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Sheep chromosome 3 (Oar3) has the largest number of QTLs reported to be significantly associated with resistance to gastro-intestinal nematodes. This study aimed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within candidate genes... more
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The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) is important for the development of hypertension, and several antihypertensive drugs target this system. Our aim was to determine whether specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in... more
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      Treatment OutcomeHypertensionBlood PressureRenin Angiotensin Aldosterone System
We attempt to identify gene by childhood abuse interactions which predispose to the development of schizotypal traits in a familial bipolar disorder (BD) sample. Self-report measures of schizotypal personality traits (Schizotypal... more
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      GeneticsPsychologyBipolar DisorderPolymorphism
Studies were conducted to determine whether maternal substrate utilization during pregnancy affects fetal growth and predisposes offspring to metabolic disease. Female wild-type (WT) and glucose transporter 4 heterozygous mice (G4+/-, a... more
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      Metabolic syndromeFetal developmentInsulin ResistancePregnancy
We describe the finding of a novel viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) Genotype III strain that caused disease of both a neurological and septicaemic nature in seawater-farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in Storfjorden,... more
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Italy counts several sheep breeds, arisen over centuries as a consequence of ancient and recent genetic and demographic events. To finely reconstruct genetic structure and relationships between Italian sheep, 496 subjects from 19 breeds... more
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a severe neuropsychiatric disease with strong genetic underpinnings. However, genetic contributions to autism are extremely heterogeneous, with many different loci underlying the disease to a different... more
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      ChildPhenotypeHuman GenomeGenotype
Background: Identification of genomic regions that have been targets of selection for phenotypic traits is one of the most important and challenging areas of research in animal genetics. However, currently there are relatively few genomic... more
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      GeneticsBreedingAdipose tissueTail
Pollen immigration can offset the effects of genetic drift and inbreeding in small populations. To understand the genetic consequences of forest fragmentation, estimates of pollen flow into remnant fragments are essential. Such estimates... more
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      GeneticsGenetic DriftReproductionCosta Rica
Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, currently denominated Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCAs) represents a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disorders affecting the cerebellum and its connections. We describe clinical and molecular... more
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      MedicineMaliMutationSpinocerebellar ataxia
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      International CooperationAdolescentLinear modelsHUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS
Ancestry inference for an individual can only be as good as the reference populations with allele frequency data on the SNPs being used. If the most relevant ancestral population(s) does not have data available for the SNPs studied, then... more
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      Population GeneticsEthnic GroupsLegal MedicineGenotype
Mutations in the GJB2 gene are a major cause of non‐syndromic recessive hearing loss in many countries. In a significant fraction of patients, only monoallelic GJB2 mutations known to be either recessive or of unclear pathogenicity are... more
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      Medical GeneticsGap JunctionsBiologyFluorescent Dyes and Reagents
To obtain a deeper insight into the genes and gene networks involved in the development of placentopathies, we have assessed global gene expression in three different models of placental hyperplasia caused by interspecies hybridization... more
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      BiologyGenomic ImprintingMedicineMolecular Mechanics
Background-Population-based genome-wide association studies have identified several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with cardiovascular disease or its risk factors. Genes in close proximity to these risk-SNPs are often... more
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      GeneticsRiskCardiovascular diseaseGenes
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      Alcohol DrinkingRisk factorsAgedGenotype
Migraine is a common neurological episodic disorder with a female-to-male prevalence 3-to 4-fold higher, suggesting a possible X-linked genetic component. Our aims were to assess the role of common variants of gammaaminobutyric acid A... more
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      AdolescentMultidisciplinaryChildCluster Analysis
The apolipoprotein E ε4 (APOE ε4) allele is a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer disease. Recently, depression has also become recognized as a risk factor for dementia. However, the possible effect of the APOE genotype on the association... more
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      DepressionMajor Depressive DisorderHawaiiApolipoprotein E
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) represent a heterogeneous group of disorders in which the safety margin of neuromuscular transmission is compromised by one or more specific mechanisms. Clinical, electrophysio-logic, and morphologic... more
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      GeneticsCognitive ScienceImmunologyClinical Neuroscience
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      GeneticsLogistic RegressionBlood PressureBrain Ischemia
Objective Epidemiological studies have linked vitamin D deficiency with the susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. Higher levels of the active metabolite, 1!,25dihydroxyvitamin D, could protect from immune destruction of the pancreatic " cells.
