Geotecnical Engineering
Recent papers in Geotecnical Engineering
Estructura de la Tierra, Sismos y Minerales
Breve riassunto delle principali procedure e formule usate nella risoluzione di problemi geotecnici.
El siguiente proyecto está basado en un trabajo de campo de carácter descriptivo, donde se plantea realizar un inventario cartográfico semidetallado de movimientos masa en los sectores Mesa de Aura, Paramo El Zumbador, Queniquea, del... more
In this study, the foundation systems of a structure on different soil profiles and different groundwater levels are modeled and analyzed. Several difficulties encounter during the basic design and application phases. In particular, the... more
У першій частині навчального посібника наведені дані про техніку та технологію випробування водозабірних свердловин для оцінки їх с тану перед проведенням ремонтних робіт. Розглянуто методи механічного, гідравлічного очищення фільтрів;... more
Composite materials have been used for over 20 years as temporary reinforcement in concrete structures, since the first GFRP soft-eye in Bangkok metro (1996). However, FRP rebars are only exposed to loads limited to 20% of their ultimate... more
Site investigation is essential prior to all construction activities of engineering structures for determining the suitability of the site for the construction of the proposed structure. The results from the site investigation gives us... more
Relaciones de causalidad efecto del deslizamiento complejo que destruyó la población de Gramalote
The author wishes to thank colleagues within MBT Underground Construction (a Division of Degussa Construction Chemicals) for their assistance and support in the preparation of this publication. Special thanks are due to Hans Olav... more
Os primeiros estudos sobre escorregamentos de encostas remontam há mais de 2.000 anos, em países como China e Japão. Os taludes ou as encostas naturais são superfícies inclinadas de maciços terrosos, rochosos ou mistos (solo e rocha),... more
Questo lavoro descrive i movimenti franosi nella provincia di Foggia, mettendoli in relazione alla tipologia del dissesto (numero e percentuale delle frane per tipologia di movimento), allo stato di attività, al tipo di danno (centri... more
Si formano quando i prodotti dell'alterazione di rocce o terreni non vengono rimossi dagli agenti di trasporto o quando la velocità di alterazione delle rocce in sede è maggiore della velocità di rimozione dei prodotti dell'alterazione. I... more
Assessing the load-deformation behavior is an essential aspect of geotechnical designs of shallow foundations, reasonably accurate estimates of the settlement of foundations under different loading conditions are crucial for highly... more
Bu standart sabit 5878 tanımı altında hazırlanmıştır; tanımdan hemen sonraki sayı asıl onaylanma yılını veya revizyon durumunda son revizyon yılını gösterir. Parantez içindeki sayı son onaylanma yılını gösterir. Üstsimge epsilon (ɛ) son... more
The packing unit of Helwan cement factory encountered a partial failure at the beaching walls that surrounds the platform together with differential subsidence of the concrete floor. These signs indicated that the unit is in danger and a... more
The main objective of this work consists in proving the water influence as an instability factor on tunnel face under transient conditions through weak rock susceptible to failure. Different behaviors may present depending on the material... more
El Embalse de Residuos Mineros Sólidos PBA colapsó, parcialmente, en una sección de su muro de contención, 2020.07.02. Se efectuó un análisis geotécnico de su estabilidad física, con fines de estimar el grado en que quedó afectado. Para... more
Este trabalho apresenta uma simulação paramétrica feita no HYDRUS 1D, a partir de dados colhidos em uma coluna de solo, que estava inicialmente saturada, com medidas a sucção de acordo com a dessaturação da mesma. O objetivo do... more
Este artículo presenta los resultados de la modelación a pequeña escala de pilotes de madera, de cabeza libre, sometidos a carga horizontal en suelos cohesivos, ensayados con el fin de comparar los resultados con modelos analíticos... more
In this issue a comparative stress-strain analysis of a soil massif with complicated inner and outer boundaries in 2D and 3D is shown. For thefirst time an original approach to engineering-geological natural conditions schematization and... more
In this study, the foundation systems of a structure on different soil profiles and different groundwater levels are modeled and analyzed. Several difficulties encounter during the basic design and implementation phases. In particular,... more
Purpose. To improve the prediction of maximum surface settlement induced by tunneling in multilayered soils. At the design stage, geotechnical experts tend to use simplified formulas for evaluating the ground response. Methodology. To... more
ABSTRAK Kota Banjarmasin umumnya terdiri dari tanah rawa yang memiliki lapisan tanah keras yang sangat dalam sekali, yaitu berkisar antara 25 m sampai dengan 50 m, sehingga umumnya bangunan mengunakan pondasi tiang gelam dengan diameter... more
Apresenta-se, neste trabalho um estudo de caso de uma obra no município de Cuiabá, em que no desenvolver do projeto de fundações optou-se pelo uso de estacas hélice contínua em determinados locais da edificação. O estudo consiste na... more
This research study is a part of research of soft clay and expansive clay stabilization with electrokinetic process. The movement of electricity in the clay caused to several phenomena including electrochemistry, electrophoresis, and... more
The packing unit of Helwan cement factory encountered a partial failure at the beaching walls that surrounds the platform together with differential subsidence of the concrete floor. These signs indicated that the unit is in danger and a... more
Este artículo presenta los resultados de la modelación a pequeña escala de pilotes de madera, de cabeza libre, sometidos a carga horizontal en suelos cohesivos, ensayados con el fin de comparar los resultados con modelos analíticos... more
Citation: O'Kelly B.C. (2017) “Measurement, interpretation and recommended use of laboratory strength properties of fibrous peat”. Geotechnical Research, Volume 4, Issue 3, pages 136–171, more