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This document outlines requirements for both F-10 and 7-10 German under the Australian Curriculum. It provides the information in a side-by-side and more easily digestible format.
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageAustralian CurriculumThe Australian Curriculum
The goals of teaching language (second, foreign, or other) have evolved beyond the formal study of a given linguistic construct for its own sake. Foreign language teaching increasingly revolves around a specific outcome: facilitating the... more
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      German StudiesApplied LinguisticsSecond Language Teacher EducationGerman langugage and teaching
This PowerPoint gives explicit instructions, marking criteria, vocabulary help and resources for the Eurovision task, aligned to the Australian Curriculum: Languages (German).
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesGerman langugage and teachingTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesMusic and Song in Language Teaching
A conference presentation given at multiple state and national German teacher conferences about the possibilities and benefits of using Eurovision in the German or language classroom.
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesGerman langugage and teachingTeaching German As a Foreign LanguageAustralian Curriculum: Languages (German)
El presente trabajo informa acerca de los resultados del avance de un proyecto de investigación correspondiente al ámbito del Diseño de Materiales de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras. El propósito es identificar los rasgos específicos de... more
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      Language AcquisitionCurriculum DesignAcademic curriculumTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Translation process is an irreplaceable activity which brings societies and individuals together and which helps them have dialogue and communicate with each other. It dates back as far as the beginning of the history of mankind. Through... more
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageGermanyGerman langugage and teaching
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      Languages and LinguisticsInterCultural StudiesHussite revolution (Bohemia)Jan Hus
In response to discussions on the use of commercial games as L2 learning resources, we developed a project to explore game-enhanced, literacies-informed instruction in a college-level, fifth-semester L2 German classroom. Faced with an... more
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      Computer Assisted Language LearningNew LiteraciesTeaching of Foreign LanguagesGame Based Learning
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      Intercultural CompetenceIntercultural Communicative CompetenceGerman langugage and teaching
Nach einer Darstellung des fremdsprachlichen Schreibprozesses werden verschiedene Techniken zur Überprüfung und Überarbeitung der Schreibproduktion in den Bereichen Sprache, Inhalt und Textaufbau erläutert und mit Beispielen illustriert.
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      German langugage and teachingTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studiesDaF-UnterrichtDaF-Didaktik
learn or teach basic German vocabulary with ease!!!!
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    • German langugage and teaching
Medien im neokommunikativen Fremdsprachenunterricht: Ein-satzformen und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten This survey article discusses recent trends in foreign language teaching in Germany. Special reference is given to various concepts of media... more
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      Teaching EFLGerman langugage and teachingFLT - French language teaching
Ural, N. (2020). ALMANCA ÖĞRETİMİNDE KULLANILAN İKİ DERS KİTABININ ATASÖZÜ VE DEYİM VARLIĞI AÇISINDAN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. H. Asutay (Der.) Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Araştırmaları - Almancanın İzdüşümleri (S. 152-180) içinde. Edirne: Trakya... more
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      Language EducationDeutsch als FremdspracheGerman langugage and teachingYabancı dil olarak Almanca
Vgl. dazu inr Deutschrnagazin u a Dautei 4,/C7 und Hcppe. Ukert 3z'*6 2 Zunr grundsätrlichen Vorgehen vgl. auch Alnrut 3cppe, Selbst-i,nd fremdbewert,rng mit dem Kcrr*kturhr:gen im *eutsrh-*nterjcht, !n: D!es. u. a. ii-lrsg.J, Bewerten... more
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      DidacticsGerman langugage and teaching
Kollokationen oder ´typische Wortverbindungen´ (z.B. Ersatz leisten) werden in der Wortschatzareit, wenn überhautpt, nur ganz am Rande behandelt. Die verbreitetsten Lehrwerke für Deutsch als Fremdsprache thematisieren diesen wichtigen... more
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      Foreign language teaching and learningVocabulary Learning StrategiesVocabulary LearningDeutsch als Fremdsprache
This chapter makes an argument for the place of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) in tertiary language studies, with specific reference to the Spanish and German programs at the University of Melbourne. Incorporating WIL into our curricula... more
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      Spanish as a Foreign LanguageIntercultural CompetenceWork Integrated LearningTeaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsTransitivityTransitivity AnalysisTense aspect modality
