Geology of Ore Deposits

188 papers
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Geology of Ore Deposits is the study of the formation, distribution, and classification of mineral deposits that contain economically valuable metals and minerals. It encompasses the processes of mineralization, the geological environments in which deposits occur, and the methods used to explore and extract these resources.
LOCATION (MRDS, 2011) T.17S 53E Sec 20 36.46248 -116.0491 West mine T.17S 53E Sec 21 36.46058 -116.0227 East prospect The Congress Mine is part of the Johnnie District of Joseph Tingley (1998). The Johnnie mining district is located on... more
Chevkinite has been found in three localities of syenite pegmatite in the Oslo region, one of which also carries perrierite. The perrierite and chevkinite do not coexist. The perrierite contains a loparite (with pyrophanite) core. The... more
The ground water resources of the Kozuf region are directly related with litological, hydrogeological and tectonic phenomena and processes which take place from paleozoik until recent geological past, which ends volcanic activity of Mount... more
Sr, V * Zn) in the wines produced at home in the Tikveš area with the application of the methods of ICP-AES and (ETAAS) are shown. The paper also presents the correlations made on the basis the presence of certain trace elements in the... more
A rarely occurring complete tetrahedrite-tennantite solid solution has been reported from the Schendleck area (Lower Austria). The fahlores from this region (“Schendleck-type ” fahlore) represents an unique type, exhibiting a strong... more
The Wa-Lawra greenstone belt is located in northwest Ghana and is largely dominated by Birimian metavolcanics, volcaniclastics, and metasediments with some intrusive suites. These rocks are capped by mineralized laterites in most... more
The distribution of Re in ores of the Mikheevskoe Mo-Cu deposit in the South Urals is studied. It is established that the grade of Re in the ores usually does not exceed 0.5 g/t. A positive correlation between concentrations of Re and Mo... more
The Bereznyakovskoe ore field is situated in the Birgil'da-Tomino ore district of the East Ural volcanic zone. The ore field comprises several centers of hydrothermal mineralization, including the Central Bereznyakovskoe and Southeastern... more
Light-blue barite from Jebel Ouichane in Morocco forms blade-like tabular crystals (up to ca. 10 cm) with superb transparency and lustre and represents one of the most spectacular gem-quality worldwide. The barite is hosted by... more
Homogenization temperatures and salinity data are presented for fluid inclusions from hydrothermal gangue minerals (quartz and fluorite) associated with porphyry... more
The distribution of Re in ores of the Mikheevskoe Mo-Cu deposit in the South Urals is studied. It is established that the grade of Re in the ores usually does not exceed 0.5 g/t. A positive correlation between concentrations of Re and Mo... more
In the Republic of Congo, Banded iron formations (BIFs) occur in two areas: the Chaillu Massif and the Ivindo Basement Complex, which are segments of the Archean Congo craton outcropping in the northwestern and southwestern parts of the... more
The Koru deposit is a typical intermediate sulfidation base-metal ( Au) example of volcanicvolcaniclastic hosted mineralization in the Biga Peninsula and northwestern Turkey. Ore deposition was controlled by collisional and... more
The distribution of Re in ores of the Mikheevskoe Mo-Cu deposit in the South Urals is studied. It is established that the grade of Re in the ores usually does not exceed 0.5 g/t. A positive correlation between concentrations of Re and Mo... more
The authors’ aim was determination of estimated gold resources on the basis of the geological data analysis. The following methods were used for calculation of resources: parameters of ore bodies at gold occurrences, data of geochemical... more
Automated Scanning Electron Microscopy (ASEM) systems are applied in the mining industry to quantify the mineralogy of the ore feed and products. With society pushing towards sustainable mining, this quantification should be comprehensive... more
Introduction and aims 1 A classification scheme for ore deposits 2 What makes a viable mineral deposit? 4 Some useful definitions and compilations 6 Natural resources, sustainability, and environmental responsibility 11 Summary and... more
The Rahaba layered intrusion in the Southern Eastern Desert of Egypt is mainly composed of pyroxene hornblende-, and hornblende gabbros. It hosts thick Fe–Ti oxide ore layers that are composed of titanomagnetite with subordinate ilmenite... more
Rare metals (Nb, Ta, Y, Zr, Sn, U, W and REE) are economically important and new supplies need to be found. In order to understand Neoproterozoic rare metal granites of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS), six samples from five rare-metal... more
Based on results of study of the regional position, chemical composition of ores, fluid inclusions, and age relationships between mineralization and igneous rocks, we propose a geological and genetic model for the formation of gold... more
