Geography and planning
Recent papers in Geography and planning
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
Simandan D (2005) "New Ways in Geography" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/ West University Press, 230 pp. The first part of the volume - "Old Ways" - addresses the question whether geography as we know it is worth keeping. The... more
Herbaceous species richness, density and cover were evaluated and compared in fallows of 10-year, 5-year, 3-year and cultivated farmland in Agoi-Ekpo, Cross River State. Herbaceous cover was measured from 40 randomly selected plots (10... more
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
Municipal waste management in the last two decades has become a global environmental priority in the context of increasing amounts of waste generated due to the development of a mass consumer society. Various issues of waste management ,... more
The paper aims to reveal one integrated global map which points out the major geographical inequalities in providing basic utilities across the countries using multivariate analysis and thematic cartography. Sixteen indicators with global... more
Simandan D (2006) "Marginally Modern. Psychoanalysis and the deconstruction of inadequate communities" Arad, ‘Vasile Goldis’ University Press, 264 pp. The book aims to present a critical history of the process of modernisation in the... more
Landfilling prevails in waste management options in Romania like others new EU members, being contrary to the concept of waste hierarchy promoted in recent years by EC. Waste disposal is done usually in non-compliant landfills and... more
Landfills are the most common and easiest methods to dispose the municipal waste in Romania and still prevails in current waste management options. This type of critical infrastructure was designed to dispose urban waste generated over... more
Öz: Dünya nüfusunun sürekli artması, yerleşim alanlarının da genişlemesini beraberinde getirmiştir. Önceleri tarım, orman ve otlak olarak kullanılan alanlar, günümüzde yerleşim alanlarına dönüşmeye başlamıştır. Bu durum, insanın... more
The claim for a 'more people-centred democracy' poses the question how collaborative planning can empower citizens to act for institutional change beyond government and markets. The planning of the Museumsquartier in Vienna and the... more
The cities are facing illegal dumping of municipal solid waste (MSW) because the waste collection facilities do not cover the entire population. Furthermore, this sector is poorly developed in small towns or villages annexed to... more
La dégradation accélérée des ressources naturelles particulièrement la forêt, C’est le moins que l’on puisse dire sur l’état actuel des espaces forestiers et péri-forestiers du Royaume, notamment du Moyen Atlas centrale. La région... more
Sanitation services still not fully cover the urban population and this leads to different types of pollution and affects the urban landscape. This paper aims a geographical approach by highlighting territorial disparities in the Romanian... more
The claim for a 'more people-centred democracy' poses the question how collaborative planning can empower citizens to act for institutional change beyond government and markets. The planning of the Museumsquartier in... more
The paper compares and contrasts the critical stance with the wise stance in human geography and offers three alternative models for conceptualizing the relationship between these two stances.