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In this article, I focus on a set of collectively stitched handkerchiefs commemorating victims of Mexico’s “war on drugs.” I propose that these embroideries completed in relays can be conceived as the tangible manifestation of work done... more
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      EthicsPolitical ScienceGlobal CitizenshipEmbroidery
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      Global CitizenshipCelebrity CultureStardom and Celebrity
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      Cultural StudiesCultural PolicyGlobalizationCommunity Development
Estos materiales han sido recogidos y editados para que tengan la mayor difusión posible y que de esta forma contribuyan a la mejora de la práctica docente en Educación para el Desarrollo. Se autoriza su reproducción siempre que se cite... more
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      Global CitizenshipGlobal educationEducaciónEducación para el Desarrollo y la Ciudadanía Global
The purpose of this quantitative descriptive study was to identify elements that may define, describe, or illustrate Global Citizenship. Also, this study provided referral information for additional research, add knowledge to the... more
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      Higher EducationGlobal CitizenshipComparative & International EducationGlobalization And Higher Education
The purpose of this national research study was to investigate teachers' perceptions of their ability to support and nurture social and emotional learning in the classroom, and to examine this specifically in relationship to their school... more
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      Empathy (Psychology)Global CitizenshipEarly Childhood CurriculumVisible thinking for young learners
The contemporary notion of global citizenship, in its contested and multiple manifestations, has developed out of the idea of cosmopolitanism, which dates back to the Stoics, and more recent formulations of world citizenship and the ideal... more
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      HumanitarianismGlobal CitizenshipIndigenous PeoplesHistory of Humanitarianism
In this article, I propose the need to reimagine global citizenship education for a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. In this context, it remains unclear what kind of GCE could adequately prepare young people for... more
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      International EducationGlobal CitizenshipComparative & International EducationSocial Justice in Education
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      Global CitizenshipCitizenship And GovernanceCitizenshipArabic Political Disourse Analysis
This is a critique of UNEP's report prepared for the World Conference on Environment and Development held in Nairobi in 1982.
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      GlobalizationInternational organizationsEnvironmental StudiesGlobal Governance
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      Race and RacismGlobal CitizenshipWhiteness StudiesCitizenship identities
This introductory paper to our first issue provides reflection on the concept of critical global citizenship at both theoretical and practical levels. We maintain that ‘citizenship’, irrespective of its level of articulation (i.e.... more
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      Global CitizenshipGlobal Citizenship EducationDigital Citizenship
As we are living amid an unprecedent environmental crisis, the need for schools to empower students into environmental citizenship is intensifying. Teachers are considered as the main driving force in fostering students’ environmental... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationGlobal Citizenship
Youth are coming of age in a digital era and learning and exercising citizenship in fundamentally different ways compared to previous generations. Around the globe, a monumental generational rupture is taking place that is being... more
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      Youth StudiesMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaCritical Pedagogy
Deportation has again taken a prominent place within the immigration policies of nation-states. Irregular Citizenship, Immigration, and Deportation addresses the social responses to deportation, in particular the growing movements against... more
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      SociologyGlobalizationRefugee StudiesImmigration
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      Global CitizenshipPaulo FreireDemocracyTransformative Education
‘Post-national’ scholars have taken the extension of social rights to migrants that are normally accorded to citizens as evidence of the growing importance of norms of ‘universal personhood’ and the declining importance of the... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyGlobalizationPolitical Science
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      Global CitizenshipUndocumented ImmigrationMigration StudiesCitizenship Theory
This paper shares the finding of a comparative analysis of the ESL/ELD curriculum Grades 9 -12 (OME, 2007a) (ESL/ELD) and the FSL curriculum Grades 9 -12 (OME, 2014) (FSL) focused on the Ontario Ministry of Education’s (OME) global... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageGlobal CitizenshipCitizenship and IdentitySecondary Education
Global citizenship education is increasingly appreciated in Ontario, Canada, as an important component of formal schooling. Although all disciplinary areas have a role to play in global citizenship education, geography provides an... more
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      Global CitizenshipGeography Education
O presente trabalho pretende debruçar um olhar sobre o exercício da cidadania, designadamente através da participação. Considerando a importância que o meio digital assume na atualidade, nas mais diversas esferas da organização social,... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsCommons
Infographic for professional practitioners, investigative journalists, students, and researchers of global service learning.
