Giving Circles
Recent papers in Giving Circles
Giving circles are growing in number in the U.S., U.K., and elsewhere. They involve individuals pooling resources and deciding together where and how to give these away. They also include social, educational, and volunteer opportunities... more
A giving circle is an example of collective philanthropy where donors pool their financial capital to support a non-profit organisation. While giving circles have existed for decades, they are funding a fresh expression as individuals... more
Giving circles are groups of individuals who pool their resources and decide together where these resources should be distributed. They are becoming especially popular among non-traditional donors such as women, people of color, young... more
Giving groups or circles represent a trend emerging across the UK in which groups of donors collaborate to support-through giving and sometimes volunteering-individuals, organizations, or projects. Members often conduct research on... more
This article reports on an exploratory study to understand the impact of the new philanthropy on funding recipients by asking nonprofit professionals about their experiences working with giving circles. Giving circles are growing in... more
Giving circles are growing in number in the U.S., U.K., and elsewhere. They involve individuals pooling resources and deciding together where and how to give these away. They also include social, educational, and volunteer opportunities... more
Hidup berbahagia menjadi orang yang mau Giving dan melayani dengan menjadikan diri nyaman buat diri dan orang-orang di sekitar kita.
There has been little discussion about the democratic impacts of new roles and expectations put on private philanthropy and voluntarism in an era of governance beyond the state. This article explores tensions philanthropic voluntary... more
The 20/20 Social Impact Leaders' Group comprises young Asian philanthropists who wanted a way to 'engage next-generation leaders through peer to peer learning for the purpose of collective action'. The article is published in... more
Ce travail porte sur la question de l’argent dans l’œuvre de Charles Fontaine durant la décennie 1550. Il montre de quelle façon s’exprime la tension entre tradition et modernité dans laquelle se trouve pris le poète parisien installé à... more
To address these questions, we gathered data in two steps: First, we created a database of GCs based on secondary data from previous studies and a web-based search to document existing GCs. Then, we surveyed GCs using the database... more
Whilst philanthropy has long helped fund private initiatives for public good, governments are becoming more interested in expanding this income source as pressures on public spending increase. One outcome of multiple efforts to enhance... more
Giving Circles are a significant part of the American philanthropy landscape and have been the subject of academic study since 2004. They are important not only for raising funds for locally based, non-profit organisations, but also as a... more
on the role of grantmaking in social change PLUS
various locations in Asia, and elsewhere. While a growing body of research has mapped out the landscape of giving circles and their impact, it has focused almost exclusively on donors/members (Bearman,
The purpose of this paper is to examine the types of organizations that benefit from giving circles in the U.S. and U.K. The research draws on data from interviews, surveys, observations, and documentation collected in both countries. The... more
Article for SALT non-profit sector online magazine, March 2012
Wealth is being created across Asia Pacific with unprecedented speed. There are now more high net worth individuals in Asia than in either North America or Europe. Economic development is creating huge middle classes in emerging economies... more
Giving circles are groups of individuals who pool their resources and decide together where these resources should be distributed. They are becoming especially popular among non-traditional donors such as women, people of color, young... more
Giving to charity has never been a solitary activity in any culture. People have joined together to give for millennia. In Asia, clan associations, religious groups or just friends have enjoyed the benefits of giving as a group. But there... more
The purpose of this research was to better understand how charities and social enterprises in the UK are responding and adapting to tools of the "new philanthropy" environment, particularly to funding from "giving circles." Giving circles... more
Recent efforts to grow philanthropy in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland have focused on increasing the number of donors and size of donations, rather than on developing new methods of giving, despite this latter approach sharing the... more