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Indigenous peoples around the world face similar challenges pertaining to their ancestral territories in planning, protection, policy, and advocacy. For Māori, of Aotearoa New Zealand, issues related to mana whenua, mana moana,... more
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    •   12  
      GeographyGeography of NarrativesOral historiesIndigenous Cartography
Indigenous peoples around the world face similar challenges pertaining to their ancestral territories in planning, protection, policy, and advocacy. For Māori, of Aotearoa New Zealand, issues related to mana whenua, mana moana,... more
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    •   9  
      Geography of NarrativesOral historiesIndigenous CartographySpatial information technology
Indigenous peoples around the world face similar challenges pertaining to their ancestral territories in planning, protection, policy, and advocacy. For Maori, of Aotearoa New Zealand, issues related to mana whenua, mana moana,... more
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    •   13  
      GeographyGeography of NarrativesOral historiesIndigenous Cartography
Indigenous peoples around the world face similar challenges pertaining to their ancestral territories in planning, protection, policy, and advocacy. For Maori, of Aotearoa New Zealand, issues related to mana whenua, mana moana,... more
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    •   13  
      GeographyGeography of NarrativesOral historiesIndigenous Cartography
El paisaje constituye un referente curricular en la enseñanza de la geografía. En este trabajo se planteael estudio de los conceptos geográficos desde su relación con el paisaje. Pues es en el paisaje donde se muestra la realidad de las... more
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      Geography of NarrativesGeography teachingLandscape teaching
La sabiduría popular, a través de los refranes, y la literatura, como libros de viaje y textos científicos de expediciones, registran situaciones meteorológicas. La revisión y el análisis de estas fuentes primarias de documentación... more
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      Geography of NarrativesGeography teachingLandscape teaching