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Introduction 3-5 I. Dialoguer avec les artistes 3-4 1. Cultiver « l'art de vivre pour l'art ». 4-5 2. Yves Saint Laurent, un artiste ? 6-8 II. Dialoguer avec les institutions 6-7 1. Une nouvelle manière d'exposer la mode 7-8 2. Prendre... more
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      Art HistoryAbstract ArtFashion HistoryAfrican Art History
The complete prints of Georges Braque is the only comprehensive catalogue raisonné of the graphic works of the painter. Appearing 36 years after the well known work of Dora Vallier (Braque: The Complete Graphics and Braque: L’oeuvre... more
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      Pablo PicassoLithographyTériadeGeorges Braque
Bu çalışma; Empresyonizm, Kübizm, Sürrealizm ve Ekspresyonizmde resimsel anlamda tarz olarak soyutlama evresine geçişi konu almıştır. Bu çalışma, nitel araştırma modeli tekniği kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Yapılan çalışma ile bağlantılı... more
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      Paul KleeWassily KandinskyPaul CezannePablo Picasso
This essay is on pottery as art and archaeology and the role of touch and how we view pottery as artists, archaeologists and as viewers in the gallery or museum. To make pottery, the potter needs to touch and shape clay by hand. The... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ming DynastyPrehistoric Art
The contradictions and tensions in Carl Einstein’s last art publication are evident already in its title, Georges Braque. For as he wrote a friend, “The Braque book is of course not a book about Braque.” Yet, with illustrations of 102... more
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      Cubism20th century Avant-GardeCarl EinsteinPablo Picasso
This is volume 5 of the Catalogue raisonné of the Orozco collection of artist and illustrated books as well as prints, dedicated to books and portfolios including lithographs and etchings by several artists, e.g., Picasso, Miró, Chagall,... more
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      Modern ArtPablo Picassomarc ChagallLithography
A un secolo di distanza, questo libro volge lo sguardo a uno tra i grandi protagonisti delle avanguardie artistiche. La produzione di Léger, negli anni cruciali prima del conflitto mondiale, è setacciata in maniera capillare: non solo i... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtModern Art
Picasso lithographer and activist is a revised English language version of the book Picasso litógrafo y militante, (WorldCat No. 952991448), published by the Picasso Foundation, Málaga, in 2016. It is the first commented catalogue... more
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      Modern ArtSocialist RealismPaul EluardPablo Picasso
This is volume 4 of the Catalogue raisonné of the Orozco collection of artist and illustrated books as well as prints, dedicated to Georges Braque. It describes the pieces of the collection, the circumstances under which they were... more
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      Modern ArtPrinting HistoryPablo PicassoLithography
This is an updated and richly illustrated version of the book Picasso Litógrafo y Militante published by the Picasso Foundation, Málaga, in 2016 (WorldCat No. 952991448). The book is the first commented catalogue raisonné of Picasso... more
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      Socialist RealismPablo PicassoLithographyGeorges Braque
This is the original 2016 Picasso Foundation edition of the book Picasso Litógrafo y Militante (WorldCat No. 952991448), the first commented catalogue raisonné of Picasso litographs . The book reveals for the first time the reasons and... more
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      Pablo PicassoLithographyGeorges BraqueFernand Mourlot
Critic, poet, and translator, Ivan Aksenov was a remarkable representative of the Russian avant-garde but his life and works long remained forgotten. This book of essays by authors from nine different countries sheds light on the writer's... more
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      Russian StudiesMusic HistoryAvant-Garde CinemaFilm Studies
Los nuevos sentidos estéticos que el arte ha ido adquiriendo hasta presentarse tal y como lo conocemos ahora, son producto de una constante mutación de formas y materiales empleados como códigos por los artistas para comunicar un mensaje... more
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      Art HistoryCubismPablo PicassoArte contemporáneo
This paper discusses several aspects of the “art des masses” concept that flourished in Paris during the Popular Front years (1936–1938) and the contribution of three of the most important Parisian art magazines to the establishment of a... more
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      Art HistoryPublishingCultural HeritageVisual Culture
