Recent papers in Genomics
A new method was developed for revealing of composite clusters of cis-elements in promoters of eukaryotic genes that are functionally related or coexpressed. A software system "ClusterScan" have been created that enables: (i) to train... more
In the pursuit of sensitive and quantitative methods to detect and diagnose cancer, nanotechnology has been identified as a field of great promise. Semiconductor quantum dots are nanoparticles with intense, stable fluorescence, and could... more
Genetic studies of livestock populations focus on questions of domestication, within- and among-breed diversity, breed history and adaptive variation. In this review, we describe the use of different molecular markers and methods for data... more
Androgens regulate important processes involved in the normal development and function of the human and rodent prostate glands. Here we report the isolation and characterization of a new androgen-regulated gene, designated WDR19, that... more
Large structural variants (SVs) in the human genome are difficult to detect and study by conventional sequencing technologies. With long-range genome analysis platforms, such as optical mapping, one can identify large SVs (>2 kb) across... more
Methylomonas methanica MC09 is a mesophilic, halotolerant, aerobic, methanotrophic member of the Gammaproteobacteria , isolated from coastal seawater. Here we present the complete genome sequence of this strain, the first available from... more
Large-insert genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries of two culturally and economically important oyster species, Crassostrea virginica and C. gigas, have been developed as part of an international effort to develop tools... more
Testing is a key issue in the design and production of digital circuits and the adoption of Built-In Self Test techniques is increasingly popular. This paper shows an application in the field of Electronic CAD of the Selfish Gene... more
X-ray microcomputed tomography (mCT) allows nondestructive visualisation of plant root systems within their soil environment and thus offers an alternative to the commonly used destructive methodologies for the examination of plant roots... more
The antimicrobial peptide human α-defensin 5 (HD5) is expressed in Paneth cells, secretory epithelial cells in the small intestine. Unlike other characterized defensins, HD5 is stored in secretory vesicles as a propeptide. The storage... more
Background: Polymorphisms of interleukin genes related to IgE production and inflammation are predictors of hypersensitivity to betalactam, but nothing is known on the influence of NOD genes, despite their association with inflammation... more
Using comparative genomics and functional analysis, this work summarises how the cell's genome is organised, with emphasis on the importance of the cell's chassis. Some discrete but important engineering constraints are reviewed,... more
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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide and is influenced by both genetic determinants and smoking. We identified genomic regions from 56 lung-tissue gene-expression microarrays and used... more
Chenopodium quinoa is a halophytic pseudocereal crop that is being cultivated in an ever-growing number of countries. Because quinoa is highly resistant to multiple abiotic stresses and its seed has a better nutritional value than any... more
Recent progress in genomics and experimental biology has brought exponential growth of the biological information available for computational analysis in public genomics databases. However, applying the potentially enormous scientific... more
Herbaceous temperate plants are capable of developing freezing tolerance when they are exposed to low nonfreezing temperatures. Acquired freezing tolerance involves extensive reprogramming of gene expression and metabolism. Recent... more
Copy number alterations are driving forces of tumour development and the emergence of intra-tumour heterogeneity. A comprehensive picture of these genomic aberrations is therefore essential for the development of personalised and precise... more
Massively parallel sequencing a small proportion of the whole genome at high coverage enables answering a wide range of questions from molecular evolution and evolutionary biology to animal and plant breeding and forensics. In this study,... more
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The identification of orthologous genes forms the basis for most comparative genomics studies. Existing approaches either lack functional annotation of the identified orthologous groups, hampering the interpretation of subsequent results,... more
The kynurenine pathway (KP) is the principle route of L-Tryptophan (TRP) metabolism, producing several neurotoxic and neuroprotective metabolic precursors before complete oxidation to the essential pyridine nucleotide nicotinamide adenine... more
Here we demonstrate that in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae rhodanine-3-acetic acid derivatives affect members of all PMT subfamilies. Specifically, we used OGT2468 to analyse genome-wide transcriptional changes in response to... more
in the pathophysiology of various disease processes, Genes of the interleukin-1 (IL-1) gene cluster localincluding septic shock, hypertension, rheumatoid arized on chromosome 2q13 are implicated in many physthritis, inflammatory bowel... more