Recent papers in Geogebra
While most of the studies done on GeoGebra has been focused on the dynamic nature of GeoGebra (e.g. Aydin & Monaghan, 2011; Karaarslan et al., 2013) and the effects of GeoGebra on students’ learning (e.g. Bulut & Bulut, 2011; Edwards &... more
Este artigo é um relato de experiência interdisciplinar com os componentes curriculares Matemática e Física numa turma da Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA, o Ciclo VI, em 2018, numa escola estadual da Paraíba. Neste projeto, com a... more
Cores dinâmicas em regiões retangulares podem ser obtidas de conceitos básicos da geometria euclidiana. No GeoGebra, interessantes imagens são reveladas por meio de exibição de rastros adicionados num sistema aditivo RGB. Com o objetivo... more
Resumen: La investigación presenta el estudio de una situación didáctica desarrollada por estudiantes universitarios, mediada por el GeoGebra, para introducir la noción de suma de Riemann a partir de la suma de áreas de rectángulos. La... more
In this chapter of the Technology in Mathematics Education:Contemporary Issues, we explore the nature and the importance of dynamic visualizations for teaching and learning probability. The chapter begins with a discussion of importance... more
This monograph oriented implementation and achievement of learning activity cycle in science 3 Elementary School, describes some of the expertise in the use of educational media by a professor of the group's schools school Les Houches... more
Los recursos tecnológicos digitales han mostrado la posibilidad de profundizar en la naturaleza del conocimiento matemático y establecer nexos entre diferentes conceptos. La investigación didáctica ha mostrado que es posible usarlos para... more
Neste artigo, pretendemos apresentar um recorte parcial de uma pesquisa de mestrado, no qual se descreve especificamente, uma Situação Didática Olímpica (SDO) que é estruturada com o suporte do software Geogebra. Uma intervenção realizada... more
Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación ofrecen un medio para que los estudiantes exploren, conjeturen, redescubran, construyan nuevos conocimientos y desarrollen habilidades tanto matemáticas como digitales. Los... more
This chapter focuses on environments that support the fostering of SDML. This research drew on constructionism as theoretical lens and its implementation by means of microworlds. The aim of this chapter is to determine what features of... more
Mathematics Logarithmic functions are an important part of the school curriculum. Also, they are important tools for solving problems in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics etc. The teaching of these functions is done in... more
Учеб.-метод. пособие / С.Р. Мугаллимова; Департамент образования имолодёж. политики ХМАО-Югры, Бюджет. учреждение высш. образования ХМАО-Югры “Сургут. гос. пед. ун-т”. – Сургут : РИО БУ “Сургутский государственный педагогический... more
1. Untuk membuat titik pilih Titik Baru → klik dimana saja untuk membuat titik A dan B
We investigate which practices are performed by teachers, when they scaffold students' learning to solve mathematical problems together, with technologies that facilitate group learning in a whole-classroom context. We describe teacher... more
Manual de Geogebra en un nivel intermedio
Circle theorem is one of the dreaded topics in mathematics many teachers find difficult teaching to the understanding of their students. When the researcher was doing his internship at St. Francis’ college of education, Hohoe, he... more
The integration of mathematical modeling with technology and the advantages of technology to modeling process have become more important in today's fast-growing society. The studies about how the technology affects the mathematical... more
Resumen: El objetivo de este taller es poner a disposición de los y las participantes estrategias que les permitan dinamizar sus clases e innovar en ellas y en sus evaluaciones. Esto se hará por medio del software GeoGebra.
The 2013 official national curriculum published by the Turkish Ministry of Education formally required high school mathematics teachers to actively incorporate computer software in their teaching. The primary purpose of this study was to... more
Resumen El GeoGebra es un software diseñado principalmente para la enseñanza de la Matemática en cualquier nivel educativo, es de código abierto y es gratuito; pero que además puede ser utilizado en otras áreas del conocimiento como la... more
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh siswa SLTA yang masih merasa kesulitan dalam mempelajari geometri, dan lebih khususnya lagi materi dimensi tiga. Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan proses abstraksi, padahal abstraksi merupakan... more
- by Ahmad Shulhany
- Abstraction, Geometry, My main research interest is to about the representation of the human body, human anatomy, and the relationship between figuration and abstraction. I have an MA on this subject from Chelsea School of Arts and Design of London, UK., Mathematical Abstraction in learning and teaching mathematics
Bu çalışma, bir ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adayının, öğretmenlik uygulaması dersi sırasında, geometride üç boyutlu cisimlerin farklı yönlerden görünümleri konusunu anlatırken Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi'ndeki değişimi incelemek... more
Ini adalah kisi-kisi ujian untuk Bab 2 Kelas XII IPA
"Program Linear"
"Program Linear"
Özet Uzamsal yeteneğin insan yaşamı için önemli ve gerekli bir özellik olduğu düşünülmektedir. Uzamsal yetenek gerektiren durumlardan biri de kişinin farklı açılardan baktığında nesneyi veya nesneleri farklı görmesi ve bu farklılığı ifade... more
It has become a fact that fluency and competency in utilizing the advancement of technology, specifically the computer and the internet is one way that could help in facilitating learning in mathematics. This study investigated the... more
1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya. 2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleran, gotong royong), santun, dan percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan... more
Livro com atividades de geometria, do caderno do aluno do Estado de São paulo, e outras sugestões utilizando o software livre GeoGebra.
Matematiksel modelleme ile teknolojinin entegrasyonu ve modelleme sürecine teknolojinin sağladığı avantajlar günümüzün hızlı gelişen toplumunda daha önemli hale gelmektedir. Teknolojinin matematiksel modelleme sürecini nasıl etkilediği ve... more
Se trata de un documento que propone una reflexión acerca de la enseñanza de la matemática con GeoGebra.
The paper reflects upon the teaching of mathematics using GeoGebra.
The paper reflects upon the teaching of mathematics using GeoGebra.
The latest official national curriculum published by the Turkish Ministry of Education, now formally requires high-school mathematics teachers to actively incorporate computer software in their teaching. The primary purpose of this study... more
La noción de función está considerada dentro de las más importantes de la matemática y en particular, de la matemática escolar, llegando a ser considerada como un “concepto unificador en matemática”. Sin embargo, muchos estudiantes a... more
Panduan Singkat penggunaan Dimensi Tiga Untuk Pembelajaran Dimensi Tiga, Semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi para guru dan juga penggemar matematika,
Kritik dan sarannya kirim ke [email protected]
Kritik dan sarannya kirim ke [email protected]
It is necessary to get involved actively in the process of acquiring knowledge to learn mathematical contents successfully. The theory of constructivism emphasizes student's individual activity in which he/she creates his/her own... more
The aim of the present study is to conceptualize the approaches displayed for validation of model and thought aprocesses provided in mathematical modeling process performed in technology-aided learning environment. The participants of... more