Geometrical Optics

2,341 papers
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Geometrical optics is the branch of optics that describes the propagation of light in terms of rays. It focuses on the behavior of light as it interacts with various surfaces and media, using principles such as reflection, refraction, and the formation of images, while neglecting the wave nature of light.
Flatland'' is the title of a 120-year-old science fiction story. It describes the life of creatures living in a twodimensional (2D) Flatland. A superior creature living in the three-dimensional (3D) spaceland, as we do, can easily... more
In ''Flatland optics: fundamentals'' [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 17, 1755 (2000)] we described the basic principles of two-dimensional (2D) optics and showed that a wavelength in three-dimensional (3D) space (x,y,z) may appear in Flatland (x,z)... more
The Point-Spread-Function (PSF) field characterizes the geometric and diffractive properties of most optical system designs for imaging applications. The conventional method of computing the PSF field is carried out in two steps: first,... more
Research has shown that students have tremendous difficulties developing a qualitative understanding of wave optics, at all educational levels. In this study, we investigate how three different approaches to visualizing light waves affect... more
The celestial illusions, in particular the moon and sun illusion, are among the enduring problems of visual size and depth perception, the attempts to solve which go back to the antiquity. It is perhaps the longest-standing aporia in the... more
We investigate a new afocal two freeform mirror design problem in first order optics. The resulting first-order partial differential equations for the freeform two mirror system have an analytic solution with the sole condition that the... more
The energy efficiency and compactness of an illumination system are two main concerns in illumination design for extended sources. In this paper, we present two methods to design compact, ultra efficient aspherical lenses for extended... more
From the literature the analytical calculation of local power and astigmatism of a wavefront after refraction and propagation is well known; it is, e.g., performed by the Coddington equation for refraction and the classical vertex... more
Starting from a Hamiltonian description of the photon within the set of Bargmann-Wigner equations we derive new semiclassical equations of motion for the photon propagating in static gravitational field. These equations which are obtained... more
The far field refractor problem with a discrete target is solved with a numerical scheme that uses and simplify ideas from [CKO99]. A numerical implementation is carried out and examples are shown.
A new semiclassical model of photon and the explanation of Young's experiment with single photons are proposed.
In this article we describe the generation of the evanescent waves which are present in the rarer medium at total reflection by using a mixed-type system, the Ludwig system, which leads naturally to consider a complex-valued phase. The... more
Physlets are scriptable Java applets that can be used for physics instruction. In this article we discuss the pedagogical foundations of Physlet use and provide a sample of Physlet-based exercises that could be used to teach optics.
The analysis of wave motion in infinite homogeneous waveguides, having a complicated cross-section and/or an irregular inclusion, is a rather difficult task for the majority of available methods, especially when striving for accurate... more
An active bistatic LIDAR system operating through atmospheric turbulence is considered. Illumination field is assumed to be an electromagnetic Gaussian-Schell model beam. Target surface is modeled as a combination of isotropic phase... more
In this article, we present a fully analytical model for the evaluation of the electromagnetic (EM) field scattered from a composite target in a generic bistatic configuration. The scenario comprises a rectangular parallelepiped target... more
This paper furnishes a convenient theoretical framework for the analytical evaluation of the bistatic scattering coefficients, under the Kirchhoff approximation (KA) in electromagnetics. Starting from the KA, specific results under the... more
This paper deals with the mirror rotation problem and the problem of rotation of refracting surface in ray optics. These two problems of rotation in ray optics have been dealt with on the basis of the generalized vectorial laws of... more
We study classification problems for generic isotropic submanifolds. The classification list of simple and unimodal singularities is obtained and the generic evolutions of quasicaustics in small dimension are classified. Examples... more
This work is based on studying, implementing and analyzing the phenomenon of electromagnetic scattering caused by canonical surfaces. The study is made possible by Geometric Optics (GO Geometrical Optics) and Uniform Theory of Diffraction... more
Geometrical optics limit of the Maxwell equations for nonlinear media with the Cole–Cole dependence of dielectric function and magnetic permeability on the frequency is considered. It is shown that for media with slow variation along one... more
It is shown that the geometrical optics limit of the Maxwell equations for certain nonlinear media with slow variation along one axis and particular dependence of dielectric constant on the frequency and fields gives rise to the... more
This is a collection of problems composed by some participants of the workshop "Differential Geometry, Billiards, and Geometric Optics" that took place at CIRM on October 4-8, 2021.
