Recently, the idea of ontology has been an important field of research in GIScience . This paper aims to extend the current perspective of ontologies of geographical kinds, by including additional concepts: (a) the dynamical character of... more
Gestures are an essential element in the realization of paper-like user interfaces. Unfortunately, poor design and recognition of gestures has impeded the adoption of these interfaces. This paper describes a survey intended to illuminate... more
With the increasing number of indoor navigation applications, it is essential to have clear and complete conceptual model (in the form of UML class diagram) for IndoorGML. The current version of IndoorGML standard has an incomplete class... more
The research presented in this paper introduces a graph-based and computational modelling approach that derives a social network and computes its emerging spatial and thematic properties from the semantics embedded in a series of Web... more
To shed light on the questio 'of whether college geocwaphy students should be and/or are being -nstructed about the histcry and philosophy of geography, a survey wagundertaken to de*ermine the educational obiectives and practices... more
To shed light on the questio 'of whether college geocwaphy students should be and/or are being -nstructed about the histcry and philosophy of geography, a survey wagundertaken to de*ermine the educational obiectives and practices... more
In recent years, an increased interest in the use of the spacetime cube to visualize movement data can be witnessed. However, little is known about whether the cube is truly efficient and effective to satisfactorily display complex... more
This research demonstrates the development of temporal GIS and its applicability to support spatio-temporal hazard mitigation modeling. Many GIS data models have been proposed to incorporate temporal information into spatial databases.... more
Being in natural places is known to influence well-being. Therefore, increasing attention is being paid to the diverse ways in which our emotions can be influenced by places, and this paper investigates this notion in a protected area... more
Cultural heritage includes all tangible and intangible values related to a society's history, culture, and identity. Monumental buildings, which constitute an important part of the cultural heritage that has survived from the past to the... more
The central role of species competition in shaping community structure in ecosystems is well appreciated amongst ecologists. However species competition is a consistently missing variable in Species Distribution Modelling (SDM). This... more
Applications for Remote Sensing Technology to Assess the Role of Pastoralism in Rangeland Management
Pastoralism is a livestock-based land use that is connected to the movement of animals and closely tied to the availability of natural resources such as water, forage, and suitable terrain. Over time, pastoralists have adapted to shifting... more
Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a type of sampling method used to survey rare and hard-to-reach populations. RDS was developed to address the issue of bias associated with snowball sampling in qualitative research. Although, RDS has... more
This chapter discusses relationships between the Moran coefficient (MC) and the Geary ratio (GR) under different distributional assumptions (normal, uniform, beta, and exponential) and selected geographic neighborhood definitions (linear,... more
Social media has considerable potential as a source of passive citizen science observations of the natural environment, including wildlife monitoring. Here we compare and combine two main strategies for using social media postings to... more
Many types of information are geographically referenced and interactive maps provide a natural user interface to such data. However, map presentation in geographical information systems (GIS) and on the internet is closely related to... more
The aim of this paper is to critically examine, discuss, draw conclusions, and come up with ideas how to harmonize GIS education in order to realize the envisaged clientele benefits globally. The paper draws experiences and lessons... more
Extending Getis–Ord Statistics to Account for Local Space–Time Autocorrelation in Spatial Panel Data
Space and time are both crucial characteristic dimensions of geographic events and phenomena. Although exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) can be used to visualize and summarize complex spatial patterns, it has limitations in... more
Mesh-based terrain representations provide accurate descriptions of a terrain, but fail in capturing its morphological structure. The morphology of a terrain is defined by its critical points and by the critical lines joining them, which... more
Author(s): Goulias, Kostas; Janelle, Donald G. | Abstract: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funded a Peer Exchange meeting in Santa Barbara, CA (10-11 October 2005) for travel demand forecasters, experts in travel behavior and... more
Semantic Web resources such as DBpedia provide a rich source of structured knowledge about geographical features such as towns, rivers and historical buildings. Retrieval from these resources of all content that is relevant to a... more
The SPIRIT search engine provides a test bed for the development of web search technology that is specialised for access to geographical information. Major components include the user interface, geographical ontology, maintenance and... more
This chapter presents an exploratory simulation experiment to investigate the distribution of coefficients that are used to construct eigenvector spatial filters. The experiment involves five hexagonal tessellations and three levels of... more
Geospatial Information systems are experiencing the shift from monolithic to distributed environments (Bernard, 2003). Current research trends for discover and access of geospatial resources, in these distributed environments, are being... more
Size of the geospatial enterprise: There is little question that the geospatial information enterprise is large and growing. Absent a standard industry definition, however, estimates of the size of the enterprise have varied. Technology... more
Web Map Services A web map service (WMS), e.g. provided by the GeoServer software (Open Source Geospatial Foundation, 2014), is a widely utilized technique to publish satellite images. The basic idea is to extract specific regions of an... more
Ghent University Ghent University Academic Bibliography. ...
The very fast developments of web and data collection technologies have enabled non-experts to collect and disseminate geospatial datasets through web applications. This new type of spatial data is usually known as collaborative mapping... more
This paper describes national cooperation in Sweden launched by its universities and authorities, aimed at improving geodata education. These initiatives have been focused upon providing common access to geodata, the production of... more
Routes with a high share of greenery are attractive for cyclist and pedestrians. We analyze how strongly such green routes differ from the respective fast routes using the openrouteservice. Greenness of streets was estimated based on... more
Climate change projections corresponding to the IPCC SRES A1FI scenario obtained from the integrated CCSM3 earth systems model were analyzed at regional and decadal scales to develop projections of extreme hydro-meteorological stresses.... more
This technical report reviews the literature that provides guidance on GIS implementation. It defines Guiding Literature and five Classes of publications included therein. It reviews a representative number of publications of each Class... more
Public transport planning requires consideration of equity in access of the population to the transport service. This paper presents a methodology for the analysis of public transport in the city of Palma and its evaluation in terms of... more
In many applications, the management of geographic knowledge is very important especially not only for urban and environmental planning, but also for any application in territorial intelligence. However there are several practical... more
Recent research projects in North America that have advanced the integration of formal mathematical georeferencing and informal placename georeferencing in knowledge organization systems are described and related to visualization... more
This paper summarizes the discussions related to the panel “Contributions of GIScientists (or GIScience) over the past Twenty Years” at the 2015 Vespucci Institute. Reflections about the past not only provide an account of what occurred,... more
This article introduces a strategic initiative, COST Action TD1202, focused on the role of citizen sensors in mapping. It outlines the Action's scope, aims and current status. In particular, the article outlines the potential of citizen... more
The workshop on" Cognitive Models of Dynamic Geographic Phenomena and Their Representations" was designed to bring together cognitive psychologists, geographers computer scientists, and others to discuss theories and methods for... more
Mereotopologies have traditionally been defined in terms of the intersection of point sets representing the regions in question. Whilst these semantic schemes work well for purely topological aspects, they do not give any semantic insight... more
Large scale developmental projects firstly require the selection of one or more cities to be developed. In Libya, the selection process is done by selected organizations, which is highly influenced by human judgement that can be... more
Digital Earth (DE) education provides students with geospatial knowledge and skills to locate, measure, and solve geographic problems on Earth's surface. The rapid development of geospatial technology has promoted a new vision of DE to... more