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      TheologyOld Church SlavonicGlagolitic
This paper challenges the narratives which seek to explain the origin of medieval Croatian Passion plays in ‘evolutionary’ terms. Most scholars holding those views rely on the positivist research of N. Kolumbić, who sought to prove the... more
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      Medieval DramaHistory of Croatian LiteratureLiterary HistoryPassion in Literature
Glagoljica, staro hrvatsko pismo, jedan je od najstarijih i najprepoznatljivijih simbola nacionalnog i kulturnog identiteta Hrvatske. U radu se nudi i razmatra potencijal glagoljice kao marke te mogućnosti njezinog marketinškog promicanja... more
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      BusinessFacebookBrandingNon Profit Marketing
Ðàíåå íà ïðèìåðå äèãðàôíîãî è ëèãàòóðíîãî íàïèñàíèÿ t áûëî óñòàíîâëåíî, ÷òî ïèñöû À, À, B è B Ñèíàéñêîé ïñàëòûðè áûëè êàíîíîöåíòðè÷íûìè (èñïðàâëÿëè ïðàâîïèñàíèå àíòèãðàôà, ñëåäóÿ ñîáñòâåííûì ïðàâèëàì), à ïèñöû B, B, C, C è D... more
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      Old Church SlavonicPaleographyCodicologyMedieval Balkans
Znanstveni skup povodom pet i pol stoljeća franjevačkog samostana na Glavotoku U franjevačkom Samostanu svete Marije na Glavotoku, 31. srpnja i 01. kolovoza 2018. godine, održat će se znanstveni skup pod nazivom Mostir svete Marije na... more
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      HistoryMusicologyArt HistoryLibrary Science
Hrvatska srednjovjekovna proza I. Legende i romani. Stoljeća hrvatske književnosti, sv. 115. Priredila i transkribirala Vesna BADURINA STIPČEVIĆ. Matica hrvatska, Zagreb 2013., 416 str. Hrvatska srednjovjekovna proza II. Apokrifi ,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesOld Church SlavonicMedieval Croatian Literature
Reconstructing errors in the Slavonic text of the Alphabet Prayer.
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticMedieval Text Transmission
Original abstract, from the Slavica Publishers, Inc. catalog: Along with an analysis of the New York Missal itself (a Croatian Glagolitic manuscript of the second quarter of the 15th century), this volume represents a statement of the... more
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      Church SlavonicGlagoliticGlagolitic PaleographyCroatian Church Slavonic
Medzi rokmi 1907 až 19441 boli v rôznych slovenských periodikách postupne uverejnené správy o pamiatkach napísaných hlaholským písmom, ktoré boli objavené v niekoľkých knižniciach na Slovensku. Doteraz poznáme štyri takéto dokumenty.... more
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      Croatian HistoryMedieval Croatian HistoryGlagoliticGlagolic Paleography
The Kiev Missal (or Kiev Fragments or Kiev Folios) is a seven-folio Glagolitic Old Church Slavonic canon manuscript containing parts of the Roman-rite liturgy. It is usually held to be the oldest and the most archaic Old Church Slavonic... more
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      Czech HistoryOld Church SlavonicCzech & Slovak StudiesMedieval Croatian History
Marija-Ana DÜRRIGL, Eshatološke vizije u hrvatskoglagoljskoj književnosti. Poetičke i žanrovske značajke, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Zagreb 2016.,199 str
Slovo 67, 2017, str. 176-183
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesOld Church SlavonicMedieval Croatian Literature
The paper traces the so-called "Illyrian Slavic Alphabet" through the centuries and shows that it can be called an artistic fiction although it seems that it was originally based on the Glagolitic alphabet. An extensive appendix... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksSlavic LanguagesRare Books and ManuscriptsOld Church Slavonic
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval FortificationsGlagolitic
Edition in 2 volumes (1 Introduction and Indices, 2 Text) of the questions to and answers of St Anastasius of Sinai, published by the Universitetsko izdatelstvo " Kiril i Metodij", Veliko Tărnovo, 2011.
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticMedieval Text Transmission
Skript für eine Lehrveranstaltung zur Einführung in die Glagolica im Wintersemester 2019/20 am Slavischen Institut der Universität zu Köln.
