Gillian Rose

89 papers
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Gillian Rose (1947-1995) was a British philosopher and social theorist known for her contributions to feminist theory, visual culture, and critical theory. Her work often explored the intersections of aesthetics, politics, and ethics, emphasizing the importance of visual representation in understanding social dynamics and identity.
A dilemma in critical systems thinking is how to balance a desire for critique to inspire far-reaching transformations in society with the requirement for people to reach accommodations to enable on-the-ground change. Both critique and... more
In Origin of the German Trauerspiel, Benjamin offers a “natural history” of Baroque sovereignty. This paper examines how the Baroque allegory of nature, implied in the natural history approach, informs Benjamin’s legal critique and... more
Karl Korsch was the prominent member of Western Marxism. The deaths of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels led to separation of Marxists in Western Europe. K. Korsch was more independent and critical than others. His approach to Marxism was... more
Book panel on the publication of Gillian Rose's 1979 Frankfurt School lectures, Marxist Modernism, by Verso
This paper poses the question as to whether identity politics can be understood as a dialectics of liberation or what philosopher Gillian Rose calls a "paradox of empowerment." The first promises to emancipate the oppressed and... more
The first portion of Chris Cutrone's 2024 book Marxism and Politics published by Sublation Press. Book description: Capitalism is a revolutionary situation of the last stage of pre-history, and the potential and possibility for freedom,... more
Paper given at the twenty-first annual Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS University of London, November 2024
In his 1990 book on Adorno, Late Marxism, Fredric Jameson writes that the sheer guilt of art itself in a class society, art as luxury and class privilege [is] a ground bass that resonates throughout all of Adorno’s aesthetic reflections... more
Bu yazı Britanyalı filozof ve sosyolog Gillian Rose'un Marksist Modernizm adlı eserinden alınmıştır. Bu eser Rose'un 1979 yılında Sussex Üniversitesi'nde lisans öğrencilerine Frankfurt Okulu üzerine verdiği bir dizi giriş dersinden... more
This essay advances a reading of Theodor W. Adorno's mature interventions into sociology as a 'critique of sociological categories'. It maintains that his unorthodox commitment to sociology was simultaneously a dialectical commitment to... more
In his famous meditation on Jewish history, Zakhor, Yosef Haim Yerushalmi laments what he considers to be a lacuna of "historiography" in rabbinic literature. "Classical rabbinic literature," he writes, "was never intended as... more
This paper explores Hegel’s philosophy of reconciliation grounded in the Christian concept of the Trinity and considers its practical relevance to peacemaking work in a Christian, pro bono legal ministry. It further discusses Hegel's... more
During the First World War, György Lukács began to study Hegel more intensively, as he reminds us in 1967 in the “Preface to the New Edition” of History and Class Consciousness. Although Hegel’s effect on him “was highly ambiguous”,... more
As an anomaly on the market of military shooters of the 21st century, Spec Ops: The Line entails a journey of anti-militainment and modern warfare consequences. In this study, the narrative is analyzed from the perspective of Jean... more
This article draws on Espen Aarseth's concepts of cybertext (1997) and ludo-narratives (2012), on rhetorical narrative theory and on Miguel Sicart's (2013) conception of the ethics of computer games, in a discussion of medial functions... more
This essay challenges the dismissal of nationalist politics in readings of Ulysses by reconnecting the “Cyclops” episode to the aporias of modern political thought. Drawing from Joyce’s neglected notes to the episode, it relocates... more
We explore Marx's conception of a humanly emancipated society and the role of political life in achieving it. We argue that Marx's critique of political alienation must be balanced with a positive vision of political life embracing the... more
In a recent article appearing in Spectre Journal, Darren Roso concludes his discussion of "Weimar's Marxist Heretic: Reading Karl Korsch Today" by stating that "It is, perhaps, a good but dark time to read authors like Korsch who... more
Following Jacob Taubes, this essay seeks to make a comparison of the work of Karl Barth and Walter Benjamin. I argue, with the assistance of Rowan Williams and Gillian Rose, that Barth and Benjamin, for differing reasons, refuse the... more
Degree Programme MA Christian Theology Module Code CTH599 Module Title Dissertation in Christian Theology Dissertation Title A comparative, case study analysis of Christian and Muslim perspectives on the secular world and associated... more
