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Casi al día siguiente de la llegada de Hitler al poder, Emmanuel Levinas, en su doble condición de filósofo y judío, publicó un texto en el que manifestaba -ya en 1934- una especial sensibilidad para presentir lo que se estaba gestando en... more
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      Contemporary French PhilosophyÉmmanuel LévinasNazi PhilosophyPhenomenology, Hermeneutics, contemporary continental philosophy, axiology (theories and applied research on values), philosophical and cultural anthropology, diversity managment, gender studies, intercultural communication, and translations studies
This article maps Cassirer’s reception and possible impact on French philosophy from 1903 to 1948.
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      Contemporary French PhilosophyMartin HeideggerLéon BrunschvicgErnst Cassirer
迎向世界之無限的哲學思索──敬悼鄧高誼教授(László Tengelyi, 1954–2014)
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      German and French PhenomenologyLászló Tengelyi
El presente texto es una colección de ensayos que giran en torno a la obra del filósofo francés Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). Como bien se hace notar en la introducción del libro, este no es un intento apologético, sino más bien crítico.... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesPhenomenologyContinental Philosophy
The following paper is a translation of two short texts of H.R. Sepp on the topic of oicological philosophy (as part of the forthcoming monograph). The first text entitled "Шта је оиколошка филозофија?" (What is oicological philosophy?)... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlPhenomenology of the bodyPhilosophy of Ecology
In this talk, we show that the thesis of the multiplicity of the world in enactivism can be complemented by phenomenology, especially from the reflections on the concept of world and life in Edmund Husserl and Helmuth Plessner. There are... more
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      MetaphysicsEnactivismHusserlian phenomenologyEnaction
El presente volumen, dedicado a la memoria de Carlos E. Restrepo, reúne los trabajos-revisados y ampliados como capítulos de libro-presentados en las "I Jornadas Internacionales Jean-Luc Marion: entre filosofía y teología", organizadas... more
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      PhilosophyPhenomenologyJean-Luc MarionFrench philosophy
The contributions of Alsatian philosopher and theologian Jean Hering (1890–1966) to the early reception of Husserl’s phenomenology in France have been recognized by Speigelberg, Monseu, and others. This essay probes and elucidates certain... more
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      PhenomenologyContemporary French PhilosophyÉmmanuel LévinasEdmund Husserl
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlJean-Luc MarionGerman and French Phenomenology