Elechiguerra Arrizabalaga, Crisanta (Universidad del País Vasco) RESUMEN La actual realidad económica de las Entidades sin Ánimo de Lucro, con su creciente importancia dentro de la sociedad, ha motivado la necesidad de una gestión de... more
In this study, a mathematical model for the trans-esterification reaction of Jatropha curcas seed Oil (JCO) was developed using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in terms of some operational variables, namely: temperature (50 to 80°C),... more
In considering the problems and inefficiencies of the traditional financial accounting model, this study aims at suggesting a framework and methodology of accounting for sustainable corporation, which will be based on the principles of... more
One of the challenges in business management is to reconcile economic growth and sustainable policies for environmental preservation. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the sustainable practices that demonstrate the... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
The focus of the paper is on consideration of how to use indicators to monitor sustainable development in a relevant and useful manner. Integrated information on sustainable development of a company is very essential for decision-making... more
The contemporary changes in the past few years in corporate reporting practices ask for the incorporation of the financial, social and environmental performance of the company in one single report. The reporting of such performances in a... more
This study attempts to investigate the environmental reporting practices of companies classified under the ‘red’ category industries in India based on the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines. Content analysis is applied to evaluate the... more
This paper aims to analyze the disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in sustainability reports issued by construction companies listed on the IDX based on the Global Reporting Initiative standard. This study refers to the... more
" El análisis de materialidad es el proceso mediante el cual la empresa identifica la información material sobre los IRO en materia de sostenibilidad. Para ello, deberán identificarse las cuestiones materiales y la información material... more
Trabalho apresentado em XIII International Accounting and Auditing Congress, 8- 20 Maio 2011, Porto, Portugalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
In this study, a mathematical model for the trans-esterification reaction of Jatropha curcas seed Oil (JCO) was developed using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in terms of some operational variables, namely: temperature (50 to 80°C),... more
The study investigated the effect of economic sustainability on share price behavior. The Nigeria stock market is highly inconsistent and unable to actually compete in the global financial market as some of the companies listed falls... more
This research aimed to investigate the impact on profitability that Green Accounting, Environmental Performance, and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility may have. This research examined the relationship between green accounting,... more
Cada vez son más las empresas y organizaciones españolas, que dicen haber adoptado un modelo de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, donde la creación de valor añadido para los grupos de interés con los que interacciona (enfoque a grupos... more
The purpose of this article is twofold. First, evaluation scoring systems for triple bottom line (TBL) reports to date are examined and potential methodological weaknesses and problems are highlighted. In this context, a new assessment... more
In recent years a growing number of companies around the world have started reporting on issues other that those in the financial domain, in order to discharge their accountability efforts. While such nonfinancial accounting and reporting... more
Abstract This research examined E-governance as a vital tool in addressing the issues of Administrative Fraud in Nigeria Public Service. The failure of traditional governance model to provide solution to contemporary challenges in the... more
Research on stand-alone sustainability reports (SASRs) has focused on published documents rather than on the process by which SASRs are produced. This study investigates the process of producing Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3.1 A+... more
O caracter social das empresas sempre foi reconhecido pela ciencia economica, mas sob a optica da teoria classica, generalizou-se a ideia de que ao procurar a maximizacao do lucro a empresa satisfazia o interesse da sociedade. Em relacao... more
Instituto de investigación teórica y aplicada, Escuela de Contabilidad TÍTULO 1 "LA RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIA EN EMPRESAS AGROINDUSTRIALES SANTAFESINAS" Resumen En la economía mundial existe una preocupación creciente por el... more
Los indicadores de gestión y el cuadro de mando en las entidades no lucrativas
The last three decades have witnessed a huge amount of research exploring the linkage between companies' sustainability performance (SP), sustainability disclosure and financial performance (FP). Researchers have applied various... more
Evaluating human resource departments discovers weak areas and supports performance measurements and continuous quality improvement. However, most research concentrates on the development of models that primarily assess the performance of... more