Philosophical attention to Georg Lukács has increased in recent years, with several studies focused specifically on the unique approach to Marxist theory he developed between the October revolution and the end of the 1920s. While Lukács:... more
The problem of beginning, of course, appears first in thought and speculation about the origin of the universe, and we know the Hebrew solution for its perplexities-the assumption of a Creator God who is outside his own creation in the... more
Vladimir Safatle's new book, Dar corpo ao impossível: O sentido da dialética de eodor Adorno (Giving Body to the Impossible: e Meaning of eodor Adorno's Negative Dialectic, 2019), shows that he ought to be counted among the impressive... more
Father Ioan Chirila, professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology from Cluj-Napoca, proposes in 2017 a new volume of theological essays: Model, Chip, Sens, published by the Eikon publishing house, Cluj-Napoca. The previous volume, also... more
Gillian Rose, a notoriously difficult philosopher, is not only worth the effort to read but, at least in my experience, has proven to offer real insight and practical guidance in the context of conflict mediation 'on the street' outside... more
The present thesis puts the trinitarianism, christology, and anthropology of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s kenotic theology, Rowan Williams’s tragic theology, and Sarah Coakley’s ascetic theology into critical and triangulated conversation: in... more
The present thesis puts the trinitarianism, christology, and anthropology of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s kenotic theology, Rowan Williams’s tragic theology, and Sarah Coakley’s ascetic theology into critical and triangulated conversation: in... more
As an alternative to Utilitarianism, animal ethics turned to the Continental philosophies of Levinas and Derrida that welcome and revere Otherness. While Utilitarianism relies on a 'closed' system of ethical calculations, the Levinasian... more
This paper begins by showing how Georg Lukács' determination of the 'standpoint of the proletariat' resolved the theoretical and practical antinomies of bourgeois life in a too-abstract, philosophical manner. In Lukács' hands, the... more
Gillian Rose, a notoriously difficult philosopher, is not only worth the effort to read but, at least in my experience, has proven to offer real insight and practical guidance in the context of conflict mediation 'on the street' outside... more
Sound is an important medium in our lives, but its ephemeral nature can be problematic when people cannot recall something they heard in the past. Motivated by everyday conversational breakdowns, we present the design of a continuous,... more
In the central chapter of his History and Class Consciousness (1923), 'Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat', Georg Lukacs explicated the concept of reification. Lukacs drew insights from Max Weber, Georg Simmel and... more
Two course curricula: "Critical Theory" and "Holocaust and Liberation Sociology", both offered as part of the MA in Social and Political Thought, University of Warwick, 1991-2. The second curriculum has my own annotations from Gillian's... more
This essay discusses the political thought of Rowan Williams in the context of his leading influences and wider theology. It shows the continuity in his political writing from his early days as a radical to his frequent political speeches... more
As an alternative to Utilitarianism, animal ethics turned to the Continental philosophies of Levinas and Derrida that welcome and revere Otherness. While Utilitarianism relies on a 'closed' system of ethical calculations, the Levinasian... more
This article deals with the journey of western dialectical debate from Hegel to Marx and other Marxist critics. Hegelian idealist philosophy believes on the existence of idea which, according to Hegel, shapes other worldly matters.... more
The article discusses the poster as a form of visual message used for agitation propaganda mainly during world wars. Hence, the introductory part covers both the visual layer, verbal communication, and non-verbal communication as well as... more
Adorno's social theory is enjoying renewed attention, as is the debate to what extent is it Marxist. A central issue remains Adorno's concept of social totality: capitalism as a fully integrated society in which every difference is... more
Eschatology is a key theological concept within Christian theology, derived from the Greek to designate the study of the "end of things." 1 As part of theological discourse, eschatology would at first glance, therefore, appear at most a... more
In the second half of the 19th and the first quarter of the 20th century there was a surge in creative writing and most of the masterpieces in American and European literature came out during this period as they did during the... more
As the computer game matures and grows as an art form, the question of how game designers can use ethics as a means of game motivation and thus also as a means of game mechanics becomes increasingly important. The times when designers... more