Recent papers in Geochemistry
The felsic lavas of the Bamenda Mountains, in the main part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line, are mainly represented by trachytes, with subordinated benmoreites and alkaline to peralkaline rhyolites. New K–Ar geochronological data define two... more
Melt impregnated plagioclase lherzolites from the Nain mélange, central Iran, contain pyroxenes enriched and chemically zoned with Sr. Pyroxenes from the lherzolite and the clinopyroxenite seams, which have been precipitated from the... more
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Multiple tracers of groundwater input (salinity, Si, 223 Ra, 224 Ra, and 226 Ra) were used together to determine the magnitude, character (meteoric versus seawater), and nutrient contribution associated with submarine groundwater... more
Volcano monitoring aims at the recognition of changes in instrumentally observable parameters before hazardous activity in order to alert governmental authorities. Among these parameters seismic data in general and volcanic tremor in... more
The seismicity depth distribution in the central and southern East African Rift System (EARS) is investigated using available catalogs from local, regional and global networks. We select well-determined events and make a re-assessment of... more
The Timor-Tanimbar region constitutes part of the non-volcanic outer Banda Arc of Eastern Indonesia. Here, the world's youngest 'A'-type high-pressure metamorphic belt crops out with different stages of evolution. Whereas an advanced... more
Within the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, carbonatite-like dykes occur in granulite facies gneisses of the Greater Himalayan Crystallines. Most dykes are dolomitic and are associated with scapolite-bearing hornblendite and glimmerite, which... more
The Mesozoic southern branch of the Neo-Tethys Ocean was located between the Arabian shield and the Sanandaj-Sirjan continental block of Iran. The Kermanshah ophiolitic complex crops out in the Main Zagros Thrust Zone in Iran and consists... more
Hutian Kiln, located in Jingdezhen City of Jiangxi Province of China, is well-known for the productions of bluish white glazed porcelain (Qingbai) from Song Dynasties (AD 960 e AD 1279) and egg-white glazed porcelain (Luanbai) of Yuan... more
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that atomistic simulations can be used to evaluate the structure of mineral surfaces and to provide reliable data for forsterite surfaces up to a plane index of 2 using the code METADISE. The... more
The absence of dunite (>90 vol% olivine) in the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorite suite, when viewed with respect to spectroscopic and petrologic evidence for olivine on Vesta, is problematic. Herein, we present... more
General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide... more
Deposits from the Minoan Santorini (Thera) eruption in the eastern Mediterranean region constitute the most important regional stratigraphic marker in the chronological perplexity of the 2nd millennium BCE. Extensive tsunami depos- its... more
In 1962, what was then a landmark novel ‘Silent Spring’ was published, the author was Rachel Carson. The novel highlighted the effects of man made chemicals on the environment and ecosystems. Carson describes in this novel, the powerful... more
During the last two years three very similar reference books on mineral species have been published, the MineralReference Manualby E.H. Nickel and M.C. Nichols being one of them. The others are:
ABSTRACT We investigated the casting cores of twelve large bronze masterpieces of the Florentine Renaissance and Mannerism (artworks by Ghiberti, Donatello, Verrocchio, Rustici, and Danti). Materials were characterized in their... more
Twenty years of continuous Earth observation by satellite SAR have resulted in numerous new insights into active volcanism, including a better understanding of subsurface magma storage and transport, deposition of volcanic materials on... more
Egyptlan mummies have captured the imagination of mankind for very many years. Modern analysis of mummies, using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and High Performance Liquid Chromatography, provides information on the type of orgamc... more
A 727 m thick sequence of the Lower and Mid Palaeozoic in Satun province, south peninsular Thailand is represented by a continuous succession of deeper water carbonates and clastic rocks ranging from the Caradoc to the Silurian,... more
A Lower Devonian (Emsian) tentaculite fauna including Nowakia acuaria [Richer, R., 1854. Thüringische Tentaculiten. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Gesellsch. 6, 275-290] occurs in black shale in the basal part of a siliciclastic sequence... more
Classic oxidized porphyry copper deposits (OPCD) are characterized by high tonnage and elevated f O 2 and contain highly oxidized minerals including primary anhydrite and hematite. In contrast, the Baogutu deposit contains abundant... more
Rescue excavations in Prohear, southeast Cambodia, recently saved the last untouched graves of one of the richest prehistoric sites in Southeast Asia. Many Iron Age burials dating from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD contained... more
The concentration and transport of metals in hydrothermal solutions depend on how metals ions combine with ligands to form complexes, and experimental methods are necessary to identify the important complexes. UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometry... more
Four sets of thin-section scale, Mode I (open mode), cemented microfractures are present in sandstone from the Eocene Misoa Formation, Maracaibo basin, Venezuela. The first set of microfractures is intragranular (F1), formed early during... more
A study has been done in Luvuvhu Catchment to develop a framework for effective community participation in water quality monitoring and management. Community participation and involvement in development has since the 1970s gathered... more
1] Lower crustal earthquakes are commonly observed in continental rifts at depths where temperatures should be too high for brittle failure to occur. Here we present accurately located earthquakes in central Ethiopia, covering an... more
NORMAT is a new technique for quantifying hydrothermal alteration in greenschist facies rocks using normative mineral ratios without precursor or mineralogical determination. Using five petrologic rules, the NORMAT calculations first... more
The use of mineral deposit density regression models to estimate the number of undiscovered deposits is gaining acceptance in mineral resources assessments. The deposit density regression models currently in use are based on... more
A revised kinematic model is proposed for the Neogene tectono-magmatic development of the North Tanzanian Divergence where the axial valley in S Kenya splits southwards into a wide diverging pattern of block faulting in association with... more
Four blue-glazed faience jars, on exhibition in the Louvre Museum, are referred to as the canopic jars of Rameses II. Their recent typological re-examination rendered this original assignment questionable. In order to clearly determine... more
Mineral exploration in areas of little bedrock exposure must increasingly rely on the predictive quality of geological, geochemical and geophysical data. In this contribution analysis of fluid inclusions is used to characterize fluid... more