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      Modern ArtCzech & Slovak StudiesCubismModernism (Art History)
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      PhenomenologyCarl EinsteinGeorges Braque
The circle of Czech, German, and Jewish artists who called themselves the Eight, ‘Osma’ in Czech and ‘Die Acht’ in German, played a foundational role in the development of modernism in Prague before the First World War. Drawing on new... more
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      Art HistoryJewish StudiesCzech HistoryModern Art
Il presente album è riservato a scopi scientifici e didattici, senza alcuna finalità di lucro: qualsiasi altro utilizzo non è autorizzato. Secondo il comma 1-bis dell’articolo 70 LdA del gennaio 2008 della Repubblica Italiana: “E’... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtModern ArtCubism
Georges Braque was a master of trompe l'oeil effects and this is most evident in his work of 1914 just before he was drafted into WWI service. His "lost" 3-d collage of 1914, which exists only in a single photograph, may be his most... more
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      CubismPablo PicassoTrompe L'OeilGeorges Braque
Vincent Kramar is now known to the wider public primarily as a nestor of Czech art history of the 20th century. Art historian, theoretician, art critic, director-emeritus of the Gallery of the Society of Patriotic Friends of Art, the... more
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      ProvenanceCubismModernism (Art History)Collecting and Collections
Braque, Picasso – Cubist Incentives for my Printmaking Works In this thesis, I will try to outline the development of my own printmaking work, through the presentation of two key authors of the early twentieth century. Through the... more
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Catalogue raisonné and provenance index co-authored by Anna Jozefacka and Luise Mahler for 80 artworks by Georges Braque, Juan Gris, Fernand Léger, and Pablo Picasso in the Leonard A. Lauder Cubist Collection.
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      ProvenanceCubismProvenance researchPablo Picasso
The article explains the complex relationship between Braque and Picasso during the occupation of France (1940-1944) and right after the liberation.
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      Pablo PicassoGeorges Braque
This dialogue is an exercise in McLuhanesque poetics. It proceeds in spurts, snatches, and, sometimes, staircases. A nomadic sensibility runs throughout. The dialogue format only adds to the nomadic quality. As the interlocutors are... more
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      James JoyceMedia EcologyYogaDialogue
Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso never traveled eastward during their close seven-year collaboration and made no effort to turn their Cubist breakthrough into a cohesive movement. Rather it was their primary dealer, Daniel-Henry... more
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      CubismModernism (Art History)Central and Eastern EuropePablo Picasso
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      Contemporary ArtBiographyCubism20th century Avant-Garde
Examines the December 1914-January 1915 exhibition of Picasso and Braque's work at Alfred Stieglitz's 291 Gallery. As the first New York exhibition of 1912-13 Cubism, with its new combination of a spare linear scaffolding and collaged... more
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      CubismPablo PicassoFrancis PicabiaAlfred Stieglitz
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      Modern ArtAmerican modernismCubismModernism (Art History)
Jean Siméon Chardin, Gustave Caillebotte, Vincent van Gogh, Georges Braque et Jacqueline de Jong comptent parmi les nombreux artistes ayant pris pour motif les scènes de billard. D’abord pratiqué dans les salons de l’aristocratie... more
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      SportsBilliardsJean Simeon ChardinVincent Van Gogh
Si considera qui con rinnovata attenzione la produzione matura e tarda di Braque, caratterizzata dall’affermarsi di un orientamento ideografico o pittografico, per cui, nella visione di Braque, arti figurative e poesia acquistano tratti... more
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      FuturismCubismMarcel DuchampPablo Picasso
"Cubism constitutes one of the greatest revolutions in the history of Western art, on a par with the one launched at the beginning of the fifteenth century by two other young artists, in another booming economic and cultural center... more
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      Art HistoryArtModern ArtPainting
Since the time of Aristotle and perhaps before, philosophers have attempted to understand the relationship between human consciousness and the material world.
