Genre research

42 papers
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Genre research is the systematic study of categories of artistic, literary, or cultural works, focusing on their characteristics, conventions, and the contexts in which they are produced and received. It examines how genres evolve over time and their impact on audience interpretation and cultural discourse.
EVA, a text processing tool designed to be self-contained and useful for a variety of languages, is described briefly, and its extensive coded character set is illustrated. Features, specifications, and database functions are noted. Its... more
One can ask four questions about genre validity across cultures. Does a certain form or configuration occur in the culture in question? Is it acceptable? If acceptable, is it in practice preferred? Is it recommended by prescriptive... more
Emic and Etic Definitions, which penetrates into the issues and functioning of categories identified or constructed as genres. The final section, Between Folklore and Literature, turns to the dynamics of interfaces between oral and... more
This study explored sales promotion letters (SPLs) and company profiles (CPs) of two prominent batik companies in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. This essay draws its data from the most important primary source of information on sales... more
This paper examines book blurbs of Cameroonian authors, written in English. The main focus is to determine the lexical devices used by the writers in order to realize the communicative purpose of the genre, as well as their private... more
Conjunctive adverbials or simply conjuncts represent specific sentence elements contributing to the overall semantic coherence of a text. Their use or omission depends entirely on the decision of the author of the text, the way he or she... more
This paper examines the evolution of criticisms (CRs) and their targets in a corpus of 100 French-written book reviews (BRs), 50 published between 1890 and 1900 (Block A) and 50 between 1990 and 2000 (Block B). Critical and uncritical BRs... more
Conjunctive adverbials or simply conjuncts represent specific sentence elements contributing to the overall semantic coherence of a text. Their use or omission depends entirely on the decision of the author of the text, the way he or she... more
As a discourse genre, statements of purpose are characterized by their occluded status in the academy and by their hybrid nature. Statements of purpose are required in applications for a place in a postgraduate course (Master’s degree or... more
As a first document used to assess someone’s capacity, an application letter is required to be created in good genre moves to show someone’s positive identity. This study analyzed the genre moves of students’ application letters and... more
This study explored sales promotion letters (SPLs) and company profiles (CPs) of two prominent batik companies in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. This essay draws its data from the most important primary source of information on sales... more
As a first document used to assess someone’s capacity, an application letter is required to be created in good genre moves to show someone’s positive identity. This study analyzed the genre moves of students’ application letters and... more
The continuous study of stylistics has been regarded as significant in identifying the border between language and literature. Hence the study presented a stylistic analysis of Alfredo Q. Gonzales’s essay “The Will of the River.” The... more
In this article, we explore how corpus-based techniques can broaden our understanding of how lexical and grammatical features help to shape and define the persuasive features of philanthropic direct mail letters by allowing us to examine... more
The study of titles in technical discourse and, specifically, in civil engineering research articles (CERA) is a pending issue within Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP). Research into this area can benefit researchers and students of... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the use of discourse connectors (DCs) in argumentative compositions of Thai undergraduates and English-native speakers. Out of 44 compositions, 24 were collected from third-year English major... more
Resumo: Neste artigo, discute-se a utilizacao do recurso hipermidiatico video em periodicos cientificos. Para isso, realizou-se uma analise do Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE). A fundamentacao conceitual se divide em duas partes:... more
Conforme apontado por Fairclough (2003, p. 77), "o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de comunicação acompanha o desenvolvimento de novos gêneros." Um periódico fundado em 2006, JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), trouxe novas... more
One noteworthy aspect is that the more famous the authors are, the less they tend to conform to generic norms and standard scientific reporting style. The present paper will show, with qualitative data from the Introductions of... more
This paper applies Halliday’s systemic functional grammar to examine the ways conjunctive adjuncts are used in the written English of Malaysian undergraduates. Student essays selected from the Malaysian Corpus of Learner English were... more
Almost ten years ago we wrote that academicians had been debating about the exact place of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP)-and similarly, Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) and Languages for... more
