Geotechnical Investigation
Recent papers in Geotechnical Investigation
A new approach is developed to determine the shear wave velocity in saturated soft to firm clays using measurements of the liquid limit, plastic limit, and natural water content with depth. The shear wave velocity is assessed using the... more
The flood plain of the Nile River has been a safe dwelling throughout history. Recently with a growing population and vast growing urbanization some buildings have started to experience structural damages, which are not related to their... more
In this paper numerical analysis is carried out to identify borehole log at a particular location of a site thus producing a number of parameters which are empirically related to SPT values. The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) remains the... more
O’Kelly, B. C. (2022) Discussion of “Advancement in estimation of undrained shear strength through fall cone tests” by Abhishek Ghosh Dastider, Santiram Chatterjee, and Prasenjit Basu. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental... more
This paper presents an empirical model for estimating rock mass hydraulic conductivity of fractured Hawkesbury Sandstone in the Sydney basin. The hydraulic conductivity of a fractured crystalline rock mass can be a critical factor in... more
This paper studies the behavior of a foundation on a soil reinforced by a group of end-bearing stone columns in terms of settlement reduction in oedometer condition. The group of stone columns has been reduced to equivalent concentric... more
In Greece Sanitary landfilling is the most common way of disposing of municipal solid wastes. However, one of the major problems in waste management now a days concerns is the selection procedure of the most appropriate site for their... more
Unpaved roads are designed with a small input and are constructed from the nearest available materials as possible. It requires routine and periodic maintenance, and their condition can be significantly affected by a period of excessive... more
The choice and dimensioning of the foundations are made according to the physical properties of the soil and the type of structure to be built. This research concerns the assessment of the KAMATANDA platform soil capacity, which has to... more
Engineering failures are hard to define. They may form catastrophic disasters that are serious threats to public safety; yet, at other instances, they may be a shortcoming in the behavior or function of structures. A functional... more
Using high-quality hydraulic conductivity test results for compacted soil samples with widely different gradation characteristics, 14 commonly employed empirical correlations for estimating the permeability coefficient (k) were evaluated.... more
tugas mata kuliah investigasi geoteknik
program studi teknik sipil
departemen teknik sipil dan lingkungan
universitas indonesia
program studi teknik sipil
departemen teknik sipil dan lingkungan
universitas indonesia
The consolidation test is one of the most common laboratory tests in geotechnical investigations. It is mainly utilized to assess the clay operative constrained modulus, which is an essential parameter in the settlement calculations of... more
Hydraulic in situ measurement of rock mass permeability by packer (Lugeon) testing is an inherent and integral element of many engineering, hydrogeological and mining investigation. This paper describes and discusses geotechnical testing... more
It is clear that geotechnical data gathering is one of the basic and important issues of subway tunnels and stations design. Proper and sufficient data collection from underground circumstance makes the designers stronger in order that... more
The emphasis in geotechnical engineering has always been on achieving appropriate solutions to specific problems and projects using a number of steps such as site investigation, soil and rock testing, modeling, empirical methods,... more
Soil classification systems represent powerful tools not only to facilitate soil identification, but also to predict its possible behavior. While the use of arbitrary standards based on particle size distribution may be applicable to... more
The paper presents a case study of braced excavation using sheet pile wall in Thi Vai soft clay in South East of Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. The study is focused on stress-strain-displacement behavior with field monitoring of lateral... more
Site investigation is essential prior to all construction activities of engineering structures for determining the suitability of the site for the construction of the proposed structure. The results from the site investigation gives us... more
Construction activities have increased many folds in the recent times due to development in economic activities. Different types of complex structures are coming up to meet the growing demand. With the significant role that the foundation... more
