German Romanticism
Recent papers in German Romanticism
A selection of some of Novalis’s most important reflections on mathematics from the years 1798-1800. Introduced and translated into English by David W. Wood. In: Symphilosophie: International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism 3... more
In my talk I will focus on Andrei Tarkovskys unrealised film script “Hoffmanniana” as well as his mid-career masterpiece “Mirror", tracing the influence of German romantic Naturphilosophie and magic as found in E.T.A. Hoffmann’s writings... more
Paru aux é ditions Delarbre : - « Je dois avoir un ancêtre qui s’appelle Rousseau, j’ai voulu relire Les Rêveries d’un promeneur solitaire, livre admirable... more
The aim of the paper is to analyze the Hegelian interpretation of the notion of “irony” in the light of its evolution thorough the Berlin courses and in a comparison with the edition of the Ästhetik published by Hotho. The analysis of the... more
This article contains details on the origins and history of the publication of Arthur Schopenhauer’s Manuscript remains. In addition to that, an analysis of his youth notes up to 1812 is provided as well as a brief description... more
Co-edited and translated with Jacob van Sluis. Vol 1 of the Edinburgh Edition of the Philosophical Works of François Hemsterhuis The first ever English translation of François Hemsterhuis’ early series of philosophical letters published... more
Introduction chapter to my dissertation "Occasions of Underground
German Miners and Moles on the Essence of Ground (1780–1920)"
German Miners and Moles on the Essence of Ground (1780–1920)"
The work of French writer and essayist Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003) is without doubt among the most challenging the twentieth century has to offer. Contemporary debate in literature, philosophy, and politics has yet to fully acknowledge... more
More than a century after Guido Adler's appointment to the first chair in musicology at the University of Vienna, Music, Criticism, and the Challenge of History provides a first look at the discipline in this earliest period, and at the... more
Séminaire ARC "Philosophies critiques de l'à-venir. Temporalité, imagination, utopie" (Centre Prospéro, Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles/ESPHIN, UNamur), 7 déc. 2018
Felix Mendelssohn and Paul Hindemith, composing about one hundred years apart, integrated visual elements, including drawings and illustrated notations, into musical manuscripts they designed as gifts for women they admired. The two... more
Advances a novel theory of how paradoxes evident in Wackenroder's essay on instrumental music evoke specific religious dichotomies and that these in turn propose an aesthetic interpretation of autonomous instrumental music concordant with... more
The last of Felix Mendelssohn’s series of popular and influential concert overtures, the Overture to the Tale of the Fair Melusina of 1835 remains the least familiar of these works. It is also the most unusual with regard to formal design... more
Friedrich Schlegel hosszas kutatást követően 1808-ban megjelentette az Ueber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier című nyelvfilozófiai művét, amellyel jelentősen hozzájárult az indoeurópai nyelvelmélet megalapozásához. Schlegel nagy... more
El Prof. Dr. Caner-Liese nos ofrece un estudio monográfico sobre la filosofía del Romanticismo temprano a partir de sus dos figuras clave: Friedrich Schlegel y Novalis; un tema de especial problemática tanto por lo que hace a la... more
Soren Kierkegaard Lucinda-kritikájának elemzéséből kiindulva azt vizsgálom meg, hogy miben különbözött Schlegel és Kierkegaard iróniával kapcsolatos trópus-használata, milyen metaforák mentén határolódott el a dán filozófus német... more
Der Briefwechsel zwischen Goethe und Tieck beginnt im Jahr 1798 und endet am 24. September 1829. In diesen 31 Jahren ist aber die Beziehung zwischen den beiden Dichtern voller Spannungen und Missverständnissen. Man kann nicht einen... more
ESTICA: Editoriale culturale, politice, recenzii (7 Octombrie 2014) În perioada dintre Primul război mondial şi stabilirea celui de-al Treilea Reich, criza... more
It is a truth not yet universally acknowledged, but rather obvious, that Godard films are, in fact, a lot like trailers.
