We recently proposed a definition of a language for nonmonotonic reasoning based on intuitionistic logic. Our main idea is a generalization of the notion of answer sets for arbitrary propositional theories. We call this extended framework... more
Reduced size in hand-held devices imposes significant usability and visualisation challenges. Semantic adaptation to specific usage contexts is a key feature for overcoming usability and display limitations on mobile devices. We... more
Maps are artifacts often derived from multiple sources of data, e.g., sensors, and processed by multiple methods, e.g., gridding and smoothing algorithms. As a result, complex metadata may be required to describe maps semantically. This... more
models are placed by modeling paradigm at the center of development process. These models are represented by languages, like UML the language standardized by the OMG which became necessary for development. Moreover the ontology... more
The LinkedUp Catalogue of Web datasets for education is a meta-dataset dedicated to supporting people and applications in discovering, exploring and using Web data for the purpose of innovative, educational services. It is also an... more
Extensive collections of data of linguistic, historical and socio-cultural importance are stored in libraries, museums and national archives with enormous potential to support research. However, a sizable portion of the data remains... more
Une pensée émue pour tous les étudiants avec qui j'ai partagé une salle, un café, des bières, un repas ou quelques moments de doute pendant ces trois années : Guillaume, Mado, Ronan, Grégoire, Majed, Céline et toute la troupe du LMTG. Une... more
OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible.
aS Infraestruturas de Dados Espaciais (IDEs), comprovadamente fundamentais na administração pública em diversas esferas de governo, vêm sendo definidas, sem atribuição única, como um sistema dos sistemas (system of systems), que... more
The Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility (HMA) project is a joint activity of the European and Canadian Space Agencies lead by ESA through its Ground Segment Coordination Body (GSCB). It aims to provide a seamless and harmonised access to... more
Humans tend to interpret a temporal series of geographical spatial data in terms of geographical processes. They also often ascribe certain properties to processes (e.g. a process may be said to accelerate). Given a spatial region of... more
Ontologies play an important role in semantic web applications and are often developed by different groups and continues to evolve over time. The knowledge in ontologies changes very rapidly that make the applications outdated if they... more
Primeiramente, agradeço a Deus por tudo que tenho alcançado, pela saúde e força que Ele tem me concedido para que eu lute em prol de meus ideais. Gostaria de agradecer à minha família, e de uma forma especial, à Mara, pelo amor, carinho e... more
MOTIIVE (Marine Overlays on Topography for annex II Valuation and Exploitation) is a project funded as a Specific Support Action (SSA) under the European Commission Framework Programme 6 (FP6) Aeronautics and Space Programme. The project... more
Often the information present in a spatial knowledge base is represented at a different level of granularity and abstraction than the query constraints. For querying ontology's containing spatial information, the precise relationships... more
Ontologies as well as controlled vocabularies, and domain-specific terminologies are increasingly being developed to capture semantics for life science applications. A requirement for database systems is to allow the domain of a table... more
The dissolution of marriage is a complex social phenomenon that needs new topics of investigation, especially concerning the role of legal institutions in the conflict between partners. The research aims to identify the main issues that... more
The traditional Web services architecture uses a keyword based search to match a query to one or more service providers. However, a world-toword matching to discover a service provider is too simplistic for geospatial data and fails to... more
A geo-ontology has a key role to play in the development of a spatially aware search engine, with regard to providing support for query disambiguation, query term expansion, relevance ranking and web resource annotation. This paper... more
Resumo-Com a importância cada vez maior das águas subterrâneas como recurso hídrico e com a implementação de novas legislações sobre o uso dos recursos hídricos, há uma necessidade crescente de um sistema eficiente para armazenamento e... more
Through this paper we present a method for automatic<br> generation of ontological model from any data source using Model<br> Driven Architecture (MDA), this generation is dedicated to the<br> cooperation of the... more
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 This document defines the types of metadata and content that can be stored in an ebXML
Lack of sufficient semantic description in the content of Web services makes it difficult to find and compose suitable Web services during analysis, search, and matching processes. Semantic Web Services are Web services that have been... more