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      International DevelopmentService LearningInternational EducationGlobal Citizenship
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      Global citiesGlobal CitizenshipCities
Over the past decades, more and more institutions of higher education have developed programs destined to educate students for global citizenship. Such efforts pose considerable challenges: Conceptually, pedagogically, and from the... more
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      Global CitizenshipGlobal Citizenship Education
An extensive guide to Italian business immigration laws with summary table of the most important application procedures
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      ImmigrationImmigration StudiesGlobal CitizenshipImmigration Law
in Pragmatism and the Problem of Race, ed. Don Koch and Bill Lawson (2004)
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      SociologyGlobal CitizenshipRace and EthnicityRacism
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      International RelationsInternational LawGlobal CitizenshipCitizenship and Identity
This paper undertakes a critical analysis of approaches to education that claim to foster for their students "ideas and predispositions toward global citizenship". International education forms the ground and broad context for this... more
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      German StudiesInternational RelationsPhilosophyEducation
MUN simulations can be considered a community of practice since they possess Wenger's (1998) three criteria-mutual engagement, a negotiated joint enterprise, and a shared repertoire. House (2003) argues that ELF too can be considered a... more
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      Global CitizenshipEnglish as a Lingua FrancaNegotiationGlobal Leadership
Amitav Ghosh believes that all the borders are artificial in the world and he tries to illustrate this thesis in his novel, in In An Antique Land. He suggests that cultural and historical experiences constitute the common ground for... more
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      GlobalizationGlobal CitizenshipPostcolonial LiteratureAmitav Ghosh
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      Global CitizenshipSocial JusticePolitical communicationArgumentation
Since the year 2000, with the publication of the DfES/DFID booklet Developing the Global Dimension in the School Curriculum, there has been a heightened profile within schools of raising awareness and understanding of global and... more
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      Global CitizenshipGlobal Citizenship EducationGlobal Dimension
Indigenous peoples in Brazil are currently being attacked by the Brazilian government on two fronts: Bill 490/2007, which threatens to cancel Indigenous consultation rights over what happens with natural resources in their territories,... more
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      Critical TheoryAnthropologyEducationIndigenous Studies
The American Passport in Turkey explores the diverse meanings and values that people outside of the United States attribute to U.S. citizenship.
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      American PoliticsTransnationalismGlobal CitizenshipTurkish-American Relations
"Across Europe there are growing concerns about Islamophobia and far-right and anti-democratic movements. Until Anders Behring Breivik’s July 2011 attacks in which 77 died, Norway’s vulnerability was not perceived as great as that of... more
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      EducationDemocratic EducationTeacher EducationEducation (Social Policy)
This article investigates the differences and the interrelationships between two conceptions of citizenship: one concerned with the ethical and the other with juridical dimensions concerning democratic states. To define a 'citizen'... more
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      Political ScienceGlobal CitizenshipCitizenshipDemocracy and Citizenship Education
THE EUROPEANIZATION OF MINORITY RIGHTS IN TURKEY: NON-MUSLIM MINORITIES AND THE EU ACCESSION PROCESS ABSTRACT The conventional elements of Turkey’s minority regime are based on the legal framework of the Lausanne Peace Treaty, the... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawMiddle East StudiesHuman Rights Law
I profondi mutamenti sociali che le migrazioni hanno portato nelle società europee richiedono un radicale ripensamento della pedagogia interculturale, così com'è stata teorizzata e praticata in Europa negli ultimi vent'anni. In... more
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      MulticulturalismGlobal CitizenshipSocial JusticeIntercultural Education
In 2017, as part of a restructuring of the Bachelor of Arts degree, Massey University introduced the compulsory second-year citizenship course Tū Rangaranga: Global Encounters. Tū Rangaranga is a Māori word meaning to weave together or... more
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      EducationGlobal CitizenshipDecolonizationDecolonial Pedagogy
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      Global CitizenshipGlobal education
As we are living amid an unprecedent environmental crisis, the need for schools to empower students into environmental citizenship is intensifying. Teachers are considered as the main driving force in fostering students’ environmental... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationGlobal Citizenship
El presente artículo aborda la integración social de los inmigrantes en España desde el punto de vista de las condiciones de vivienda a las que dicha población tiene acceso. Se discuten tres puntos primordiales que nos conducirán a un... more
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      Social PolicyGlobal CitizenshipTransnational migrationSpain
Table of contents special issue in Citizenship Studies 19(2), 2015 'Citizenship agendas in and beyond the nation-state' Guest-editors: Martijn Koster, Rivke Jaffe & Anouk de Koning Citizenship agendas in and beyond the nation-state:... more
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      AnthropologyEthnographyPolitical AnthropologyLegal Anthropology
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      TransnationalismMigrationGlobal CitizenshipInternational Migration
UNESCO stated that “Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is a framing paradigm which encapsulates how education can develop the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes learners need for securing a world which is more just, peaceful,... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationGlobal Citizenship
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesDemocratic TheoryInternational organizations
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      Global CitizenshipGlobal educationGlobal Citizenship Education
Purpose This paper aims to spark a debate by presenting the need for developing data ecosystems in Europe that meet the social and public good while committing to democratic and ethical standards; suggesting a taxonomy of data... more
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      Information SystemsEuropean StudiesAlgorithmsArtificial Intelligence
Regulating relationships among strangers was a primary concern of the early modern world. Both the rediscovery of classical texts and new encounters between Europeans and Arabs, Asians, and Native Americans required a rethinking of the... more
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      MulticulturalismGlobal CitizenshipEarly Modern EnglandEarly Modern Europe