Artikkeli tarkastelee historiallisesta poetiikasta käytyä keskustelua 1800-luvulta nykypäiviin sekä hahmottelee sitä tutkimussuuntauksena, joka keskittyy kirjallisten ilmiöiden historialliseen tarkasteluun, kuvaamiseen ja teoretisointiin.... more
This review article seeks to offer an analytic and critical overview of research on scientific writing from a largely linguistic perspective. This perspective, we believe, complements the interests of those working in Information Science,... more
The quality of any academic essay highly depends on cohesion and coherence since they affect the overall quality and the tone of the writing to a great extent. Conjunctive adverbials are among the types of devices which logically help... more
the oldest university in Scandinavia founded in 1477. For several decades, she has been Director of the Unit for Advanced Studies in Modern Swedish (FUMS). Professor Gunnarsson has managed several large research projects, such as "LSP... more
the oldest university in Scandinavia founded in 1477. For several decades, she has been Director of the Unit for Advanced Studies in Modern Swedish (FUMS). Professor Gunnarsson has managed several large research projects, such as "LSP... more
An interview with Britt-Louise Gunnarsson : Parallel language use in academic and professional communication
As a first document used to assess someone’s capacity, an application letter is required to be created in good genre moves to show someone’s positive identity. This study analyzed the genre moves of students’ application letters and... more
This study aims to investigate the rhetorical genre components and the pragmatic evaluation options used to articulate the communicative function of ArBR genre, and find out how these generic and evaluation options contrast with those... more
While the knowledge contained in US patents descriptions is essentially the same as that conveyed by textbooks and journal articles (Myers 1995, Owen-Smith 2003), it must be shaped to claim temporary exclusive property over an invention.... more
While the knowledge contained in US patents descriptions is essentially the same as that conveyed by textbooks and journal articles (Myers 1995, Owen-Smith 2003), it must be shaped to claim temporary exclusive property over an invention.... more
The need for rich and meaningful vocabulary knowledge in developing concepts in content areas is documented by research and is generally accepted by classroom teachers (Monroe & Panchyshyn, 1995-1996). Mathematics is recognized as the... more
What makes non-profit, philanthropic discourse so persuasive has not been well explored to date. Using a specialized corpus of direct-mail letters from philanthropic organizations in five different fields, this study seeks to combine the... more
Almost ten years ago we wrote that academicians had been debating about the exact place of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP)-and similarly, Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) and Languages for... more
The continuous study of stylistics has been regarded as significant in identifying the border between language and literature. Hence the study presented a stylistic analysis of Alfredo Q. Gonzales’s essay “The Will of the River.” The... more
Although academic book reviews have been extensively discussed in a number of languages and in terms of a variety of factors, there is at least one point that has not yet been taken into consideration, namely the authorship factor (i.e.... more
In this article we analysed a corpus of  letters of application that received an evaluation by the recruiters. We investigated whether there existed a correlation between the structural and linguistic characteristics of the letters and... more
This study examines the relative contributions of subculture membership and mothertongue status/target culture membership in writing transactional letters. We examined the letters accompanying articles initially submitted for publication... more
Bhatia / Gotti (2006)-e, più recentemente, sulle identità linguistico-culturali, professionali e autoriali. Appare adesso necessario costruire un equilibrio fra l'attenzione ai tratti di individualità, alle caratteristiche di genere,... more
This study applied a "moves analysis" approach to examine job application letters written by 25 Malaysian graduates obtained from an outsourcing organisation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The letters were analysed as to whether they adhered... more
As a discourse genre, statements of purpose are characterized by their occluded status in the academy and by their hybrid nature. Statements of purpose are required in applications for a place in a postgraduate course (master's degree... more
(The paper is written in Finnish, only the abstract in English. If you need further information on the paper, please contact the author.) Historical Poetics as an Approach in Literary Studies The paper examines renowned programs and... more
While the knowledge contained in US patents descriptions is essentially the same as that conveyed by textbooks and journal articles (Myers 1995, Owen-Smith 2003), it must be shaped to claim temporary exclusive property over an invention.... more
The quality of any academic essay highly depends on cohesion and coherence since they affect the overall quality and the tone of the writing to a great extent. Conjunctive adverbials are among the types of devices which logically help... more
Dissertação de vestibular: um enfoque funcional sobre a organização do gênero Rosângela do Socorro Nogueira de Sousa 1* Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o resultado de pesquisa desenvolvida como dissertação de mestrado,... more