A Infraestrutura Nacional de Dados Espaciais (INDE), a plataforma principal de dados geoespaciais do Brasil, é o foco deste artigo que avalia a usabilidade do seu geoportal. A INDE, por meio do seu portal, oferece acesso a... more
Data owners are creating an ever richer set of information resources online, and these are being used for more and more applications. Spatial data on the Web is becoming ubiquitous and voluminous with the rapid growth of location-based... more
Data is of high quality if it is fit for its intended use in operations, decision-making, and planning. There is a colossal amount of linked data available on the web. However, it is difficult to understand how well the linked data fits... more
Abstract: Research in the earth sciences requires access to large and complex datasets. These data include in-situ and remote-sensed observations, and a variety of model output. Storage methods are as diverse as the data types and include... more
Probabilistic theories of semantic category formation in cognitive psychology can be used to model how semantic sense may be built up in the aggregate by a network of cooperating users. A model based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation is... more
Este trabalho discute o uso das Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica (TIG) como um apoio importante e necessário no processo de tomada de decisão em políticas públicas de controle da violência pelos gestores públicos de administrações... more
The paper presents work on implementation of semantic technologies within a geospatial environment to provide a common base for further semantic interpretation. The work adds on the current works in similar areas where priorities are more... more
With the spread of distance education courses, an increasingly common problem is the lack of a personalized support and the delay in responding by mediators and other colleagues to doubts and requests from students in Learning Management... more
An important challenge for today's environmental applications is to support the migration of environmental models to be provided as a service on the Web, and to be able to use other services, in the context of a potential wider... more
Introduction The Semantic Web community provides a common Resource Description Framework (RDF) that allows representation of resources such that they can be linked. To maximize the potential of linked data - machine-actionable interlinked... more
MOTIIVE (Marine Overlays on Topography for annex II Valuation and Exploitation) is a project funded as a Specific Support Action (SSA) under the European Commission Framework Programme 6 (FP6) Aeronautics and Space Programme. The project... more
MOTIIVE (Marine Overlays on Topography for annex II Valuation and Exploitation) is a project funded as a Specific Support Action (SSA) under the European Commission Framework Programme 6 (FP6) Aeronautics and Space Programme. The project... more
Operations focused on the integration and filtering of concepts and propositions from various concept maps are presented as a Concept Maps Query Language (CMQL), representing a novel approach to automatically obtain knowledge from a... more
Spatial quality assessment is based on the conformance of data to its specifications or fitness for users' purpose. These specifications and the users' purposes include the rules and constraints that a dataset should comply with.... more
This paper introduces the MICOLL Map, a digital historical map which is currently under construction by the ERC-funded project MICOLL: Migrating Commercial Law and Language: Rethinking Lex Mercatoria (11th-17th Centuries). The eventual... more
University data is typically stored in separate data silos even though the data is implicitly richly related together. Such data has a large and diverse user base, including faculty members, students, industrial partners, alumnis,... more
In the Big Data era data visualization and exploration systems, as means for data perception and manipulation are facing major challenges. One of the challenges for modern visualization systems is to ensure adequate visual presentation... more
The amount of digital cultural heritage data produced by cultural heritage institutions is growing rapidly. Digital cultural heritage repositories have therefore become an efficient and effective way to disseminate and exploit digital... more
Thesis submitted to Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) and International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Joint program of Master of Science in... more
Welcome to this special issue of the Semantic Web (SWJ) journal. The special issue compiles three technical contributions that significantly advance the state-of-the-art in exploration of semantic data using semantic web techniques and... more
We propose an approach to semantically enrich metadata records of satellite imagery with external data. As a result we are able the identify relevant images using a larger set of matching criteria. Conventional methods for annotating data... more
The textual geographical information is frequently organized around spatial named entities. Such entities have intrinsic ambiguities and Named Entity Recognition and Classification methods should be improved in order to handle this... more