Die Deutsche nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese publikation in der Deutschen nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
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      German StudiesHuman Resource ManagementDeutsch als FremdspracheGerman langugage and teaching
The aim of this article as a part of a bigger research is to systematize the typical errors in seconadary school students' compositions at schools with intensive German teaching as a first foreign language. The article also aims to show... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionGerman LanguageMorphology and SyntaxWord order
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      ReadingTeaching and Learning Writing and ReadingGerman langugage and teaching
Die Deutsche nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese publikation in der Deutschen nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
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      German StudiesIntercultural CommunicationIntercultural EducationGerman Cinema
Den Wortschatz einer Fremdsprache anzueignen und zu beherrschen, stellt für viele Fremdsprachenlerner einen mühsamen Weg dar. Wörter – vorausgesetzt man hat sie auch gelernt – geraten schnell in Vergessenheit, vor allem dann, wenn sie... more
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      German StudiesGermanDeutsch als FremdspracheGerman langugage and teaching
Translation process is an irreplaceable activity which brings societies and individuals together and ensures all kinds of dialogues or communication among them in our day. In view of improving the quality of translation, the importance of... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureGerman LanguageGerman langugage and teaching
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı Nobel ödüllü ünlü Alman yazar Heinrich Böll'ün 1959 yı-lında yayımladığı "Dokuz Buçukta Bilardo (Billard um halb zehn) " adlı romanı ile farklı çevirmenler tarafından farklı tarihlerde çevirisi yapılmış olan üç ayrı... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureGerman LanguageGermany
This paper investigates the effect of the mode of reception (listening vs. reading) on the comprehension of literary texts of different degrees of linguistic complexity in German, testing schoolchildren in Grade 8. To this end, two texts... more
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      German LiteratureDidacticsGerman LanguageApplied Linguistics
The key aim of this article is to presents some exemplary LSP (languages for specific purpose) teaching techniques and exercises on the academic level. Firstly, the paper gives an overview of the challenges of the present-day job market... more
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      Languages for Specific PurposesCase StudyFachsprachenGerman langugage and teaching
This paper deals with the teaching approach of critical media literacy in communicative language teaching in the classroom of Elementary German at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The first part of this paper will state the basic... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionGerman LanguageCritical Media LiteracyGerman langugage and teaching
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageTEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - GERMAN, ENGLISH
This paper aims to presents some exemplary LSP (languages for specific purpose) teaching techniques on the university level in order to meet the challenges of the present-day job market situation and corporate environment. First, the... more
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      Languages for Specific PurposesFachsprachenGerman langugage and teachingTeaching German As a Foreign Language
Conference of the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German, University of Calgary, 30 May 2016
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      Heinrich von KleistGerman langugage and teaching
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      Conversation AnalysisApplied LinguisticsTeaching of Foreign LanguagesL2 interactional competence
This document outlines how the Eurovision unit aligns to the Australian Curriculum: Languages (German) and on what Achievement Standards students could be assessed.
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesThe Australian CurriculumGerman langugage and teachingTeaching German as a Foreign Language, Translation studies
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      PhraseologyGerman langugage and teachingGerman as a Foreign LanguageAdvertising Texts
El documento describe la manera de operar de la Academia Raudales de Lenguas Vivas ALVIVAS. Explicita que funciona conforme a mecanismos de cooperación, apoyo mutuo y solidaridad. Deja claro que su cometido es el de fomentar el... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSelf and IdentitySecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and Linguistics
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      Creative WritingAcademic WritingFriedrich HölderlinGerman langugage and teaching
Deutschsprachige Schulen in Rumänien werden als attraktive Bildungsvariante mit guten Chancen für den Arbeitsmarkt eingeschätzt, zum Teil auf Grund spezifischer Stärken. Nichtsdestotrotz stehen sie seit 1989 und der massiven Auswanderung... more
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    • German langugage and teaching