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On the lower walls of the Upper Church at Assissi there is a series of frescoes (1297-1300) by Giotto that celebrate the life of St Francis as recounted in Bonaventure’s life of the saint (from which excerpts are found beneath each... more
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      MusicPaintingEdmund HusserlLiminality
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      Art HistoryArtMedieval HistoryCultural Heritage
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryFranciscan StudiesItalian Renaissance Art
Una monografia intentata fino ad oggi sugli apparati dipinti da Giotto a contorno di storie e figure iconiche nei suoi dipinti murali. Oltre alle novità che questo studio può consegnare ai filologi, a di là degli sguardi su cui la cultura... more
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      GiottoConceptual FrameworkCultural FrameworksGiotto di Bondone
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      Italian Renaissance ArtGiottoItalian late medieval and Renaissance devotional art, ritual, and patronageTrecento and Quattrocento Italian Art
This ambitious book is about a way of building that for centuries dominated the making of monumental architecture – yet now not only is it lost as practice, knowledge of its very existence is consigned to oblivion. In pre-modern Europe,... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyArchitectureMedieval StudiesRenaissance Studies
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      Gothic architectureGiottoMedieval churches; architectural symbolism; church towersKirchenbauten - Mittelater - Barockzeit
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      Exhibition, Museum, Expositions and Worlds FairsGiottoMedieval panel painting
Un análisis visual e historiográfico de la obra de Duccio di Buonisegna permite establecer continuidades estilísticas e iconográficas entre los íconos griegos y bizantinos y la pintura del renombrado Gótico internacional.
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      IconographyGiottoSienaTrecento Painting
Le nostre azioni, pensieri, gesti, parole sono di fatto, nelle sfumature diverse dei significati, mediazione, traduzione, interpretazione, in senso attivo e passivo. Ogni forma di comunicazione è "traduzione" e quanto più è ben formulata,... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesAugustineMedieval Art
Dieci grandi opere d'arte del passato interpretate da dieci scrittori: Ferdinando Albertazzi, Sara Boero, Teresa Buongiorno, Roberto Denti, Ermanno Detti, Aldo Gerbino, Angela Nanetti, Emanuela Nava, Roberto Piumini, Costanza Savini e da... more
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      Art HistoryChildren's Literature & CultureInternational Human Rights LawInternational Refugee Law
Publisher's flyer of the book by Paul Hills, Veiled Presence: Body and Drapery from Giotto to Titian, Yale University Press, 2018.
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      Phenomenology of the bodyItalian Renaissance ArtGiovanni BelliniTitian
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      Medieval PortraitureMedieval ArtTombs (Medieval Studies)Giotto
From Jackson Pollock's gestural abstraction to Pierre-Auguste Renoir's painting with a brush tied to his dysfunctional hand, certain artistic gestures acquire fixed meanings. This paper investigates the role of imitated artistic... more
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      AestheticsRenaissance ArtPostmodernismEkphrasis
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      GiottoRestauration and ConservationMedieval Wall Paintings
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryGiottoXiiI century
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      ReligionAestheticsVisual StudiesArt History
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Atti del Convegno: Dante, fra il settecentocinquantenario della nascita (2015) e il settecentario della morte (2021), Maggio-Ottobre 2015, vol. II, Salerno Editrice, Roma 2016, pp. 799-815.
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryDante StudiesMedieval Studies
A Padova, oltre alla celebre Cappella dell’Arena affrescata da Giotto, Scrovegni ne commissionò al pittore un’altra, ora identificata, nella basilica del Santo.
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      History of ArtMedieval ArtGiottoMedieval Wall Paintings
frescoes on the walls of the Scrovegni Chapel have been studied and discussed by many artists and historians. It was clear, that he himself single-handedly reformed the art of medieval fresco painting with the Arena Chapel. The... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtGiotto
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      Art HistorySymbolismSymbolism (Religion)Giotto
La quinta serie è pubblicata, con periodicità semestrale, in due fascicoli di circa 300 pagine ciascuno.