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArt TheoryJean Piaget
L'avventura sinestetica di Satie, nata in clima simbolista, attraversa come una meteora il cubismo e l'orfismo, riemergendo in una veste dada e surrealista. Sullo sfondo della Parigi della Belle Époque Satie tesse una fitta rete di legami... more
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      SurrealismDadaCubismComparative Aesthetics
Фонд Маг – первый во Франции частный фонд, посвящённый модернизму и современному искусству. Вместе с каталонским архитектором Жозепом Луисом Сертом над проектом работали крупнейшие мастера международного модернизма – Жорж Брак, Жоан Миро,... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureLabyrinthsModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Modernism (Art History) “Cubist Architecture: The Villa Savoye” presents cubist principles of Le Corbusier’s 1928-31 house, such as the conceptual modernity of a “machine to live in,” light coming from multiple sources that are not... more
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      Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris (Le Corbusier)CubismFernand LegerGeorges Braque
Grounded in everyday experiences of modernity, Cubist pictorial investigations – initiated and carried out by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso in Paris through a close collaboration that lasted from 1907 to 1914 - challenged... more
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      CubismDomestic InteriorsPablo PicassoGeorges Braque
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      CubismPablo PicassoDadaism & SurrealismJean Cocteau
Dans cet article, nous analysons les travaux de Picasso et Braque à travers le prisme de la créativité publicitaire et de l'avant-garde en Europe et à Paris en particulier pendant les années suivant la Belle Epoque, de telle façon qu’ils... more
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      20th century Avant-GardePablo PicassoBelle EpoqueGeorges Braque
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      Critical TheoryArt HistoryHistory of ArtCubism
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      Pictorial RepresentationGeorges Braque
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      Art HistoryArt Economics and MarketsModern ArtTransnational History
CORRUZIONE Appalti G8, prima condanna per la cricca INTERVISTA |PAGINA 3 Chiara Saraceno: «La riforma Fornero del mercato del lavoro non tutela i giovani» ROBERTO CICCARELLI STAMPA LIBERA Tenga il resto, buon uomo OPERAI ALL'INGRESSO... more
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      Paul KleeBrancusiPeggy GuggenheimAlberto Burri
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      CubismModernism (Art History)Avant-GardePablo Picasso
Our analysis focuses on the presence of the French poet known as Saint-John Perse in Spanish Transition poets Jaime Siles and Blanca Andreu. Saint-John Perse, as well as Siles, were inspired by a series of lithographies by Braque... more
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      Saint John PerseGeorges BraqueJaime Siles
Chapter 8 of The World as Sculpture. Looks at the rise of the cult of the worker artist, and how this transformed the nature of art, driving painters to make sculpture and 3-D paintings with impasto and collage - the tableau-objet. This... more
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      CubismPablo PicassoGustave CourbetThomas Eakins
Apre il 23 marzo a Mantova la mostra «Braque vis-à-vis. Picasso, Matisse e Duchamp», che prosegue l’attività espositiva dedicata all’arte del Novecento a Palazzo della Ragione. Curata da Michele Dantini, è promossa dal Comune di Mantova e... more
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      Cubism20th century Avant-GardeMarcel DuchampDadaism & Surrealism
Analyzes Cézanne's role as a model for techniques of dissolving solid form, creating a new pictorial architecture, imposing a pattern on the painted surface, distorting naturalistic contours, and generating an atmosphere of metaphysical... more
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      CubismPaul CezannePablo PicassoFormalism
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Livre: Picasso and braque the cubist experiment, 1910 1912 (hardback) KAHNG Eik, COOPER Harry, PALERMO Charles, POGGI Christine, BOURNEUF Annie.
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      ArtCubismPablo PicassoGeorges Braque
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      Philosophy of ArtCubismSpace and Time (Philosophy)Art Theory and Criticism