We present a new version of our optical model for solar cell simulation: GENPRO4. Its working principles are briefly explained. The model is suitable for quickly and accurately simulating a wide range of wafer based and thin-film solar... more
The aim of the present work is to obtain an integral representation of the field associated with the refraction of a plane wave by an arbitrary surface. To this end, in the first part we consider two optical media with refraction indexes... more
Scattered light patterns produced by spherical transparent particles of a wide range of diameters (1-100 /im) and for a useful range of forward scattering angles (0-200) are calculated by using both Lorenz-Mie theory and geometrical... more
Constructing ray diagrams to locate the image of an object formed by thin lenses and mirrors is a staple of many introductory physics courses at the high school and college levels, and has been the subject of some pedagogy-related... more
We investigate a new afocal two freeform mirror design problem in first order optics. The resulting first-order partial differential equations for the freeform two mirror system have an analytic solution with the sole condition that the... more
The energy efficiency and compactness of an illumination system are two main concerns in illumination design for extended sources. In this paper, we present two methods to design compact, ultra efficient aspherical lenses for extended... more
We study the problem of the behaviour of a quantum massless scalar field in the space between two parallel infinite perfectly conducting plates, one of them stationary, the other moving periodically. We reformulate the physical problem... more
A comparison of theories describing two laser photothermal lens signals is given. The aberrant nature of this lens is accounted for in a theory which treats the propagation of a monitor laser in terms of a phase shift in this laser beam... more
This paper presents a new model for prediction of wave propagation in indoor and outdoor environments. The method is based on twodimensional ray-tracing techniques using image theory to determine all valid paths. The computation of fields... more
Este artículo tiene como objetivo emplear conceptos de geometría plana para deducir el ángulo formado en un plano inclinado. Esta deducción es fundamental para resolver una amplia gama de problemas en física estática y dinámica. Una... more
This study aims at describing the field propagation in terms of pulsed rays, that are particularly advantageous when dealing with short-pulse excitations. In the framework of the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction we augment Geometrical... more
In this study, the edge diffraction of a TM-polarized electromagnetic plane wave by two-dimensional dielectric wedges has been analyzed. An asymptotic solution for the radiation field has been derived from equivalent electric and magnetic... more
In the first paper of this series the author described a closed-form analytical approach to obtaining the complete solution set for four-mirror anastigmats in which all the mirrors were spherical. Two novel types of four-spherical-mirror... more
We used Geometric Algebra to compute the paths of skew rays in a cylindrical, step-index multimode optical fiber. To do this, we used the vector addition form for the law of propagation, the exponential of an imaginary vector form for the... more
We derive the paraxial meridional ray tracing equations from the unified reflection-refraction law using geometric algebra. This unified law states that the normal vector to the interface is a rotation of the incident ray or of the... more
Mikrogerit anten yapilannm; hafiflik, ucuzluk, yiizeysel kolay kullanim ve diger devrelerle tiimlegtirilebilme gibi 6nemli Bzellikleri nedeniyle, iizerinde genig olpiide paligmalar y a p h i $ ve pok &tli kullanim alanlan bulunmqtur.Ku... more
A general, spherical lens model arises directly from the findings of Christiaan Huygens in his 1690 "Treatise on Light".  It is a monocentric, monochromatic, thick lens design model having zero spherical aberrations.
We would like to explore deeper the consequence of the geometric optical knot as an integer to the caustic singularity.
It is shown that, within the limits of geometrical optics, it is possible to specify a pure-phase pupil function that will produce any desired optical transfer function (OTF) or point spread function (PSF) in an incoherent optical... more
A promising route to smaller, powerful cameras built into smartphones and other devices is to design optical elements that manipulate light by diffraction-the bending of light around obstacles or through small gapsinstead of refraction.... more