Global Policy

964 papers
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Global Policy refers to the frameworks, strategies, and regulations developed by international organizations, governments, and other stakeholders to address transnational issues and challenges. It encompasses areas such as trade, security, environmental sustainability, and human rights, aiming to promote cooperation and coordination among nations to achieve common goals.
This short paper reflects on the key lessons we can learn from the political debate around and policy experimentation with (emergency) basic income schemes in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the pandemic crisis initially seems... more
The report presents the results of a study co-financed by DIIS and the EU Horizon project 2020 MENARA.
The Republic of Haiti heavily relied on foreign aids & reliefs to fund its government. This current tax system relies heavily on indirect taxes, such as a sales tax or value added tax, which generate very limited resources for the... more
The political strategy of forum shopping is an under-researched but highly relevant concept for understanding the dynamics of global governance. Forum shopping involves actors seeking to realise their policy objectives within preferred... more
Can Egypt achieve economic and security-related stability without first achieving some sort of political and civil control? While many regional and international actors seem convinced that it can be done, this essay argues that stability... more
Indonesia: Introduced forced local data-storage requirements for Internet-based, over-the-top content providers. Introduced a patent law amendment that undermines pharmaceutical intellectual property and forces local production and... more
The increasing realisation that governance quality is a fundamental element of long-run development has led to its consideration as a desirable development goal in its own right. To contribute to such a process, this paper provides a... more
The slogan 'take back control' was central to Brexit. The conception of democracy this slogan embodies is the traditional Westminster model. It is a model in the sense that it is supposed to provide a simplified characterisation of the... more
This article examines the ideology and the politics of buen vivir as the government of Rafael Correa in Ecuador has implemented them from 2007 to 2013. The analysis focuses on the implications of this model, which is based on traditional... more
In debates about democratic backsliding in the new Eastern member states, the EU is pictured as an internally divided weak regional institution, momentarily unable or unwilling to impose elementary norms of democratic governance on... more
Krueng Aceh is the biggest river that divides Banda Aceh. Krueng Aceh has been contributed to the development of the city. Like many other rivers in Indonesia, the growth of illegal settlements along the riverbank has also been grown... more
Modern republicanism must be distinguished sharply from ancient republicanism and modern liberalism. Modern republicanism is strongly restricted in Europe due to the constitutional hegemony of ordo-and neoliberalism. Therefore, Europe is... more
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
Where in the world are you? Assessing the importance of circumstance and effort in a world of different mean country incomes and (almost) no migration
Solutions to global sustainability challenges are increasingly technology-intensive. Yet, technologies are neither developed nor applied to governance problems in a socio-political vacuum. Despite aspirations to provide novel solutions to... more
Four years on from the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), countries around the world seek methods that provide simple but comprehensive narratives on their progress. Given the complexity of the agenda and its indicator... more
The papers in this special issue provide accounts of the politics and knowledge that shaped the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The open and transparent processes in the Open Working Group (OWG) and Post-2015 agenda consultations... more
Global supply chains (GSCs) are organised through complex networks which leave workers vulnerable to exploitation and unprotected against abusive labour practices including modern slavery. However, attention has focused on business... more
Global supply chains (GSCs) are organised through complex networks which leave workers vulnerable to exploitation and unprotected against abusive labour practices including modern slavery. However, attention has focused on business... more
If you were unlucky enough to come accross this paper, please keep in mind that this is a very preliminary version. At this point, we decline any responsability on the consequences of using the implications of our analysis in the real... more
Created to facilitate the transition of economies of Central and Eastern Europe towards democracy and the free market, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is a regional institution in the development finance regime... more
This paper examines the Global Climate Action Agenda (GCAA) and discusses options to improve sub-and non-state involvement in post-2020 climate governance. A framework that stimulates sub-and non-state action is a necessary complement to... more
The G7 should address new, unprecedented and highly disruptive issues that characterise our complex world, rather than well‐understood international problems that fit into existing categories. We argue that the G7 can do this by playing... more
The world trading system has been remarkably successful in many respects but is now under great strain. The causes are deep-seated and require a strategic response. The future of the system depends critically on reinvigorating the WTO and... more
The world trading system has been remarkably successful in many respects but is now under great strain. The causes are deep-seated and require a strategic response. The future of the system depends critically on reinvigorating the WTO and... more
The aim of this paper is to provide a first overview of and some preliminary findings from the Quality of Government Institute Quality of Government Survey, an ongoing web survey of public administration experts from some 50 countries.... more
The field of international peace mediation has become increasingly complex. Proliferation of actors that are able and willing to mediate has made multiparty mediation a standard format through which conflicts get managed. Due to their ad... more
This paper demonstrates sustainable development and governance as contested concepts, constructed, and appropriated, to meet diverse agendas. It argues that sustainability and governance are inextricably linked. It examines how different... more
This paper builds on recent insights from network theory and on the rich dataset made available by the Panama Papers in order to investigate the micro-economic dynamics of tax-evasion. We model offshore financial entities documented in... more
This paper firstly provides an ethnographic account of the dynamic of events in Geneva in 2004, when meetings of various multilateral agencies and global civil society organizations were held simultaneously to discuss the proposal to... more
This article reviews the options for future international climate policy after the 2009 Copenhagen conference. It argues that a major reassessment of the current approach to building a climate regime is required. This approach, which we... more
The ShorT View: The Global ConjunCTure and The need for CooperaTion jameS a. haley THe sHorT view: THe Global ConjunCTure and THe need for CooperaTion James a. haley Five YeaRS aFTeR THe FaLL: THe GoveRNaNCe LeGaCieS oF THe GLoBaL... more
Target 16.3 appears to provide a good example of ‘slippage in the level of ambition’ in moving from visionary goals to watered‐down targets and indicators, due to the influence of powerful interests – in this case the UNODC. However, the... more
HIV/AIDS has been a major focus for research funders. The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) alone has spent over $70bn on HIV/AIDS. Such investments ushered in antiviral drugs, helping to reverse a rapidly growing HIV/AIDS pandemic.... more
Historically, natural resources have been instrumental in conditioning and shaping public policy outcomes. Oil, gas, and mining projects have driven economic growth, provided employment opportunities, and injected capital into... more
The concept of organizational accountability is central to good governance both domestically and internationally. However, assessing accountability in densely institutionalized global governance spaces requires new conceptual and ana-... more
The article critically analyses how the transformative ambition of the SDGs may be threatened in the process of moving from vision, through goals and targets to indicators. This is exemplified by a case study concerning sustainable... more
There are obvious reasons why citizens of the nations we mark out as democracies fail to support policies that address catastrophic threats. The current condition of many such nations allows for marked differences between preferences and... more
Humanitarianism 2.0 Bridging the digital deficit in the Democratic Republic of Congo © jbdodane "…It works because art changed me. I was part of the conflict and after art gave me the opportunity to do positive things that contribute. "... more