We propose an infrastructure based on the Open64 compiler for analyzing, modeling and optimizing MPI and/or OpenMP applications. The framework consists of four main parts: a compiler, microbenchmarks, a user interface and a runtime... more
Time-averages are common observables in analysis of experimental data and numerical simulations of physical systems. We will investigate, from the angle of partial differential equation analysis, some oscillatory geophysical fluid... more
Periodic boundary value problem for second-order differential equations from geophysical fluid flows
This paper considers the existence of extreme solutions of periodic boundary value problem for the second-order impulsive functional differential equations. We prove some new maximum principles. This allows us to introduce a new... more
The re-analysis programmes of numerical weather prediction (NWP) centres provide global, comprehensive descriptions of the atmosphere and of the Earth surface over long periods of time. The high realism of their representation of key NWP... more
The framework of invariant parameterization is extended to higher-order closure schemes. We also define, for the first time, generalized invariant parameterization schemes, where symmetries of the corresponding original model are... more
Theoretical analyses and laboratory experiments have been performed on the stability of a flow generated by the differential cyclonic corotation of a flat, rigid disk in a uniformly rotating, linearly stratified fluid contained within a... more
Buku ini menyajikan pengantar yang sistematis dan mendalam mengenai dinamika fluida geofisika (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, GFD), bidang ilmu yang mempelajari pergerakan fluida di atmosfer dan lautan dalam skala besar. Fokus utama... more
The context of this work is Automatic Differentiation (AD). Fundamentally, AD transforms a program that computes a mathematical function into a new program that computes its derivatives. Being automatic, AD can spare a large amount of... more
Rotating grid turbulence experiments have been carried out in a stably stratified fluid for relatively large Reynolds numbers (mesh Reynolds numbers up to 18 000). Under the combined effects of rotation and stratification the flow... more
We explain the emergence of organized structures in two-dimensional turbulent flows by a theory of equilibrium statistical mechanics. This theory takes into account all the known constants of the motion for the Euler equations. The... more
The variational principle of Hamilton is applied to develop an analytical formulation to describe the volume viscosity in fluids. The procedure described here differs from those used in the past in that a dissipative process is... more
The increase of computational capabilities led recent studies to implement very high-resolution simulations that gave access to new scale interaction processes, particularly those associated with the transfer of energy from the oceanic... more
We use a parameterized convection model to investigate the effects of deep water cycling on the thermal evolution of an Earth-like planet. The model incorporates two water reservoirs, a surface and an interior mantle reservoir. Exchange... more
This paper is devoted to reviewing several recent developments concerning certain class of geophysical models, including the primitive equations (PEs) of atmospheric and oceanic dynamics and a tropical atmosphere model. The PEs for... more
Geostrophic turbulence is a flow regime attained by turbulent, rotating, stably stratified fluids in near-geostrophic balance. When a small-scale forcing is present, flows in this regime may develop an inverse energy cascade. Geostrophic... more
The performance of 18 coupled Chemistry Climate Models (CCMs) in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) is evaluated using qualitative and quantitative diagnostics. Trends in tropopause quantities in the tropics and the extratropical Upper... more
This work evaluates the performance of two radiation parameterization schemes in 30-day clear-sky runs of the Eta model over a region in Southeast Brazil. Two versions of the Eta model are compared: a version using the radiation scheme... more
This research explores the application of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software in simulating metal forming processes, a crucial technique in modern manufacturing and engineering. FEA models the complex behavior of metals under various... more
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We analyse the exchange of energy for an axisymmetric gravity current, released instantaneously from a lock, propagating over a horizontal boundary at high Reynolds number. The study is relevant to flow in either a wedge or a full... more
Our goal is to study the e ffects of atmospheric density stratification on the formation and longevity of aircraft trailing vortices. Toward s this end, we study a series of model two-dimensional problems, two of which are presented here.... more
We study the stability of a vortex in an axisymmetric density distribution. It is shown that a light-cored vortex can be unstable in spite of the ‘stable stratification’ of density. Using a model flow consisting of step jumps in vorticity... more
In the framework of background currents, we examine a dynamically consistent model of a periodic flow over an isolated submerged obstacle of Gaussian shape. Chaotic advection of passive scalars in the ocean is studied from the viewpoint... more
Effects of stratification on the dissolution of a vertical ice-face: effect of Rayleigh number Bishakhdatta Gayen, Mainak Mondal and Ross W. Griffiths Research School of Earth Science, The Australian National University, Canberra,... more
This thesis is organised as follows. In Chapter 2 checkpointing techniques for double sweep simulations are introduced. Here, reversal schedules are classified and defined. Moreover, notations, definitions, and some basic results are... more
A foil-based secondary emission monitor (SEM) was developed for beam profile measurements at the Ultra-low energy Storage Ring (USR) that will be installed at the future Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research (FLAIR) in... more
Oceananigans.jl is a fast and friendly software package for the numerical simulation of incompressible, stratified, rotating fluid flows on CPUs and GPUs. Oceananigans.jl is fast and flexible enough for research yet simple enough for... more
Lyapunov vectors are natural generalizations of normal modes for linear disturbances to aperiodic deterministic flows and offer insights into the physical mechanisms of aperiodic flow and the maintenance of chaos. Most standard techniques... more
OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible.
These lecture notes discuss various representations and approximations of ideal shallow water dynamics in a rotating frame. These rotating shallow water (RSW) equations possess a slow + fast decomposition in which they reduce... more
In this paper, we consider two-phase drift flux model and give a full symmetry group classification of the governing quasilinear system of partial differential equations (PDEs). An exact solution is obtained by mapping the governing... more
It is well established that the Coriolis force deflects wind and water currents. However, its influence on groundwater flow is neglected. Earth's rotation causes inertia circles in groundwater that create vortices ending up in different... more
It is well established that the Coriolis Force deflects wind and water currents. However, its influence on groundwater flow is neglected. Earth’s rotation causes inertia circles in groundwater that ...
This paper is devoted to reviewing several recent developments concerning certain class of geophysical models, including the primitive equations (PEs) of atmospheric and oceanic dynamics and a tropical atmosphere model. The PEs for... more
The time-dependent meandering in a thin baroclinic jet over bottom topography is discussed in the quasi-geostrophic approximation. The motion of the axis of the jet is taken to be vertically coherent and the axis itself is defined as... more
The time-dependent meandering in a thin baroclinic jet over bottom topography is discussed in the quasi-geostrophic approximation. The motion of the axis of the jet is taken to be vertically coherent and the axis itself is defined as... more
Two elementary models of ocean circulation, the well-known double-gyre stream function model and a single-layer quasi-geostrophic (QG) basin model, are used to generate flow
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible.
We identify effective carriers of Sargassum in the Caribbean Sea and describe a mechanism for coastal choking. Revealed from satellite altimetry, the carriers of Sargassum are mesoscale eddies (vortices of 50-km radius or larger) with... more
During explosive volcanic eruptions, a mixture of pyroclasts and volcanic gases is released from the vent. When the mixture loses its upward momentum before the density of the mixture becomes lower than the atmospheric density, the... more
The breaking of detailed balance in fluids through Coriolis forces or odd-viscous stresses has profound effects on the dynamics of surface waves. Here we explore both weakly and strongly non-linear waves in a three-dimensional fluid with... more
The primitive equation (PE) model can be further simplified while retaining its most essential properties. The simplification is based on the already emphasised disparity of horizontal and vertical scales of synoptic motions in the... more