!!! Bitte beachten Sie die korrigierte Fassung!!!
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticCroatian Church Slavonic
old worship Slovak language - our forgotten native language
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      Slovak languageGlagoliticOld Slovak LiteratureSt. Cyril and st. Methodius
During his research travel through Macedonia in 1844-1845, Viktor Grigorovich, besides the monasteries in Sveta Gora (Mount Athos), visited many churches and monasteries in the inner part of Macedonia. During this journey, he collected... more
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The term Glagolitic/Glagolitism is understood differently by different authors, and Josip Hamm, a prolific author on the issue, defines it as “a movement named by the Glagolitic script, a type of syllabic Macedonic alphabet, a medium... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of EducationLanguages and Linguistics
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      LiteracyTranslation StudiesContact LinguisticsBible Translation
The critical edition and translation of Croatian Glagolitic and Cyrillic diplomatic sources from the period between 1100 and 1549.
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      Medieval HistoryCroatian HistoryGlagoliticCyrillic Paleography
The transmission of the Glagolitic alphabet reviewed from the perspective of the the reconstruction of its archetype.
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticMedieval Text Transmission
Survey of the features of Glagolitic → Cyrillic vs. Cyrillic  → Cyrillic copying, presented at the 3rd Congress of Bulgarian Studies (Sofia, 2013).
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      Texts and transmissionGlagolitic
THIS IS A BOOK PREVIEW. IT DOESN'T INCLUDE NOTES, BIBLIOGRAPHY, AND INDICES. The Slavic Letters of St. Jerome is the first book-length study of the medieval legend that Church Father and biblical translator St. Jerome was a Slav who... more
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      History of IdeasMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryCzech History
Данная статья продолжает публикации 2012 и 2015 гг. и вводит в научный оборот 26 новгородских глаголических надписей-граффити середины XI–XII в., выявленных за последние годы. Публикуемые надписи были выполнены на стенах Софийского... more
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      Old Rus'Glagolitic
[Прошу прощения за искажение шрифтов на сайте! Для их корректного воспроизведения скачайте, пожалуйста, pdf!] Первая публикация 33 надписей-граффити из раскопок церкви Благовещения на Городище 1103 г. Комплекс включает величественную... more
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      Old Rus'Medieval EpigraphyNovgorod the GreatMedieval graffiti
The article deals with the use of Glagolitic alphabet in works, that were translated in East Bulgaria in the 10th c. The traces came to us in later Cyrillic manuscripts, that bring clear information about the widespread use of Glagolitic... more
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      Old Church SlavonicManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Old Bulgarian Literature
The paper “Cyrillic Manuscripts with Glagolitic Insertions” deals with the phenomenon of the so-called Cyrillic-Glagolitic digraphia (including the co-existence and diffusion of the two writing systems and the use of Glagolitic letters to... more
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      Russian LiteratureMedieval LiteratureManuscripts and Early Printed BooksMedieval Studies
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      Old Church SlavonicByzantine LiturgySlavic StudiesMedieval Liturgy
The article introduces a new Glagolitic fragment recently discovered at St Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai. Codicological, paleographic and orthographic analyses indicate that it was copied by an unknown South-Slavic scribe in the... more
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      Liturgical StudiesMedieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityLiturgy
The following study examines the reception in Bohemia of the belief that St. Jerome was a Slav, the author of the Roman Slavonic rite, and the creator of the Glagolitic alphabet. This legend developed in thirteenth-century Dalmatia in the... more
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      St JeromeLate Medieval Bohemia and Central EuropeGlagolitic
The study aims to address selected key issues concerning the characteristics and classification of the oldest Slavic manuscripts: what are the reasons for defining them as a corpus and canon, what new approaches could be used to retrieve... more
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      Medieval StudiesOld Church SlavonicManuscript StudiesByzantine Studies
In her new novel Az – Exploring the Ancient Croatian Glagolitic Script, novelist Jasna Horvat made an attempt to bring to light the lives and characters of the apostles of the Old Slavic language liturgy and literacy – Saint Cyril... more
