Geriatric medicine
Recent papers in Geriatric medicine
Quality of life (QOL) is a popular term that conveys an overall sense of well-being, including aspects of happiness and satisfaction with life as a whole. It is broad and subjective rather than specific and objective. What makes it so... more
Training courses and workshops: 1. Training courses for elderly caregivers. 2. Intensive training courses in Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology (for physicians and for workers in the field of caring of the elderly). 3. Geriatric training... more
tBackground: Although the effectiveness of low-dose radiotherapy for chronic degenerative and inflam-matory diseases has been documented in previous studies, patient-reported clinical outcomes are rarelyavailable.Objective: This study... more
No es de autoria, lo subo para facilitarselo a quien lo necesite para aprender, autores Rosalía María del Carmen Rodríguez García, Guillermo Antonio Lazcano Botello.
This study was performed to asses and establishes the prevalence of Polypharmacy in geriatric population in the Medicine ward of Rajah Muthaiya Medical College and Hospital, Annamalai University, during one year from January 2013 to... more
This very short book entitled Basic course on Gerontology, serves the purpose of providing an overview of the science of aging. As it an introductory volume it provides a broad overview of what has become a vast quantity of scientific... more
This review is aimed at conferring the efficacy of anticancer property of different phytochemicals from Nayantara (Catharanthus roseus). Cancer is one of public health burden in developed and developing country. Cancer chemo preventive... more
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in older adults and an important public health problem. The purpose of this review article is to provide a brief introduction to AD and the related concept of mild cognitive... more
Indice PROLOGO Este MANUAL DE GERIATRIA ha sido producido por la Vicerrectoria Académica, a través del Fondo para el Desarrollo de la Docencia y es el resultado de un esfuerzo común realizado por un equipo multidisciplinario. No pretende... more
This interdisciplinary curriculum is geared to allied health students and may be reproduced and used with attribution.
"Yaşlı Obezlerde Egzersiz Yaklaşımı ve Etkileri" adlı makaleden alınmıştır. Yaşlılarda Obezite (Obesity in the elderly) Obezite: Morbidite ve zamansız mortalite riskini artıran sağlıksız, aşırı bir vücut yağı olarak tanımlanır.... more
Background: Vitamin D deficiency is a very common problem among elderly population. Extra-skeletal functions of vitamin D are an interesting new area of research since the discovery of vitamin D receptors in different extra-skeletal... more
Secara ilmiah osteoporosis adalah penyakit rapuh tulang yang ditandai dengan hilangnya kepadatan tulang sehingga tulang mudah patah serta tidak tahan dengan benturan ringan. Dampak rokok terhadap kesehatan tulang belum diketahui pasti... more
Background: Individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have a substantially increased risk of developing dementia due to Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we developed a multivariate prognostic model for predicting... more
Perbedaan mendiagnosis Diabetes melitus pada geriatri, guidline yang dikeluarkan oleh ADA dan diabetes Canada HBA1C, GDS, glukosa darah puasa
Die Akademien hoffen, mit dieser Stellungnahme einen Beitrag zu einer notwendigen Diskussion um eine bessere medizinische Versorgung älterer Menschen zu leisten. Eine Diskussion, die auch vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels... more
Certificate of Recognition 2018 Taylor & Francis
Little is known about how optimism differs by age and changes over time, particularly among older adults. Even less is known about how changes in optimism are related to changes in physical health. We examined age differences and... more
Depression in elderly is di cult to diagnose because the symptoms are atypical; patient, patient’s family, and physicians are rarely aware of the symptoms. The symptoms are usually overlap with somatic symptoms and often underdiagnosed.... more
Objective: To evaluate institutionalized elder women’s performance in the mini-mental state examination. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among 34 elder women who were residents in a long term facility in... more
O termo demências é utilizado para se referir a condições que afetam a memória, relações sociais e percepção, elas são comumente associadas ao envelhecimento. A Doença de Alzheimer é tida como a principal doença que causa demências. Ao... more
BACKGROUND Geriatric mental health issues have yet to receive their due recognition in India. Geriatric mental health is plagued by many challenges that prevent the development and progress of its services. The present article is a... more
Diabetic patients frequently suffer from non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. The current study aimed to investigate the role of curcumin and the response of hepatic stellate cells in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced hepatic damage. Sixty male rats... more
Editorial board member of the International Journal of Human Anatomy
Proses menua dapat terjadi akibat perubahan protein pasca tranlasi yang dapat mengakibatkan berkurangnya kemampuan sistem imun tubuh mengenali dirinya sendiri (Self recognition).
Expert peer review at Medicine® Journal Hesham N. Mustafa Presented April 8, 2018 (Wolters Kluwer)
The present study was conducted on ageing people. The sample size consists of 180 Ageing people. 90 male in which 45 were selected from rural area and 45 were selected from urban area, similarly, 90 female were selected for research in... more