German Literature
Recent papers in German Literature
This essay makes a case for reorientation in the controversially discussed matter of how the relationship between Orientalism and Zionism should be interpreted. It abandons the notion of convergence between both spheres, postulating... more
The vast majority of Holocaust victims and survivors were Ashkenazim. Their main language was Yiddish. Yiddish is very close to German, the main difference being that the former is written in Hebrew letters, while the latter in Latin... more
A selection of some of Novalis’s most important reflections on mathematics from the years 1798-1800. Introduced and translated into English by David W. Wood. In: Symphilosophie: International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism 3... more
The opposition between the naked and the clothed body is one of the most productive elements of cultural history and is often associated with the dichotomy between nature and culture. According to tradition, nudity stimulates the... more
Deutung und Bewertung des Rilkeschen Lebenswerkes, insbesondere seiner »Duineser Elegien«, sind nach wie vor durch eine erstaunliche Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Dies erklärt sich wohl vor allem aus der weitgehenden Vernachlässigung... more
Table of Contents and English Abstract of my 1978 Hebrew University PhD-thesis
The purpose of this essay is to reconstruct the comics controversy in Germany in the 1950s and 1960s, paying special attention to the debate over effects, which was paramount. A guiding principle of this investigation is to relate the... more
On theory in post-war Germany and the project of "critical theory" in general and in particular in art history, also on Peter Bürger's work.
Hannah Arendt wrote also poetry, but she did not published this work and hold it secret. Here for the first time you have a view and interpretation of her lyric (in italian language) The original text was prident in Germany, 2015 with... more
Zum Vortrag Musils Kakanien, ein Land ohne Eigenschaften in Europa von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Norbert Christian Wolf, seit 2009 im Vorstand der Internationalen Robert-Musil-Gesellschaft, Mitherausgeber des Musil-Forums (gem. mit Rosmarie... more
Hermann Hesse’nin Demian Romanında Kahramanın Yolculuğu
The aim of the present article is to provide a comparative analysis between two important works of German and Hungarian literature on the background of the theory of Carl Gustav Jung’s theory of archetypes. Both works (the novel Demian by... more
, behandelt dieser Beitrag das Problem der Kanonisierung von Frauenliteratur. Zwei Interpretationen der ‚epigonalen' Dramen werden sowohl vorgeführt als auch analysiert. Die erste liest Birch-Pfeiffers und Ebner-Eschenbachs Dramen als... more
Griechische Mythen, il libro di Nacherzählungen mitologiche che Marie Luise Kaschnitz pubblica nel 1943 ma ha in mente già dal 1939, va certamente considerato uno dei suoi capolavori, se non il vertice della sua produzione in prosa, pure... more
Although there is an influential strand of modern theory of fiction that distinguishes “fictivity” from "fictionality", it continues to be a common sense belief, even among literary critics, that obvious falsehood of what is represented makes... more
Crime Fiction in German is the first volume in English to offer a comprehensive overview of German-language crime fiction from the early nineteenth century to the new millennium. As well as introducing readers to key aspects of crime... more
Katrin Holland wurde als Autorin von mehr als 40 Unterhaltungsromanen bekannt, darunter einige Bestseller. Ihren ersten Roman "Man spricht über Jacqueline" veröffentlichte sie als 20-Jährige 1930 bei Ullstein. Als 1942 ihr erster... more
Up until now, ‘migration literature’ has primarily been defined as ‘texts written by migrant authors’, a definition that has been discussed, criticised, and even rejected by critics and authors alike. Very rarely has ‘migration... more
The paper aims to investigate the lecture given by Günther Anders of John Heartfield’s peculiar art of expressionistic montage, in 1938, focusing the connections between aesthetics and politics. The role of the photomontage is, following... more
According to a common though not universally accepted opinion, works of narrative fiction are made up of statements uttered by a fictional narrator who must be distinguished from the author. In what follows, I demonstrate that this... more
Gesund sind immer die Anderen "Nein, du hast keinen Begriff, Thomas, was für ein prachtvolles Geschöpf das ist! Sie ist so gesund ... so gesund ... !" wiederholte Christian, indem er eine Hand, ihren Rücken nach außen, mit gekrümmten... more
Die Unsicherheit der Germanistik in der Bestimmung der Epochensignatur für die zwischen 1815 und 1848 entstandenen literarischen Werke, die sich schon an der Fülle konkurrierender Epochennamen (wie Biedermeierzeit, Frührealismus, Junges... more
Extended Project Qualification submission 2016. B grade recieved.
Once, when asked if there was any hope in the world, Franz Kafka famously responded, “There is infinite hope… just not for us.” Over 50 years later, an ocean away, in a book tellingly titled Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace wrote, “The... more
The essay argues that the portrayal as child-killers in 18th-century German infanticide poetry can be read as a direct literary descendant of the portrayal of women as children in bourgeois tragedies of the age. Both images constitute a... more
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo contrastar la visión del período comprendido entre la Revolución de 1830 y la de 1848 que nos ofrece el poeta y periodista alemán Heinrich Heine a lo largo de su obra con la realidad histórica en la... more
La poetologia della conoscenza di Heinrich von Kleist si configura come un viaggio nella mente umana, nelle sue capacità conoscitive e immaginative, nelle sue labilità e nei suoi trascendimenti. La totalità romantica è infranta e il... more
Report on the centenary of the publication of Franz Kafka's first stories:
"Contemplation", "The Judgment" and "The Fireman".
"Contemplation", "The Judgment" and "The Fireman".
Die Rilke-Tagung 2021 findet vom 22.-25. September in Trieste und Duino statt. Anbei das Programm.
Over the course of this class, we have been presented with several instances of the number three and how it plays a pattern in fairy tales. From Snow White and the three attempts at her capture, to Lasir Gheug and the three wounds... more
Da C. Vicentini, La teoria del teatro politico (Firenze, Sansoni, pp. 83-124) Sommario: 1 La formula del teatro politico. 2 Teatro e trasformazione storica. 3 Epoca storica e modello teatrale. 4 Unicità e molteplicità del modello. 5... more
Let me first admit that I love the story of Paradise Lost. A critic should give his clear opinion on the story he is reading.