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      SemioticsHistoryMathematicsLanguages and Linguistics
This article explores three Glagolitic liturgical manuscripts held at St Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai: the Sinai Horologion Fragment, Demetrius' Psalter, and the Sinai Liturgiarium (previously known as the Sinai Missal). After... more
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      Medieval StudiesPilgrimagePaleographyByzantine Liturgy
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      Croatian HistoryRomanesque ArtMedieval Croatian HistorySt Jerome
BUKOVEC, Predrag: Der Glagolitische Usus des Römischen Ritus. In: Ostkirchliche Studien 64 (2015) 96–129
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      LiturgyTridentine CatholicismCroatian HistoryEucharist
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      Medieval HistorySt JeromeGlagoliticOld Slavic alphabets
Tonći Ćićerić Traditional Singing of Solin as the Subject of Melographical Interests in the Former Half of the 20th Century Key words: Solin, Vladoje Bersa, Božidar Širola, Antonin Zaninović, Antun Dobronić, melographical activities,... more
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Insertions in Glagolitic are to be found in more than 50 Cyrillic manuscripts, which date from 11th-17th c. and belong to almost all Slavonic traditions. In some cases these insertions may be interpreted as an evidence for Glagolitic... more
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      Textual CriticismOld Church SlavonicManuscript StudiesTranslation Greek into Old Church Slavonic
It is argued that the Glagolitic alphabet was constructed as an ideographic illustration of sacred knowledge. The author attempts to demonstrate some basic ideas encoded in the forms of the letters. At the same time the alphabet seems to... more
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      SlavisticsGlagoliticSt Cyril the Philosopher
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      CroatianMorphosyntaxMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Glagolitic
A Study of the Beginnings of Text Transmission in Church Slavic: The Prologue to the Gospel Homiliary by Constantine of Preslav, the Text On the Script and the Treatise On the Letters by Anonymous Authors.
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticCyrillic OrthographiesMedieval Text Transmission
Ever since the famous Glagolitic-Old Church Slavonic Codex Zographensis was discovered some 175 years ago, its features have been subject to comprehensive research. Naturally, they have also become a major source for the reconstruction of... more
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      Old Church SlavonicManuscript StudiesSlavic StudiesOld Bulgarian Literature
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      Slavic Historical LinguisticsSlavic Studies in SwedenDigital descriptions of Slavic Cyrillic manuscripts and early printed books.Graphemics Grafematica Grafema Grapheme Written Language Scrittura Lettura Writing Reading Spelling Ortografia Orthography Iconicity Alphabet Alfabeto
On the use of the Glagolitic alphabet in medieval Bulgaria (and the Balkans).
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      Medieval StudiesOld Church SlavonicManuscript StudiesSlavic Studies
The article presents the first digital representaton of the Abecenarium bulgaricum - a Glagolitic alphabet from the XII c., and one of the oldest such sources. It revisits the two reproductions of the alphabet from a Latin manuscript... more
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      Digital HumanitiesSlavic LanguagesPaleographyAlphabetic Writing
The glagolitic alphabet was developed in the early 960s to write Slavic. Although no longer in active use, parts of it live on in cyrillic. Glagolitic closely followed the example of Greek, but discarded most of the redundancies that... more
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      Slavic LanguagesOld Church SlavonicSlavic Historical LinguisticsGlagolitic
Paper submitted to Полата книгописная in 2013, but not published.
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticMedieval Text TransmissionOld-Bulgarian language
Edition in 2 volumes (1 Introduction and Indices, 2 Text) of the answers to questions of a prince Antioch by a pseudo–Athanasius of Alexandria, published by the Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Episkop Konstantin Preslavski", Šumen, 2016
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticMedieval Text Transmission
Der Aufsatz entstand als Vorbereitung für einen Gastvortrag am 24. Juni 2022 in Halle (Saale), zu dem auch ein Video vorliegt
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      Old Church SlavonicSlavic StudiesGlagolitic
Od poticaja i priprema do glagoljičkoga Novoga testamenta [1562./1563.] Pogovor uz pretisak glagoljičkoga Novoga testamenta Includes 60 pages summary in English : Afterword to the Reprint of the Glagolitic New Testament Stipan... more
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      New TestamentCroatian HistorySlavic StudiesGlagolitic