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Philosophers of education have argued that in order for Environmental Education’s goals to succeed, students must form bonds and place attachments with nature. Some argue that immersive experiences in nature will be sufficient to form... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyPhilosophyEnvironmental Education
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesMedia StudiesPoetry
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      Christian SpiritualityGerard Manley HopkinsThomas Merton, The Merton Annual
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      Gerard Manley HopkinsOvid's Exile Poetry
Page 1. THE INCARNATIONAL AESTHETIC OF GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS Maria R. Lichtmann Toward the end of his life, Gerard Manley Hopkins, priest and poet, commented in his spiritual notes, "my life is determined by ...
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      Religion and LiteratureGerard Manley HopkinsLiterary studies
Thou mastering me God! giver of breath and bread; World's strand, sway of the sea; Lord of living and dead; Thou hast bound bones and veins in me, fastened me flesh, And after it almost unmade, what with dread, Thy doing: and dost thou... more
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      English LiteratureTheologyLiteratureResilience
This research paper considers the "Terrible Sonnets" of Gerard Manley Hopkins. As commentators on the poems frequently base their rival interpretations of the poems on a supposed narrative arc constituted by the arrangement of the poems... more
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      English LiteratureDepressionGerard Manley Hopkins
Completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for MT 700K Art and Contemplation Fall 2018 "The poet's task is to lead us to something virtuous by some excellent description." Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on the Posterior Analytics,... more
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      Catholic TheologyThomas AquinasMoral TheologyGerard Manley Hopkins
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      Gender and SexualitySonnetsVictorian poetryGerard Manley Hopkins
An example of performing a close reading of a poem, using MS Word review boxes and various color fonts.
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      PoetryLiterature And Language TeachingGerard Manley HopkinsNew Criticism
This paper examines the three primary sources of the Common Raven, Common Nightingale, and Common Kestrel from ornithological observation and applies these observations to an understanding of Poe's "The Raven," Keats' "Ode to a... more
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      OrnithologyNineteenth Century StudiesEcologyVictorian poetry
This paper tries to look at the contribution of G. M. Hopkins to English poetry. Analysis of three poems by the famous religious poet G. M. Hopkins gives an insight into what exactly he meant by 'Inscape' and 'Instress'.
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      Gerard Manley HopkinsReligious PoetryTwentieth Century and Contemporary British and American Poetry and Poetics
Gerard Manley Hopkins is often considered as one of the greatest Victorian poets of nature, of religion, and of melancholy or inner anguish. Poet and a Jesuit priest, he never published his works during his lifetime. It was only in 1918... more
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      British LiteraturePoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Gerard Manley Hopkins
The aim of this paper is to identify those factors which caused the later (post-1875) poems of the Jesuit priest and poet Gerard Manley Hopkins to be considered so original. The uniqueness of Hopkins’ work is due to a radical approach... more
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      IndividualityVictorian poetryGerard Manley HopkinsSpoken Word Poetry
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      Comparative LiteratureVictorian poetryContemporary PoetryGerard Manley Hopkins
Incomprehensible Certainty presents a sustained reflection on the nature of images and the phenomenology of visual experience. Taking the “image” (eikōn) as the essential medium of art and literature and as foundational for the... more
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      MetaphysicsVisual StudiesJohann Wolfgang von GoethePlato and Platonism
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      ChristianityComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiterature
Most educated Christians modify belief in relation to advances and discoveries in science. Given discoveries about the brutality of nature, which Darwin discusses in his letters with Asa Grey, it was difficult to believe that God was... more
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      ChristianityAtheismNew TestamentHistory of Christianity
This article focuses critically on the linguistic-stylistics’ uses of art and craft of sprung rhythm in the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. The efforts of researchers define and describe the technicalities of sprung rhythm adequately,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsLiterary Stylistics19th-Century/Victorian Medievalism
The recent Catholic philosophical tradition on the human person has tried to articulate the irreducibility of the human person to anything non-personal, and to synthesize all of the best of what has been said on the human person.... more
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      NarrativePhenomenologyEdith SteinThomas Aquinas
The article assays theological strategies for deploying poetry by narrowly focusing on the recruitment of Hopkins’s poetics in the thought of Charles Taylor and Hans Urs von Balthasar. Much has been written in response to Taylor’s... more
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      Systematic TheologyPoetryCatholic TheologyTheological Aesthetics
"The religious, meditative quality of these poems is well-known and widely-acknowledged. So too is their starting point and source of inspiration: the beauty of the natural world – especially its avifauna. Hopkins certainly noticed the... more
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      Victorian LiteratureSonnetsVictorian poetryGerard Manley Hopkins
The purpose of this article is to provide suggestions to aid in the critical interpretation of Gerard Manley Hopkins' poetry and vision of reality by comparing some of his focal ideas with those of Alfred North Whitehead. More is at stake... more
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      SpiritualityAlfred North WhiteheadProcess PhilosophyGerard Manley Hopkins
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      Prosody And PoeticsWalter BenjaminJean-Luc MarionGerard Manley Hopkins
