longer. Many speculations about the reasons for and progress and potential implications of... more
Following decades of relative isolation, China and India have become the world's largest new traders. In this paper, we focus on their Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs). While the two economies initially followed similar paths, with a... more
Concerns have been expressed about the impact of free trade on many developing countries and whether such countries really stand to benefit from the current regimes for the global governance of trade. This is particularly exemplified by... more
Concerns have been expressed about the impact of free trade on many developing countries and whether such countries really stand to benefit from the current regimes for the global governance of trade. This is particularly exemplified by... more
Concerns have been expressed about the impact of free trade on many developing countries and whether such countries really stand to benefit from the current regimes for the global governance of trade. This is particularly exemplified by... more
The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) forthcoming Ninth Ministerial Conference in Bali comes at a critical juncture for the multilateral trade body, long mired in the Doha Round stalemate. Beyond offering a critical first test at... more
The global economic crisis triggered changes in real economies and trade in all countries, including those in Asia, which adopted the so-called export-led growth model. With these drastic changes in trade flows, and the need to counteract... more
Despite being criticized for its inconsistencies, China's mercantilism is considered a commonplace in the literature focused on Chinese economic development. This paper intends to criticize the foundations of China's 'monetary' and... more
The paper “Government as a key duty bearer in transition reforms from socialism to capitalism – the case of Albania”, addresses the way in which the government should exercise its power to ensure that citizens have equal access to social... more
The impact of the U.S-China trade conflict extends beyond both nations' economies to the economies of trade allies and non-trading partners caught in the web of the trade impasse. This paper conducts a sectoral analysis of the trade... more
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was signed on November 15, 2020. The agreement covers 15 countries (all ASEAN members, Japan, South Korea, China, Australia and New Zealand) and it constitutes the world's largest... more
This contribution makes the case for the building of a constructive partnership between China and global players, including the United States, the only way to tackle China's trade policy challenges and ensure effective global trade... more
In this article the alleged demise of the United States of America (USA) and the ability of its challengers will be discussed and analyzed. Based on George Modelski’s concept of Long-Cycles in Global Politics we can anticipate a... more
Free trade agreements (FTA) have been increasing in various parts of the world since the early 1990s. Japan has signed economic partnership agreements (EPA), which the Japanese government calls FTAs, with several countries, some of them... more
This paper analyzes the systemic implications of mega PTAs, from potential gains to unintended political repercussions that may arise. This paper is of the view that mega PTAs will help advance the multilateral trading system regu... more
This paper aims to examine the likely evolution of these four large trading nations and their interaction through international trade as well as the impact on global trade governance. This paper will first discuss the evolution of... more