In diesem Buch wird Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes als ein literarischer Text gedeutet, der seine Überzeugungskraft aus der Lektüre anderer Texte schöpft. Untersucht werden die politischen und ästhetischen Konsequenzen dieser... more
Resumo: Mediante uma leitura comparativa do primeiro dos Hinos à Noite de Novalis e dos poemas " Ocaso " , " Cântico da Noite XII " e " A melancolia " de Trakl, buscamos destacar os diferentes tratamentos da noite elaborados por esses... more
Historically-Fictional Novel related to one's new interpretation of an ancient scroll & palimpsest - pseudo-document and it's hyperreal effects, hypertext.
zur kl assischen Moderne J o h a n n e s R ö ß l e r
Two papers, in German, a) dealing with the installation of Indology in Berlin, leading to a non-romantic, fact-oriented philology; b) dealing with the role of King Friedrich Wilhelm IV and his Nagari-based cryptography.
Durch ein bedauerliches Versehen wurde die Abbildung 6 (Th. Géricault) zu stark beschnitten, so dass am linken Rand des Bildes ausgerechnet jenes Detail fehlt, das im Aufsatz näher beschrieben und analysiert wird.
¿Qué se puede esperar de la humanidad? ¿Qué mayor tragedia que la idolatría total hacia la razón? La idea que se sobrepone a los sentidos, al ser mismo de los humanos, el dudar por completo de uno mismo por creer que tales sentidos son... more
This paper explores Karoline von Günderrode’s metaphysics and argues that the place Günderrode assigns human beings in her cosmology requires a reconceptualisation of the relationship between human beings and the nonhuman world and the... more This chapter proposes a new reading of Herder’s Treatise on the Origin of Language that concentrates on human sympathy for animals. The ostensible aim of the Treatise is to shed light on the unique human... more
The Immanent Word establishes that the philosophical study of language inaugurated in the 1759 works of Hamann and Lessing marks a paradigm shift in modern philosophy; it analyzes the transformation of that shift in works of Herder, Kant,... more
One of the most distinctive features of Fear and Trembling is Kierkegaard’s use of narrative variations in order to isolate, develop, and highlight the relevant features of his principal theme, the story of Abraham and Isaac, especially... more
Direction scientifique Jean-Noël Bret et Laure Cahen-Maurel, 23-24 mai 2014, Bibliothèque Départementale des Bouches-du-Rhône, Marseille (France) Participants : Maria Teresa Caracciolo, Danièle Cohn, Augustin Dumont, Marc Jimenez, Isis... more
H παρούσα μελέτη παρουσιάζει την βαθιά καινοτόμα ρομαντική οπτική γωνία στον κόσμο και τα πράγματα. Ειδικότερα εισάγει τον έλληνα αναγνώστη στις θεωρητικές αρχές και τους φιλοσοφικούς/ ποιητολογικούς προβληματισμούς καθώς και τις βασικές... more
Cet ouvrage oriente la réflexion philosophique sur le romantisme allemand dans une voie nouvelle ayant pour point de départ la singularité des paysages peints par Caspar David Friedrich, et pour concept opératoire majeur la romantisation... more
To most, Charles Darwin's story is simply the birth of the Theory of Evolution. In reality, the story of how Darwin came to this theory, and the many people who would shape his destiny, is itself a story that needs to be told. Like many... more
Die sich ihrer Modernität bewussten Frühromantiker, vor allem Fr. Schlegel, haben Fragmente mit Absicht verwendet, wie es sich aus einem Fragment von Fr. Schlegel ergibt: „Viele Werke der Alten sind Fragmente geworden. Viele Werke der... more
Lucia Ruprecht's study is the first monograph in English to analyse the relationship between nineteenth-century German literature and theatrical dance. Combining cultural history with close readings of major texts by Heinrich von Kleist,... more