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      MetabolismDiabetesVitamin DGene
The human fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) missense mutation c.385 C!A, which results in conversion of a conserved proline residue to threonine (P129T), has been associated with street drug use and problem drug abuse. Although a link... more
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      GeneticsHuman EvolutionHuman GeneticsComplementary and Alternative Medicine
Sporothrix schenckii isolates of fixed and lymphocutaneous clinical forms from Mexico (MX), Guatemala (GT), and Colombia (CO) as well as environmental isolates from MX were studied by analyzing their phenotypic characteristics (conidial... more
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      ColombiaData AnalysisPrincipal Component AnalysisClinical Microbiology
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      GeneticsHuman GeneticsPolymorphismComplementary and Alternative Medicine
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We determined the frequency distribution of Actinomyces spp. recovered in a routine clinical laboratory and investigated the clinical significance of accurate identification to the species level. We identified 92 clinical strains of... more
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      Sequence AnalysisClinical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesPhylogeny
A field experiment was conducted for two years at Bangalore, to study the influence of organic (vermicompost) and inorganic fertilizers (NPK) on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) in a semi-arid tropical... more
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      ManagementMathematicsSoil ScienceStatistics
Effects of polymorphisms in ␤1-adrenoceptor and ␣-subunit of G protein on heart rate and blood pressure during exercise test. The Finnish Cardiovascular Study. We tested whether the Arg389Gly and Ser49Gly polymorphisms of the... more
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      PolymorphismFinlandBiological SciencesBlood Pressure
Mutations in the beta-amyloid precursor protein gene (APP) have been found in familial early-onset Alzheímer’s disease (AD). DNA variants at several genes have been linked to the risk of developing the most common late-onset form of AD... more
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      Cognitive SciencePolymorphismProtein FoldingMolecular Neuroscience
Background: Recent evidence indicates that individuals who are homozygous for the short (s) allele in the promoter region of the serotonin transporter gene have higher rates of depression and other psychiatric disorders as a function of... more
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      DepressionStressAdolescentBiological Sciences
Impaired fibrinolysis as a result of increased plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels in plasma is a common finding in patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT). A 4G/5G polymorphism in the promoter region of the PAI-1 gene has... more
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      GeneticsNonparametric StatisticsPolymorphismBritish
The 1000 Genomes Project aims to provide a deep characterization of human genome sequence variation by sequencing at a level that should allow the genome-wide detection of most variants with frequencies as low as 1%. However, in the major... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisMultidisciplinaryHaplotypesHuman Genome Project
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      GeneticsNeurosciencePsychologyCognitive Science
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      NeurologyItalyDNAG protein-coupled receptors
The compact (dwarf) plant architecture is an important trait in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) breeding that has the potential to be used in once-over mechanical harvest of cucumber production. Compact growth habit is controlled by a... more
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      TechnologyMolecular MechanicsCucumberBiological Sciences
Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine disorder, of multifactorial etiology, which affects 6-10% of women of reproductive age. It is considered the leading cause of anovulatory infertility, menstrual... more
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      AtherosclerosisRisk assessmentProspective studiesvon Willebrand factor
Background: Genetic causes of exaggerated or reduced pain sensitivity in humans are well known. Recently, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene P2RX7, coding for the ATP-gated ion channel P2X 7, have been described that cause... more
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      CalciumGenotypeAnalysis of VarianceTransfection
The deletion-allele of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene and elevated ACE activity are associated with increased risk of severe hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes. We explored whether genetic and phenotypic variations in other... more
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      GeneticsProspective studiesRenin Angiotensin Aldosterone SystemHypoglycemia
The barrier separating mucosal and systemic compartments comprises epithelial cells, annealed by tight junctions, limiting permeability. GUCY2C recently emerged as an intestinal tumor suppressor coordinating AKT1-dependent crypt-villus... more
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      Membrane ProteinsDNA damageMultidisciplinaryIntestinal Mucosa
Background: Molecular techniques are established as routine in virological laboratories and virus typing through (partial) sequence analysis is increasingly common. Quality assurance for the use of typing data requires harmonization of... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyVirologySequence Analysis
A prospective community study in a highly malaria endemic area of Papua New Guinea found that infection with multiple Plasmodium falciparum genotypes was an indicator of lowered risk of subsequent clinical attack. The results suggest that... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyPapua New GuineaAdolescent
a b s t r a c t Keywords: Warfarin Phenprocoumon Acenocoumarol CYP2C9 VKORC1 Point of care genotyping
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      PolymorphismPoint of CarePolymerase Chain ReactionClinical Sciences
Objective: While the study of binge eating disorder (BED) has burgeoned in the past decade, an understanding of its neurobiological underpinnings is still in the early stages. Previous research suggests that BED may be an overeating... more
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      GeneticsForensic SciencePopulation GeneticsBrazil
Managing endangered species often involves evaluating the relative impacts of multiple anthropogenic and ecological pressures. This challenge is particularly formidable for cetaceans, which spend the majority of their time underwater.... more
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      Population DynamicsEndangered SpeciesMultidisciplinaryAccidents
Background-Environmental factors appear to interact with a functional polymorphism (MAOA-LPR) in the promoter region of the monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) in determining some forms of antisocial behavior. However, how MAOA-LPR modulates... more
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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) plays an important role in nosocomial infections including those in communities. MRSA enables colonization in the nares and throats of healthy people. In this study, investigation of MRSA... more
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      ThailandBacterial ToxinsPolymerase Chain ReactionYoung Adult
Haydée Marina do Valle PEREIRA(1), Norma de Paula CAVALHEIRO(2), Fátima Mitiko TENGAN(2), Carlos Eduardo MELO(2), Evandro Sobroza de MELLO(3) & Antônio Alci BARONE(2) SUMMARY Hepatitis C virus infection evolves progressively persisting in... more
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      BrazilAdolescentMedicineLiver Cirrhosis