The oil and gas industry faces unique challenges in compliance management due to its complex regulatory environment and the high stakes involved. However, by adopting a systematic approach to compliance as outlined in ISO 37301:2021,... more
RESUMO A construção de sociedades sustentáveis, que conciliam métodos de proteção ambiental, justiça social e eficiência econômica, motiva a elaboração de instrumentos de planejamento, evidenciando a preocupação com a sustentabilidade de... more
MAN-SER SRL es una empresa argentina del sector metalúrgico dedicada a la producción de diversos productos especiales y a la prestación de servicios industriales. Actualmente no cuenta con un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental, lo que se... more
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) promote their alignment with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This convergence of standards and information is... more
Resumen En este trabajo se realiza un estudio empirico y exploratorio en la base de datos del Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), con fines comparativos. Es evidente que las empresas europeas y japonesas son lideres en cuanto a la... more
Este trabajo es el resultado de una investigacion documental sobre la construccion historica del actual significado de responsabilidad social organizacional (RSO) a nivel mundial, principalmente en relacion a posicionamientos de... more
How do companies and organisations react to crises? The research presented by Dauphine Recherches en Management (DRM), a university centre for management sciences, on the strategies implemented by companies in crisis situations is... more
RESUMEN La i mportancia del t urismo como generador de empleos es altamente reconocida a nivel internacional. No obstante, en el ámbito latinoamericano y en particular en México, es poco estudiada la participación de las muj eres en este... more
En los últimos años ha aumentado el interés por la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) en la industria farmacéutica. Esto se debe a su impacto en la calidad de vida de la sociedad, junto con las críticas recibidas en relación con los... more
MELO, M. S. Social Indicators of Corporate Social Responsibility: analysis of use in the Brazilian context. 2013 99f. Project Qualification Masters – Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Universidade de São Paulo,... more
Human Resource Management contributes to the success of any organization. In a dynamic environment where innovation, efficiency, and adaptability are key to success, effective HRM practices are crucial for achieving and sustaining... more
In this study, we examine three potential explanations for the corporate choice to disclose environmental capital spending amounts. We investigate, first, whether the disclosure appears to be a function of the materiality of the spending... more
Nombre: La Crisis Financiera Internacional y el Cumplimiento de las Recomendaciones de los Códigos de Gobierno Corporativo: Análisis Empírico en las Empresas Cotizadas de Brasil y de España. 1.1 Introducción En el presente estudio se... more
The present research aims to evaluate the environmental commitment and performance levels of a textile sector enterprise. The objective to be reached was applied a structured questionnaire of 28 closed questions and a content analyses of... more
In this paper we take a global view of fresh water management at various sector levels and in select nations. We focus on sustainability, water usage, river quality, capital spending and other variables. Our emphasis is on pressing... more
Repetitive strain, stress and burnout go largely unreported, write Cory Searcy, Shane Dixon and Patrick Neumann
Sustainability in the business environment known as "triple bottom-line", a term that translates as triple sustainability and implies accounting and evaluating the resource potential of the company considering the social, economic and... more
Recent research on social and environmental (SE) reporting has focused on corporations, rather than public sector agencies. Also, there has been little interest in ascertaining the views of preparers of accounts regarding SE reporting.... more
This research aimed to investigate the impact on profitability that Green Accounting, Environmental Performance, and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility may have. This research examined the relationship between green accounting,... more
This study investigates the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting on individual investor decision-making, emphasizing the significance of transparent communication and investor education. Utilizing a diverse sample of... more
The negative effects of the fashion industry on the environment and society have given rise to programs like the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), which has developed the Sustainable Apparel Index. The Sustainable Apparel Index, a... more
O debate sobre as questoes ambientais no cenario mundial tem propiciado o aumento das publicacoes dos relatorios socioambientais pelas organizacoes empresarias. Ao constatar esta tendencia, este estudo empenhou-se em analisar como as... more
Palabras clave: Análisis de contenido Entidades financieras Global reporting initiative Responsabilidad social corporativa r e s u m e n El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el fenómeno de la responsabilidad social corporativa... more
This research aimed to investigate the impact on profitability that Green Accounting, Environmental Performance, and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility may have. This research examined the relationship between green accounting,... more