This paper outlines the installation of three 18m deep shafts up to 8.2m internal diameter, and two tunnels with an internal diameter of 1.2m in sand with the water table near the ground surface. The shafts were constructed using the... more
The flood plain of the Nile River has been a safe dwelling throughout history. Recently with a growing population and vast growing urbanization some buildings have started to experience structural damages, which are not related to their... more
Site investigation for different Infrastructures plays a vital role for examining the suitability of the site for different proposed construction projects. Since, it is the surveys for different factors which can be positive and/or... more
Every year, ODOT undertakes numerous pavement patching/resurfacing projects to repair pavement distress and structural failure due to soft and/or organic soils constituting the subgrade. Other than the temporary solution of... more
Zemin, Zeminlerin Oluşum Mekanizmaları, Zeminlerin Mühendislik Özellikleri, Zemin Mühendisliği, Zemin Türleri, Zeminlerde Yapı ve Doku, Zeminlerin Oluşumu, Zemin Sınıflandırma Sistemleri, Zemin Mekaniği, Zemin ve Temel İlişkisi, Temel... more
Sari – Saat ini pembangunan skala besar sedang direncanakan di sekitar wilayah Sumedang, Jawa Barat yang meliputi pembangunan Bandara Internasional Kertajati, Jalan Tol Cisumdawu, Sentra Industri Ujungjaya, dan Bendungan Cipanas.... more
In the scope of this study, selection process of ground improvement methods for soils, which has bearing capacity, settlement, liquefaction, permeability, stability, swelling or subsidence problems, are investigated. Soil improvement... more
Engineering failures are hard to define. They may form catastrophic disasters that are serious threats to public safety; yet, at other instances, they may be a shortcoming in the behavior or function of structures. A functional... more
Socialisation is a processes with the help of which a living organism is changed into a social being. It is a process through which the younger generation learns the adult role which it has to play subsequently. It is a continuous process... more
OLIVEIRA, D. G. G. de. Optical televiewer in boreholes – methodological proposal for implementation and application in underground work. 2015. 187 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo,... more
Vietnam locates in soft Hollocence ground area with great thickness, so geotechnical engineers always face challenges in dealing with soft ground treatment methods. Among those, preloading method by surcharge and/or vacuum assisted with... more
In this paper, numerical analysis is carried out to identify borehole log at a particular location of a site thus producing a number of parameters which are empirically related to SPT values. The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) remains... more
GEOTILL Engineering ( is Geotechnical Services Provider of comprehensive, and cost effective Civil and Geotechnical Engineering services for clients located throughout the Midwest in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio,... more
Sydney Metro is Australia's biggest public transport project. Stage 2 of the project will extend metro rail from the city's northwest under Sydney Harbour, through new stations in the CBD and southwest to Bankstown. Sydney Metro has two... more
The shear wave velocity VS is an essential parameter in various geotechnical analyses. It can be determined using laboratory testing of undisturbed samples, in-situ geophysical measurements, or by using correlations of the shear wave... more
This paper presents some issues of geotechnical investigation for roads built on expansive soils. The aim of the study is to provide road engineers with guidance on site investigation; field and laboratory identification of expansive... more
The study area comprises of Rosaries dam in the Blue Nile State in southeastern Sudan. The dam had been constructed above pervious layer confined between two impervious layers and this gave rise to hydrostatic pressure under the dam... more
A multidisciplinary geophysical and geotechnical study, including some non-invasive geophysical applications, was carried out during the restoration of the 'Villa del Casale', a Roman villa discovered near Piazza Armerina (Sicily, Italy)... more
FREE ACCESS to the full published article is provided until 3rd January 2020 at the following Share Link: Abstract: In this study, the potential of pulverized waste tires (PWTs), either on... more
Most of the topsoils encountered in United Arab Emirates and in the Arabian Peninsula are granular soils with small percentages of silt and clay. Determination of the compaction characteristics of such soils is an essential task in... more
Recently, Spagnoli et al. (2019) investigated the relationships between the flow index (FI) − defined as the slope of the w-log 10 N plot (where w = water content and N = number of blows) obtained from the Casagrande-cup method − and the... more