I describe how my encounters with birds illustrate the ornithological notion of ‘jizz,’ the characteristic way a bird appears to the watcher. I argue that jizz captures the notions of the ‘inscape’ and ‘instress’ proposed by the 19th... more
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      Duns ScotusBird (Ornithology)Gerard Manley HopkinsPhenomenology of Space and Place
This book chapter draws out an interrelated set of affinities between Virginia Woolf (particularly, Mrs. Dalloway) and the poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins. We know that she read and deeply appreciated his work, but very little has been... more
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      IndividualityVirginia WoolfRevelationImagination
Now virtually unknown, Anne Pratt (1806-1893) remains an important Victorian illustrator, naturalist, and popularizer of science, whose Wild Flowers (1852) made a strong impression on Queen Victoria. While Pratt’s works addressed a... more
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      History of ReligionNatural TheologyVictorian cultural studiesGerard Manley Hopkins
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      English LiteratureVictorian StudiesEnglishVictorian Literature
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      Systematic TheologyVictorian LiteratureJesuit historyDuns Scotus
What is to be done with a spring that has been wound too tight? A sprung mechanism will no longer work, but sprung rime works far more effect upon the attentive reader/listener. In the sonnet, God's Grandeur, Hopkins pushes the limits of... more
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      PoetrySonnetsChristian ApologeticsGerard Manley Hopkins
This essay situates the work of Gerard Manley Hopkins in a philosophical debate of the 1870s around the nature of mental phenomena and their susceptibility to scientific investigation. I argue that Hopkins participates in this early... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindVictorian StudiesPhilosophical Theology
Svesno ili ne, svaka osoba svojim mislima i osećanjima utiče na sveukupno postojanje. Predmeti, kako nama najbliži, tako i najudaljeniji, postaju portreti našeg života. Ako stremimo ka najuzvišenijem, ka Hristu, onda i stvarnost oko nas... more
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      James JoyceFriedrich NietzscheImmanuel KantHeidegger
Paper given at the International Conference "“Words break from me here”: Reading Hopkins, 1918-2018”. organized by Regis University of Denver (USA) at Roehampton University, London (21-24 June 2018).
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      Victorian poetryGerard Manley HopkinsRossetti, ChristinaChristina Rossetti
It is an apt summary of a life penetrated to its marrow with the idea that the Word was made flesh. For Hopkins, the enfleshment of the divine took place not only once in history but was taking place, literally, throughout all the places... more
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    • Gerard Manley Hopkins
Introduction to the Religion and the Arts special centenary issue (1918-2018) on The Poetry and Spirituality of Gerard Manley Hopkins.
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      PoetrySpiritualityVictorian LiteratureVictorian cultural studies
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      Victorian StudiesVictorian LiteratureVictorian poetryGerard Manley Hopkins
My Introduction in the recently published book  A CATHOLIC MIND AWAKE - Writings of Bernard Kelly (Dec. 2017).  Made available with permission of the publishers, Angelico Press.
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      Comparative ReligionMetaphysicsPoetryThomas Aquinas
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Gerard Manley HopkinsChristina Rossetti
This paper is an attempt to read Gerard Manley Hopkins according to Jean-Luc Marion's grammar of givenness. Like much scholarship on Hopkins I attend to his key terms 'inscape' and 'instress' but do so while proposing these terms are best... more
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      English LiteraturePhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyVictorian Studies
"The Wreck of the Deutschland" is unquestionably Gerard Manley Hopkins' master work. It reflects where the true centre of this man of deep spirituality and towering intellect lay - in the heart, which is evoked 18 times during the course... more
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      PoetryLiterary CriticismPoeticsModern Poetry
This paper, delivered at the Plymouth Landscapes conference in 2013, was based on the lyrical similarities evident in the late writings of G. M. Hopkins and John Berryman in their residences in Dublin towards the end of their lives. In... more
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      English LiteratureModernism (Literature)Irish LiteratureLiterature
Texas Studies in Literature and Language. Vol. 49: 4 (Winter 2007) 411-37.
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      Ezra PoundElizabeth BishopGeorge HerbertLyric poetry
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      VersificationVictorian poetryGerard Manley Hopkins
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      British LiteratureAestheticsEnglish LiteratureVictorian Studies
In this paper I would like to examine some interesting similarities between Kierkegaard's and Hopkins's respective visions of hell. Although both the English Jesuit and the Danish philosopher were born and died in the 19 th century, they... more
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      ReligionVictorian poetryGerard Manley Hopkins
Phenomenology speaks primarily not of phenomena but of the appearing of phenomena. In so speaking it moves from the level of things with generic or proper names, the level of things which are present or potentially so, to the level of... more
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      PhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyContinental Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy)Philosophy of the Emotions
As a lover of Hopkins’ verse and a poet and translator of Russian poetry into English myself, the small contribution I can offer to Hopkins scholarship consists primarily in communicating an appreciation of what he might have sounded like... more
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      Russian LiteratureTranslation StudiesTranslation of PoetryGerard Manley Hopkins
As one commentator notes, Spinoza’s conception of “the third kind of knowledge”—intuition, has been “regarded as exceptionally obscure. Some writers regard it as a kind of mystic vision; others regard it as simply unintelligible.” For... more
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      PhilosophyPoetryIntuitionBaruch Spinoza
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      Gerard Manley HopkinsVictorian and Romantic poetry