Genetics and Plant Breeding
Recent papers in Genetics and Plant Breeding
The Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is the most popular method due to its availability, simplicity, reproducibility, ease to use. The separation of macromolecules in an electric field is called... more
Kashmir agro-climatic conditions are known to be the god's choice for growing flowers. The conditions are so blended and suited to the crops especially bulbous geophytes that most of the farmers have recorded or obtained unprecedented... more
Drought-tolerant maize genotypes belonging to two different maturity (10 early aintermediate) groups were evaluated for yield and other related characters in theSouthern GuineaSavanna of Nigeria for two years (2009 and 2010). The... more
Eight isolates of Sclerotium rolfsii from four strategically geographical sites of Bangladesh were characterized and their cultural properties like average linear mycelial growth, colony colour, colony consistency, growth pattern and... more
The experiment was conducted during Rabi 2016-17 in randomized complete block design with three replications. Correlation and path analysis was performed for 19 traits of wheat. Grain yield/plant showed a significant positive correlation... more
Coffee genotype that performs delicious taste for long time is an ideal coffee genotype that has to be created. Several researches reported that taste of roasted bean and ground coffee decreased along with duration of storage. However, no... more
The character association studies revealed that the traits number of productive tillers per plant, number of total grains per panicle, test weight and milling percentage had significant positive association with grain yield at both... more
The C 4 photosynthetic carbon cycle can be explained as the elaborated addition to the C 3 photosynthetic pathway. It is a unique series of biochemical, anatomical and regulatory gene characteristics that concentrate CO 2 around the... more
study the flowering and vegetativ growth traits
The present investigation was conducted on thirty genotypes of mungbean to evaluate genetic variability, character association and genetic divergence for eleven seed quality traits for the identification of most diverse and promising... more
Heterotic group classification has a crucial impact on maize (Zea mays L.) breeding efficiency in a hybrid-based breeding program. The objectives of this study were to: (i) investigate whether or not breeding efficiency could be improved... more
Micronutrients are critical in the development of high-quality fruits of cherry tomatoes and increasing the production. A field experiment was conducted during spring summer, 2020-2021 at Vegetable Research Farm of Department of... more
The experiment was conducted with the existing bearing trees of different jackfruit genotypes at Jamalpur region during the year 2014–2015. Twenty-three jackfruit germplasm viz., AHJ-01, AHJ-02, AHJ-03, AHJ-04, AHJ-05, AHJ-06, AHJ-07,... more
ABSTRACT The study was conducted at the Intercropping and Betel Research Station, Dampalassa, Narammala situated in the main betel growing region of Sri Lanka. A fast growing method of betel vine for producing stem cutting with different... more
Although the conventional methods of improvement have changed significantly throughout the last fifty years, additional tools and novel approaches are needed in order to fasten the process of creation new and highly valuable tulip... more
This article was published in an CASRP journal. The attached copy is furnished to the author for non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution, sharing with colleagues and providing to... more
The authors of this edition propose a novel and inspiring research approach to the subject of plants, which – being a form of life that is different, yet akin to us – is a constant source of nourishment and metaphors, decoration and... more
The experiment was done to assess incidence and severity; variations in Colletotrichum kahawae isolates and resistance levels in Hararghe coffee. Assessment was conducted in Bedeno, Boke, Habro and Darolebu districts August to September... more
Determination of soil colour is useful to characterize and differentiate soils. Routine determination of soil colour in the field is usually accomplished by visually comparing a soil sample with the Munsell Soil Colour Charts. The colour... more
One of the major issues facing humankind is global food security. A changing climate, coupled with a heightened consumer awareness of how food is produced and legislative changes governing the usage of agrichemicals for improving plant... more
sebuah laporan mahasiswa magang
شهد النصف الثانى من القرن العشرين بزوغ فجر التقنيات الحيوية التى عول عليها لأحداث اختراقات فى مجالي الزراعة و الطب. ومن بين هذه التقنيات انفردت تقنية هندسة التحور الوراثى بأحداث جدل و لقط شديدين ما بين قادح و مادح و منذر و مبشر. و لم يكن... more
Seed priming has been reported to enhance growth of plants. To evaluate the effect of some physical seed priming materials (ultrasonic, gamma, beta and laser irradiation, magnetic field and hydro-priming) on seed germination and growth of... more
Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. and Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze severely affect maize (Zea mays L.) production in sub-Saharan Africa. A single Striga plant produces a large number of seeds that form a bank of viable but dormant seed in... more
Global food security is vulnerable due to massive growth of the human population, changes in global climate, the emergence of novel/more virulent pathogens, and demands from increasingly discerning consumers for chemical-free, sustainably... more
Food barley released varieties were tested in 2012 for performance across major environments in Ethiopia consisting of 12 varieties Diribe, Tilla, Abbay, Biftu, Defo, Dinsho, Mulu, Setegn, Misiratch, Basso, Mezezo and local checks over... more
Rhododendron is a multi-quality, astonishing rose tree, having aristocratic role in human and animal's life. This largest genus belongs to family Ericaceae and largest flowering plant of Asia. This genus having 1025 species and 10,000 of... more
Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, G., Sanewski, G.M. 2011. Leaf margin in pineapple. Pineapple News, 18: 32-37.
Development of inbred lines is a routine activity in hybrid maize breeding program. Understanding the relative importance of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability effects for different traits of newly developed maize lines is... more
It is well known that certain varieties or strains of crop are less attacked by a given insect pests than others because of natural resistance. In the cultural practices to minimize the losses caused by aphid, growing of resistant... more
Sesame culture AT 231 was derived from hybridization between AT 90 and AT 104 followed by pedigree method of breeding. This culture was identified owing to its superior performance in the State trials conducted during summer irrigated... more
Teff [Eragrostis teff (Zucc.) Trotter] is native to Ethiopia. Self-pollinated warm season annual grass with the advantage of C4 photosynthetic pathway and tetraploid 2n=40 plant/crop. Countries like USA, Canada, Australia, Netherlands,... more
Combining ability for grain yield and its contributing characters was carried out in maize through line × tester analysis of 60 hybrids developed by crossing 15 females and four testers along with parents and checks. The 60 hybrids along... more
The study was conducted in the Experimental Farm of the Collage of Agricultural Studies - Sudan University of Science and Technology Shambat for two years (2009-2010) to evaluate the performance of 12 locally developed forage sorghum... more
The genetic divergence analysis indicated abundant genetic diversity among the 70 genotypes, which were grouped in as many as 11 clusters. Among the 11 clusters, cluster I was the biggest with 50 genotypes followed by cluster II with 8... more