German As Foreign Language

39 papers
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German as a Foreign Language (DaF) refers to the teaching and learning of the German language by non-native speakers. This field encompasses pedagogical methods, curriculum development, and assessment strategies aimed at facilitating language acquisition and cultural understanding among learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
Seit 1996 ist Deutsch nach Englisch die meistgelernte Fremdsprache in Polen, sowohl an Schulen als auch in Sprachkursen für Erwachsene. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es anhand der Auswertung einer Befragung am Institut für Angewandte... more
Den Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit bilden einzelne Segmente einer Umfrage unter Germanistikstudentinnen und –studenten im 5. und 7. Semster an der Philologischen Fakultät Belgrad. Die Umfrage wurde im Oktober 2010... more
This article was conducted with the aim of describing the learning process of applying Podcast media as a learning medium to train the listening skills of class XI language SMAN 1 Tumpang and also to determine student res research method... more
This article was conducted with the aim of describing the learning process of applying Podcast media as a learning medium to train the listening skills of class XI language SMAN 1 Tumpang and also to determine student responses to Podcast... more
This research and development aims to develop an Android-based learning media “DaKon” to train the speaking skill of tenth grade students in SMAN 5 Malang. The development model used in this research is a Production of Multimedia Packages... more
ABSTRAK Fatina, Amalina Rachmi. 2018. Padanan Makna Konotatif dalam Terjemahan Dongeng “Das Geheimnis Des Mondes” oleh Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Jerman Universitas Negeri Malang . Skripsi. Jurusan Sastra Jerman. Universitas Negeri Malang.... more
ABSTRAK Fatina, Amalina Rachmi. 2018. Padanan Makna Konotatif dalam Terjemahan Dongeng “Das Geheimnis Des Mondes” oleh Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Jerman Universitas Negeri Malang . Skripsi. Jurusan Sastra Jerman. Universitas Negeri Malang.... more
Acquiring ICC is undoubtedly a long-term and complex process, hard to finalize within the time and spatial constraints imposed by FL classroom education. This is particularly true for learners of Arabic as Foreign Language (AFL), who... more
In foreign language teaching, native speakers are not always the ones teaching the target language. But what is the role of a teacher‘s multilingual skills when teaching German as a foreign language (GFL), and how are these skills used,... more
This study investigated the tripartite model of attitudes towards foreign language learning among undergraduate linguistics students in Awka, Nigeria. The tripartite model posits that attitudes consist of three interrelated components:... more
German masculine personal nouns, which are widely used as gender-inclusive or generic forms of reference, are not always understood as such. ‘Gender-sensitive language’ attempts to create equality by referring to persons either through... more
The article aims at analyzing the approach to writing skills in selected foreign language teaching methodologies and at characterizing the function of writing from the perspective of the theory and practice of teaching German as a foreign... more
Die Tatsache, dass jedes Substantiv im Deutschen als Drittsprache ein Geschlecht hat, das sich von seinem normalen biologischen Geschlecht unterscheidet, ist eines der schwierigsten und komplexesten linguistischen Merkmale, die Lernende... more
The aim of this paper is to examine the issue of cross-linguistic influence in Third Language Acquisition from a processing perspective. The focus is on word order, particularly on verb placement in German declarative sentences by... more
Hypersexualisierung, die über alle Maßen hinausgehende Sexualisierung insbesondere des Mädchen-und Frauenkörpers, beginnt in den Medien leider schon sehr früh. Selbst im Kinderfernsehen finden sich viele Körperformen, die Mädchen mit... more
This study aimed at describing the use of Schneeballschlachtenspiel as Automatisierungsübung or automation excercise for student in German lteaching. This is a qualitative study that has been supported by quantitative data. The data were... more
This article describes the representation of the Bloom s Taxonomy and the Neuner s Typology of Exercises. According to the analysis results, a representation of Bloom's Taxonomy and Neuner s Typology of Exercises are found the books of... more
Speaking skill is one of the skills that must be mastered in order to learn a language. Common problem that often occurs in high school students (SMA) is difficulty by pronouncing vocabulary and simple sentences. To overcome these... more
Höllen-Inszenierung in einer Massenkornmunikation der Alltagsästhetik und Szenen Wrestling ist eine Art Catchen und ein Show-Kampf, bei dem grotesk kostümierte Männer, gelegentlich auch Frauen, gegeneinander antreten, sich wüst... more
Die Corona-Pandemie hat den Präsenzunterricht vielerorts unmöglich gemacht und Lehrende und Lernende dazu bewegt, neue Möglichkeiten für einen Unterricht im Online-Format zu erkunden. Die Heterogenität der Lernenden an den Kursen der Casa... more
A presente pesquisa explora as estratégias de reformulação de constituintes silábicos complexos na Interlíngua de 18 brasileiros aprendizes do Alemão como Língua Estrangeira. Nossa hipótese prevê que estes aprendizes possuem dificuldades... more
The purpose of this research and development is to produce a mobile application YUXIHAN that is augmented-reality-based. The purpose of this research and development is to produce an augmentedreality-based mobile application YUXIHAN.... more