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtHistoriography (in Art History)Giotto
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      Art HistoryDrawingsGiottoMedieval Painting
Ci chiediamo quali sono e qual’è il significato dei due edifici piramidali che si trovano sullo sfondo di una serie di rappresentazioni della Crocifissione di S. Pietro nel trecento e nel quattrocento. È naturale vederli come le due mete... more
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Alberti's aims with De pictura/Della pittura are closely mirrored by the tripartite division of the text, as well as the compressed ideas within each section. He sought to elevate the status of painting that of a liberal art, which... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Applied MathematicsArt HistoryRhetoric
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      Art and SciencePhilosophy of TimeItalian Renaissance ArtTime Perception
Es ist, wenn es um Bilder, gemalte Bilder geht, nicht ungefährlich, sich von Texten leiten zu lassen. Die Ausstellung Rothko/Giotto geht dieses Risiko ein, indem sie Rothko prima facie beim Wort nimmt. In seinem um 1940 verfassten,... more
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      Art HistoryModern ArtMedieval ArtGiotto
Research paper for Art History, visit to the San Diego Museum of Art
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      Art HistoryArtRenaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance Art
This essay aims to investigate the lost ‘Uomini Illustri’ cycles in Napoli, Milano and Padova, traditionally linked to Giotto, Petrarch and to the ‘Proto-Humanistic’ culture. The author offers some research ideas and hypothesis on the... more
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      GiottoPadovaFrancesco PetrarcaCarraresi
For Giotto, architecture meant the definition of the spatial conditions that would allow the main gestures of the different stories to take place. At first sight, the “temple” in the Expulsion of Joachim and in the Presentation of the... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtDanteDante AlighieriItalian Renaissance Architecture
Estratto da El corazón es centro. Narraciones, representaciones y metáforas del corazón en el mundo hispánico, Antonella Cancellier, Alessia Cassani, Elena Dal Maso (eds.), Cleup Padova 2017
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      GiottoHistoria del ArteStoria Dell'Arte Medievale
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      GiottoMedieval Wall PaintingsSt. Francis of Assisi
Padova. Nuove importanti scoperte sull'attività di Giotto a Padova.
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval ArtGiotto
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      Art HistoryPiero della FrancescaLeonardo da VinciHistory of architecture
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      Media StudiesRenaissance StudiesPaintingVitruvius
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      Political PhilosophyVisual StudiesIconographyItalian Studies
Giotto, la scultura, gli scultori tando il campanile affermò che "le prime storie sono nello edificio il quale da llui fu edificato, del campanile di sancta Reparata furono di sua mano scolpite e disegnate. Nella mia età vidi... more
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      Medieval ArtGiottoMedieval Sculpture
Estratto dal volume "Alberto da Padova e la cultura degli Agostiniani", a cura di Francesco Bottin, Padova University Press, dicembre 2014, pp. 1-334.
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAugustine
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationGothic StudiesArt ConservationGiotto
Background: The important trecento Florentine artist Giotto (c. 1266-1337) is renowned for his naturalistic and realistic works in tempera and fresco. His innovative paintng style involved painting expressive, emotive faces and use of... more
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      GiottoAncient Pigments AnalysisPigmentsHistory of Pigments
All'indomani dell'uscita de La pecora di Giotto le reazioni furono contrastanti. Gianni Romano recensì l'opera sull'italianissimo « Bollettino d'Arte ». Indicava nel libro « un documento di sana filologia storica (e di storia della... more
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      Medieval ArtMedieval Art HistoryGiottoGothic Painting
This contribution investigates the fresco decoration carried out by Giotto in the chapel of Saint Catherine in the basilica of Sant’Antonio in Padua, today almost entirely lost as a result of the restoration of the chapel in the 1920s and... more
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      Franciscan StudiesMedieval ArtPerspectiveGiotto
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      PetrarchParagoneLiterature and Visual ArtsHistoriography (in Art History)
Cabello Llano, I. (2014), Giotto. La Italia del Trecento a través de los frescos de la Capilla de los Scrovegni en Padua, Trabajo de Final de Asignatura (Arte y sociedad, 1o de carrera), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
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      HistoriaArtesGiottoHistoria del Arte
This paper investigates the discrepancies between text and image in a case study on the iconography of Mary Magdalene beneath the cross, which developed around 1300. It argues that no textual source accounts for this new iconography,... more
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      IconographySpace and PlaceFranciscan StudiesVisual Semantics
Per secoli tenuta nascosta all’interno del complesso dell’abbazia cistercense di Chiaravalle della Colomba, la sagrestia, o meglio, i dipinti murali che decorano l’ambiente ottagonale aggiunto nel tardo Duecento alla struttura precedente,... more
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      IconographyArchitectureHistory of DressMedieval Studies
Catalogo della mostra «Onorevole e antico cittadino di Firenze». Il Bargello per Dante, patrocinata dal Comitato Nazionale per le Celebrazioni del 700° Anniversario della morte di Dante Alighieri. Il Bargello è luogo dantesco per... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryDante StudiesPainting
Classe prima +MSXXSGSQIYR½PQ Affrontare Giotto in prima media permette di connettersi in modo sinergico con il percorso di Storia e Lettere, in quanto si tratta di uno degli snodi capitali della vicenda artistica e umana del nostro mondo.... more
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      Francis BaconThe SublimeGiottoPaesaggio