An unusual hydrothermal alteration scheme was presented for chevkinite-(Ce) from the White Tundra pegmatite (2656 ± 5 Ma), Keivy massif, Kola Peninsula. Pb-CO2-rich fluids initially removed REE and Y from the chevkinite-(Ce), with... more
The Keivy alkali granite-nepheline syenite complex, Kola Peninsula, NW Russia, contains numerous associated Zr-REE-Y-Nb occurrences and deposits, formed by a complex sequence of magmatic, late-magmatic, and post-magmatic (including... more
, spine1 systems have been explained on the basis of the molecular field theory, after taking into account superexchange, double exchange, Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya exchange as well as biquadratic exchange. From the Anderson-Kanamori theory of... more
The results of extensive experimental and theorettcal studies of magnetic properties for CuCr2X 4 (X = S, Se) spinel compounds are summarized. They concern the magnetometric, neutron and X-ray diffracuon, X-ray photoelectron spectra and... more
Zircon grains are reasonably ubiquitous in river banks and beach placers as detrital minerals, including along the ~1700 km long Indian east coast, from Odisha state to the state of Kerala. Zircons from beach placers and river banks... more
The Ren gold prospect, Elko County, Nevada, is in the northern part of the Carlin trend, two kilometers northwest of the recently-discovered, high-grade Purple Vein deposit. The Ren area is underlain mainly by Paleozoic sedimentary rocks,... more
Within these trials were treated results of 288 lithogeochemistry and 362 soil samples. Gold, silver and arsenic were the elements selected for the geochemical interpretation in the Surfer software package. Gold anomalies in... more
The productive ore mineralization within the Kozuf metallogenic area, mainly, has been related to the Alpine metallogenic epoch while spatial and temporal has been spread during the Cretaceous stage and Pliocene period. During the... more
Calculated ore-bearing coefficient in the Vrshnik ore body was 0.78%, meaning that within the ore body boundaries only 22% of mass is not mineralized somehow, which is highly compatible with remaining three ore bodies within the Buchim... more
The Kirazlıyayla deposit is one of Pb-Zn (±Cu) deposits associated with andesitic volcanism cutting through the metamophics of Karakaya complex. It is a structurally controlled, vein-stockwork style, mesothermal ore deposit. Replacement,... more
The Dobroe deposit with 10 t gold reserves is one of the gold mines located within the Yenisei Ridge Orogenic Belt. The ore-forming conditions of orogenic gold deposits are have recently been widely discussed. A comprehensive study of... more
Oxyvanite has been identified as an accessory mineral in Cr-V bearing quartz-diopside meta morphic rocks of the Slyudyanka Complex in the southern Baikal region, Russia. The new mineral was named after constituents of its ideal formula... more
Ba-Ti-V(Cr) oxides along with Ti-V(Cr) oxides in one of the samples. One of these oxides turned out to be the rare mineral ankangite Ba(Ti,V,Cr) 8 O 16 (the first finding in Russia), while another, a new mineral species from the derbylite... more
The K/Ar age of ignimbrite is 2.8-3.0 Ma; the age of granodiorite porphyry is 2.5 ± 0.2 Ma (Borsuk, 1979) or 2.7 Ma (Ar-Ar method) (Lipman et al., 1993; Gazis et al., 1995). Large xenoliths of marmorized and skarnified limestone,... more
The Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey contains over 400 massive (Kuroko-type) and vein-type Cu-Pb-Zn deposits. The Inler Yaylasi lead-zinc deposits are typical examples of the vein type and have been economically mined for 15 years.... more
A new mineral, hilarionite, ideally (SO 4)(AsO 4)(OH) ⋅ 6H 2 O, has been found in the Hilar ion Mine, Agios Konstantinos, Kamariza, Lavrion district, Attiki Prefecture, Greece. It was formed in the oxidation zone of a sulfide rich orebody... more
The K/Ar age of ignimbrite is 2.8-3.0 Ma; the age of granodiorite porphyry is 2.5 ± 0.2 Ma (Borsuk, 1979) or 2.7 Ma (Ar-Ar method) (Lipman et al., 1993; Gazis et al., 1995). Large xenoliths of marmorized and skarnified limestone,... more
Irinarassite, Ca 3 Sn 2 SiAl 2 O 12 , a new mineral species of the garnet supergroup was discovered in metasomatically altered carbonate-silicate xenoliths in ignimbrites of the
The In-Abeggui gold deposit is located in the Eastern part of the Laouni terrane (Hoggar, South Algeria). Our studies lead us to distinguish two shape kinds of gold mineralization i/big quartz-tourmaline veins hosted in gabbro-diorite... more
Incommensurately modulated twin structure of nyerereite Na 1.64 K 0.36 Ca(CO 3) 2 has been first determined in the (3+1)D symmetry group Cmcm(α00)00s with modulation vector q = 0.383a*. Unit-cell values are a = 5.062(1), b = 8.790(1), c =... more
The Ntem Complex represents the northwestern margin of Congo Craton in southern Cameroon. It consists mainly of charnockites, TTG suites, potassic grantitoids, minor supracrustal and mafic rocks. The latter include gabbronorite enclave or... more