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Este trabalho mostra os resultados do mapeamento geológico na escala de 1:50.000 da
área de Couto de Magalhães de Minas (~380 km2, Queiroz 2002) com ênfase na
caracterização dos diamictitos (tilitos) do Grupo Macaúbas (GrM).
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The scale at which a soil landscape (soilscape) is viewed has a significant impact on soil pattern and interpretations made from those patterns. Recently deglaciated soilscapes are particularly spatially complex. In order to understand... more
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Brief notes on abundance, occurrence, behavior and zoogeographic distribution are given for the 13 seabird species and 5 marine mammal species observed in the Antarctic and subantarctic regions. Natl.
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      Earth SciencesReproductionBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
The separation of populations by ice sheets into large refugia can account for much of the genetic diversity found in present day populations. The evolutionary implications of small glacial refugia have not been as thoroughly explored. To... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyMolecular Evolution
The Palaeoproterozoic Earth experienced a global glacial event at 2400 Ma that occurred during the transitional period from anoxic to aerobic conditions in the atmosphere and oceans. The Transvaal Supergroup in the Griqualand West Basin,... more
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      Earth SciencesGeochemistryGlobal changeSouth Africa
Four drowned shelf-edge delta complexes, two drowned shelf deltas, three drowned barrier islands, large areas of "hardground", and fields of bedforms on the mid and outer continental shelf and uppermost slope north of the head of De Soto... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologySea LevelDepth
Quaternary sedimentary successions are described from the Linda Valley, a small valley in western Tasmania that was dammed by ice during Early and Middle Pleistocene glaciations. Mapping and logging of exposures suggest that an orderly... more
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We review the long history of Russian scientific study of the major late Quaternary palaeodrainages and palaeolakes in northern Eurasia to provide overviews of (1) past research efforts (mainly published in the Russian language) and (2)... more
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      GlaciationNorthern EurasiaPalaeolakesLate Quaternary
A ma très chère mère et A mon très cher père A mes frères et soeurs Fatima, A mes Oncles, mes très chères Tantes et toute ma famille A tous mes amis, frères et Khoutis Que cette thèse qui vous est dédiée aujourd'hui, soit le gage de mon... more
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    • Glaciation
A 13-million-year continuous record of Oligocene climate from the equatorial Pacific reveals a pronounced “heartbeat” in the global carbon cycle and periodicity of glaciations. This heartbeat consists of 405,000-, 127,000-, and... more
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This study indicates the possible long-lasting impacts of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DGSD) on erosional and mass movement processes. DGSD-features are common large-scale landforms in the crystalline basement rocks of the... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologySlope StabilityRisk Management
Some 170,000-150,000 years ago (during MIS 6), large ice masses last covered the Netherlands and NW Germany (Saalian Drenthe Substage). This left many geomorphological features in the landscape, e.g. ice-pushed ridges, sandurs and... more
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      GeomorphologyQuaternary GeologyPaleo-ice streamsGlacial Geomorphology
High-resolution seismic data have been used to study the ice-stream-fed North Sea Fan, deposited from approximately Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 and onwards. Located at the outlet of the Norwegian Channel on the SE Nordic Seas... more
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      QuaternaryBiological SciencesBiologicalGlaciation
Detailed sedimentological and biostratigraphical studies of successions in the eastern Anti-Atlas (SE Morocco) focused on changing depositional environments and reconstructions of sea-level changes during the late Famennian to middle... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyBiostratigraphy
We have measured a suite of ''diagenetic parameters'' for several populations of archaeological bones buried in a number of northwest European sites since the last Ice Age. These are: the structural damage due to microbes; changes in bone... more
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During Pleistocene, the Laurentide ice sheet rearranged and diversified biotic distributions in eastern North America, yet had minimal physical impact in western North America where lineage diversification is instead hypothesized to... more
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      Climate ChangePhylogeographyWestern North AmericaPleistocene
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      GeologyClimateSea LevelInterpretation
The commonly held notion among earth scientists that Neoproterozoic low latitude glaciation (ca. 720-585 Ma), sometimes referred to as snowball Earth, caused major extinctions and imparted important evolutionary consequences upon the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyMicrofossils
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      GeologyGeomorphologyRemote SensingLandscape Evolution
The Huronian Supergroup (,2.4±2.2 Ga) comprises up to 12 km of mainly sedimentary supracrustal rocks. The oldest Huronian unit, the Livingstone Creek Formation, is chemically and mineralogically immature. Signi®cant chemical weathering... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryChemical WeatheringImpact
A sedimentary succession included in the lower section of the Playa Hermosa Formation from the Playa Verde Basin, Uruguay, is described. Two facies associations, one mainly coarse-to medium-grained and other one fine-grained, have been... more
