Recent papers in Geotextile
جيوتكستيل Geotextile أو أقمشة التربة هو تعبير يستخدم للدلالة على نوع الأقمشة المصممة خصيصاً كي تستخدم في مجال الهندسة المدنية في أعمال تبطين التربة وعمل عوازل أرضية، ودعم طبقات الطرق لمنع تشققها والمحافظة عليها من مختلف العوامل الأرضية.
GEOPIPE is the most effective solution for sub structure drainage. The pipe is specially made to solve some problem that may occurs on the sub structure drainage. With GEOPIPE no more water stagnant in open area after raining.
Sub surface drainage atau biasa dikenal juga dengan nama underdrain atau subdrain adalah merupakan saluran air yang terdapat didalam tanah untuk mengalirkan air hujan ataupun air tanah yang berpotensi menggenang dan mengganggu atau bahkan... more
Road construction on the land reclamation of the ocean generally face problems, they are such as embankment which is sensitive settlement by the condition of the tidal sea water. Without retaining walls, the material will happening... more
Threats to beaches have accelerated the coastal destruction. In recent decades, geotextile tubes were used around the world to prevent coastal erosion, to encourage beach nourishment, and to assist mangrove rehabilitation. However, the... more
GEOSENTETICS IN PAVED ROADS EN STRUCTURES ABSTRACT This report contains detailed information on the use of geogrid, geotextile and geogrid composites in paved/coated structures (highway, airport runways, container storage areas, etc.).... more
Composite geotextiles with polyester yarn reinforcement have been commonly used in combination with unsaturated soils. Both unsaturated and saturated shear strength of the interfaces were investigated between a composite geotextile and... more
environments through a concept we call co-relation. This term is similar to the idea of correlation and dependence in statistics, that describes relationships between two sets of data, but rather than defining a causal relationship, the... more
1. Pendahuluan Dalam aplikasi Geotextile untuk drainase, geotekstile berfungsi untuk mengendalikan bergeraknya butiran tanah bersama air, yaitu sebagai filter guna untuk mencegah tanah tercuci ke dalam sistem drainase. Butiran tanah, bila... more
In this investigation, the interaction behaviour of geotextiles with sand is evaluated by conducting extensive laboratory interface tests both in direct shear and pull-out. A comprehensive test program was established to include a needle... more
The performance of a pavement is very responsive to the characteristics of the soil subgrade, which provides base for the whole pavement structure. For that reason of utmost significance the performance of pavements is enhanced by... more
Sudden subsidence problems, caused by gypsum karst developed in the Permian sequence of Northern England, have caused difficult conditions for road construction. This paper presents the design strategy, mathematical modelling and... more
The paper discusses the problem of the soft soil and solution to overcome it. The use of geotextile as a reinforcement in soil in the emphasizing point of research which is been reflected into the paper. The test California bearing ratio... more
Gypsum karst problems in the Permian and Triassic sequences of England have caused difficult conditions for bridge and road construction. In Northern England, the Ripon Bypass crosses Permian strata affected by active gypsum karst and... more
Functions, Types, Uses and Advantages of Geosynthetics. SUMMARY A summary presentation of the functions, types, uses and advantages of geosynthetics. Geosentetiklerin İşlevleri, Çeşitleri, Kullanım Alanları ve Avantajları. ÖZET... more
The geotextile filters design is based on the retention and the permeability criteria. In particular, the retention criterion, that a filter must satisfy in comparison to the base soil, is commonly expressed as O F D 85 , where O F is the... more
Perkenalan produk Geosynthetics yaitu Geocomposite terbuat dari Non Woven Geotextile. memiliki keunggulan kuat tarik yang tinggi digunakan untuk perkuatan tanah, bendungan, rel kereta api dll.
Antibiotic resistance poses an important threat to global public health and has become a challenge to modern medicine. The occurrence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in a broad range of foods has led to a growing concern about the impact... more
PT MAXPRO KURNIA MEGAH - DISTRIBUTOR PABRIK Geotextile dan geosynthetic , jual geotextile non woven , woven , continuos filament dan geotextile multifilament yarn polyester merupakan perusahaan distributor & aplikator geosynthetic di... more
This paper presents the results of load tests conducted in the laboratory on an embedded model strip footing resting on a reinforced dense sand bed. The reinforcement used was woven geotextile with wraparound ends, as well as without... more Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : PT MAXPRO KURNIA MEGAH Taman Anyelir Blok C2/15, Jl. Raya Sekneg, Kebon Nanas,... more
Tile ASCE Committees on Grouting and Soil Improvement and Geo~etics are jointly org-ni~ng this conference. The conference will focus on recent developments in the U.S. and abroad in design and practice of grouting techniques, soil... more Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : PT MAXPRO KURNIA MEGAH Taman Anyelir Blok C2/15, Jl. Raya Sekneg, Kebon Nanas, Cikokol, Kota Tangerang (021) 2229 2226/0821 1349 1818... more
Abstract This paper presents a study of geotextile reinforced model walls subjected to vertical surchange. Different reinforcemnt layouts were tested. Vertical stress distributions were measured at the base of the walls as well as... more
Geotextiles are routinely used in separation and filtration applications. Design of these systems is currently based on saturated properties of the geotextiles and the surrounding soils. However, in the field, soil and geotextile can be... more
Geotextile Tube is an innovative technology which can be used as the core of a breakwater structure to address shoreline erosion problems. One of the advantages of Geotextile Tubes is the use of sand fill material which is available in... more
Retaining walls in Brazil have often been reinforced using nonwoven geotextiles instead of other reinforcement inclusions such as geogrids, woven geotextiles, and metallic reinforcements. This approach has several advantages such as ease... more Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : PT MAXPRO KURNIA MEGAH Taman Anyelir Blok C2/15, Jl. Raya Sekneg, Kebon Nanas, Cikokol, Kota Tangerang (021) 2229 2226/0821 1349 1818... more Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : PT MAXPRO KURNIA MEGAH Taman Anyelir Blok C2/15, Jl. Raya Sekneg, Kebon Nanas, Cikokol, Kota Tangerang (021) 2229 2226/0821 1349 1818... more Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : PT MAXPRO KURNIA MEGAH Taman Anyelir Blok C2/15, Jl. Raya Sekneg, Kebon Nanas, Cikokol, Kota Tangerang (021) 2229 2226/0821 1349 1818... more Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : PT MAXPRO KURNIA MEGAH Taman Anyelir Blok C2/15, Jl. Raya Sekneg, Kebon Nanas,... more Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : PT MAXPRO KURNIA MEGAH Taman Anyelir Blok C2/15, Jl. Raya Sekneg, Kebon Nanas,... more
because of the extensive use of granular backfill in reinforced soil walls and embankments. The advantages of using granular materials are their higher frictional resistance, their stable engineering properties with time and with changes... more
Geotextile tubes are finding increasing market acceptance for dewatering high water content materials. The success of this application depends on the filtration compatibility between the high water content materials and the geotextiles... more
In this investigation, the interaction behaviour of geotextiles with sand is evaluated by conducting extensive laboratory interface tests both in direct shear and pull-out. A comprehensive test program was established to include a needle... more Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan silahkan hubungi kami di : PT MAXPRO KURNIA MEGAH Taman Anyelir Blok C2/15, Jl. Raya Sekneg, Kebon Nanas, Cikokol, Kota Tangerang (021) 2229 2226/0821 1349 1818... more