AUSZUG Berlian Putri Sutrisno Nanico. Matrikelnummer 2131132004, Eine Erstellung  Eines Comics Als Lernmedium Für Lesekompetenz Im Deutschunterricht. Pädagogischer Titel (S1), Deutschprogramm, Fakultät für Sprache und Kunst, Staatliche... more
This article is the result of a research related to Asynchronous digital-based learning in speaking skill through instagram. This study aims to determine the transformation of Asynchronous digital-based learning and to analyze the... more
This research aims to produce zine media which can be used as an alternative learning media. This research conducted by using ADDIE development model that includes five stages of development, such as 1) analyze, 2) design, 3) develop, 4)... more
Wie kaum eine andere Fremdsprache war Deutsch (als Fremdund Fachsprache) in den vergangenen Jahren und national betrachtet zahlreichen politischen wie wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen unterworfen. Insbesondere die Zahl der Neuzugewanderten... more
This research aims to develop learning media “Let’s Go, Deutsch!“ to be used for XI grade students MAN 1 Kota Malang. “Let’s Go, Deutsch!“ is based on flash and focused on vocabulary on Familie und Beruf theme. This media contains... more
This research aims to descibe the results of the translation of the Funktionverbgefuge form gained from the informative text Gute Unterhaltung by students of the Department of German Literature, class of 2014. The type of the research is... more
Neste artigo abordamos o pluricentrismo da língua alemã através de uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema que privilegia os estudos sobre variantes e variedades do alemão. Após uma retrospectiva histórica, a partir de uma noção... more
Apresentam-se aqui as linhas-mestres de um modelo para projeto editorial de materiais didáticos destinados ao ensino de alemão em contextos universitários no Brasil. Contemplam-se o ponto de vista editorial, questões técnicas ligadas ao... more
Höllen-Inszenierung in einer Massenkornmunikation der Alltagsästhetik und Szenen Wrestling ist eine Art Catchen und ein Show-Kampf, bei dem grotesk kostümierte Männer, gelegentlich auch Frauen, gegeneinander antreten, sich wüst... more
Die Motivation referenzidentischer Benennungen aus dem Bereich der polnischen und deutschen Wortbildungskonstruktionen Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung strebt das Ziel an, die morphosemantische Motivation, v.a. aber das Benennungsmotiv... more
This introductory paper discusses the problemsw hich can be encountered duringa n attempt at asystematic analysis of the current approaches and popular concepts related to the notions of comedyand humour looked at from the... more
Höllen-Inszenierung in einer Massenkornmunikation der Alltagsästhetik und Szenen Wrestling ist eine Art Catchen und ein Show-Kampf, bei dem grotesk kostümierte Männer, gelegentlich auch Frauen, gegeneinander antreten, sich wüst... more
This research aims to produce zine media which can be used as an alternative learning media. This research conducted by using ADDIE development model that includes five stages of development, such as 1) analyze, 2) design, 3) develop, 4)... more
In the grammar teaching practice in a foreign language of more importance is not the fact that the learners have good knowledge of the given language. More essential is how freely and skillfully they can apply grammar knowledge in... more
Neil Postman gilt seit Jahren als „weltweit populärster Kulturkritiker“, wie er im Klappentext von „Keine Götter mehr“ genannt wird. Seine zynischen, kulturpessimistischen Essays sind enorm erfolgreich und erreichen auch in ihrer... more
T his study aims to determine the criteria of the ideal teacher according to students in SMA Negeri 1 Batu. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach with a survey being the method. The data were obtained from questionnaires... more
This article was conducted with the aim of describing the learning process of applying Podcast media as a learning medium to train the listening skills of class XI language SMAN 1 Tumpang and also to determine student res research method... more
Die Kompetenzorientierung eröffnet gerade für das Fach Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache (DaF/DaZ) immer wieder neue Perspektiven für die Lehre. Die hier vorgestellten aktuellen Tendenzen der Kompetenzorientierung umfassen: -... more
This research aims to produce zine medium which can be used as an alternative learning medium. This research conducted by using ADDIE development model that includes five stages of development, such as 1) analyze, 2) design, 3) develop,... more
Neste relato de experiência, apresentamos uma proposta de readequação visual do Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA), planejada e implementada durante o estágio curricular supervisionado em Letras-Inglês, bem como uma tarefa, que fez... more
Devido ao momento em que o mundo se encontra (pandemia COVID-19), tornou-se ainda mais comum e necessária a adaptação virtual de diversos serviços e a Consultoria de Imagem é um deles. Atualmente, os consultores de imagem são... more
This paper presents the main lines that guide a model for an editorial project for the teaching of German as a foreign language in Brazilian higher education contexts. The discussion contemplates the editorial point of view, technical... more
The phenomenon of gender neutrality in the German language has been a subject of linguistic observation since a few decades. This topic is still seen as controversial because of its specific, feministic character. The main aim of the... more
Manfred Schewes Arbeit hat bedeutsame Spuren in der Sprach-, Literatur-und Kulturvermittlung hinterlassen. Mit die-ser Festschrift anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags würdigen Wegbegleiter*innen und Kolleg*innen sein jahrzehntelanges... more