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Keywords: DEM Relief Volume Drumlin Glacier bedform
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      GeologyGeomorphologyDigital Elevation ModelsPleistocene
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyEcology
This paper presents a study of sinuous ridges on the Plateau west of Echus Chasma in the upper Kasei Valles, Mars. The ridges are superimposed upon a Hesperian Plateau, bounded to the north and west by more recent Amazonian lava flows.... more
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      StructuresRough TerrainGlacialVolcanism
s Abstract Late Carboniferous and Early Permian strata record the transition from a cold interval in Earth history, characterized by the repeated periods of glaciation and deglaciation of the southern pole, to a warm-climate interval.... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeEarthglobal Climate change
The dynamics of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG) are assessed under present and glacial boundary conditions by investigating the SPG sensitivity to surface wind-stress changes in a coupled climate model. To this end, the gyre... more
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      OceanographyClimate ChangeAbrupt Climate ChangeClimate Dynamics
. Schematic of topographic relief at the start of glaciation (bed-rock profile underneath ice at left and dashed line at right), during glaciation (ice surface at left), and after glaciation (bedrock profile at right and dashed line at... more
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      GeologyMineralogyWest AfricaEarth
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      GeologyGeomorphologyRemote SensingFluvial Processes
Glacially deformed pieces of wood, organic lake sediments and clasts of reworked peat have been collected in front of Alpine glaciers since ad 1990. The palaeoglaciological interpretation of these organic materials is related to earlier... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyClimate ChangeWood Anatomy
This work provides a pilot study of global sequence stratigraphic correlation for the Precambrian for five chosen cratons. Detailed chronostratigraphic charts summarize the supracrustal geological evolution of each craton, and are in the... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsSequence StratigraphyPrecambrian
We describe and discuss the glacial and climate variations in the Polar Ural Mountains in northern Russia over the last 100 000 years. A series of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon ages from sediment cores... more
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      Earth SciencesPaleoclimateHistory and archaeologyQuaternary Science Reviews
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      GeologyGeomorphologyAlluvial fansMoraines
Keywords: (banded) iron formation iron isotopes Rapitan Group Neoproterozoic glaciation rare earth elements We have measured the iron isotope compositions and trace element concentrations of a suite of iron formation (IF) samples from the... more
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      Earth SciencesPhysical sciencesIronBanded Iron Formation
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      GeologyMineralogyStratigraphyGeotechnical Engineering
Geological evidence shows that the ice sheet and climate in Antarctica has changed considerably since the onset of glaciation around 34 million years ago. By analysing this evidence, important information concerning processes responsible... more
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      Earth SciencesEvolutionClimatePaleoclimate
Examples of determination on the spectral albedo of glacier surface were obtained, using ENVI software and remote sensing data from Landsat 7 ETM + and Terra satellites. The paper contains estimates of moraine cover change and data on the... more
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      GlaciologyRemote SensingGlaciology, mountain glaciersHydrology and water resources
Two endemic groundwater arthropod crustacean species, Crangonyx islandicus and Crymostygius thingvallensis, were recently discovered on the mid-Atlantic volcanic island of Iceland. The extent of morphological differences from closest... more
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      GeographyPhylogeographyMolecular EvolutionCrustacea
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      GeologyGeomorphologyQuaternaryActive Tectonics
The eastern Hindu Kush in northern Pakistan is among the most dynamically active tectonic and geomorphic areas in the world. During the Quaternary, valley-fill sediments of great thickness have been deposited by glacial, fluvial, eolian... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyQuaternaryActive Tectonics
During Pleistocene, the Laurentide ice sheet rearranged and diversified biotic distributions in eastern North America, yet had minimal physical impact in western North America where lineage diversification is instead hypothesized to... more
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      Climate ChangePhylogeographyWestern North AmericaPleistocene
The Neoproterozoic Quruqtagh Group in eastern Chinese Tianshan consists of, in ascending order, the Bayisi, Zhaobishan, Altungol, Tereeken, Zhamoketi, Yukkengol, Shuiquan, and Hankalchough Formations. Diamictite units occur in the... more
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      Earth SciencesPrecambrianHigh ResolutionCarbon Isotope
The mechanisms leading to the onset of the African Humid Period (AHP) 14 500-11 000 yr ago are elucidated using two different climate-vegetation models in a suite of transient glacial-interglacial simulations covering the last 21 000 yr.... more
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      OceanographyModelingClimateSensitivity Analysis
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Landform evolution around the Mt Field Plateau has been strongly influenced by multiple stages of cold glacial climate. Only small glaciers were present during the late Last Glacial or Global Isotope Stage 2, but degraded moraines and the... more
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      Earth SciencesQuaternaryEnvironmental SciencesUranium series dating