Generalized function

410 papers
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A generalized function, also known as a distribution, is a mathematical object that extends the concept of functions to include entities like Dirac delta functions. It allows for the manipulation of functions that may not be well-defined in the traditional sense, facilitating analysis in areas such as differential equations and functional analysis.
In this paper, we present control designs for single-input single-output (SISO) nonlinear systems in strict feedback form with an output constraint. To prevent constraint violation, we employ a Barrier Lyapunov Function, which grows to... more
by SH Ong
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Based on a generalized Mexican-hat function proposed, the paper presents an algorithm for the design of a new class of continuous wavelets matched to arbitrary transient signals. While the generalized Mexican-hat wavelets are constructed... more
Many different robust estimation approaches for the covariance or shape matrix of multivariate data have been established until today. Tyler's M-estimator has been recognized as the 'most robust' M-estimator for the shape matrix of... more
We introduce an autoregressive process called generalized normal-Laplace autoregressive process with generalized normal-Laplace distribution [Reed, W. J., 2007. Brownian-Laplace motion and its use in financial modelling. Comm. Statist.... more
(1.1) where is the generalized hypergeometric series (cf. Mathai and Saxena, 1973; and Slater, 1966), in which the as, bs and z are assumed to be appropriate reals and the domain of Q(t) is an open interval containing the region of... more
Weibull mixtures have been considered in many applied problems, and they have also been generalized by allowing negative mixing weights. In this paper, we study the classification of the aging properties of generalized mixtures of two or... more
Sur une classe d'algèbre de fonctions généralisées application aux systèmes différentiels
In this paper we show how, based on a decomposition of the likelihood ratio test for sphericity into two independent tests and a suitably developed decomposition of the characteristic function of the logarithm of the likelihood ratio test... more
We consider the generalized additive model when responses from the same cluster are correlated. Incorporating correlation in the estimation of nonparametric components for the generalized additive model is important since it improves... more
In this paper, an anisotropic diffusion model with a generalized diffusion coefficient function is presented for defect detection in low-contrast surface images and, especially, aims at material surfaces found in liquid crystal display... more
Some of the most powerful techniques currently available to test the goodness of fit of a hypothesized continuous cumulative distribution function (CDF) use statistics based on the empirical distribution function (EDF), such as those of... more
The objective of this paper is to integrate the generalized gamma ðGGÞ distribution into the information theoretic literature. We study information properties of the GG distribution and provide an assortment of information measures for... more
We present new types of regularity for nonlinear generalized functions, based on the notion of regular growth with respect to the regularizing parameter of Colombeau's simplified model. This generalizes the notion of G^∞-regularity... more
The two-parameter linear failure rate distribution has been used quite successfully to analyze lifetime data. Recently, a new three-parameter distribution, known as the generalized linear failure rate distribution has been introduced by... more
The modeling and analysis of lifetime data is an important aspect of statistical work in a wide variety of scientific and technological fields. Good (1953) introduced a probability distribution which is commonly used in the analysis of... more
A critical issue in modelling binary response data is the choice of the links. We introduce a new link based on the generalized t-distribution. There are two parameters in the generalized t-link: one parameter purely controls the... more
293-312] introduced and studied a class of analytic functions associated with the generalized hypergeometric function. In the present paper, by using the Briot-Bouquet differential subordination, new results in this class are obtained.
Situations are considered in which a physical quantity varies rapidly in space from positive values to negative values down to some cutoff scale. Typically the cutoff scale is determined by some diffusive process (e.g., viscosity), and,... more
Weibull mixtures have been considered in many applied problems, and they have also been generalized by allowing negative mixing weights. In this paper, we study the classification of the aging properties of generalized mixtures of two or... more
In connection with the classical Schwartz kernel theorem, we show that in the framework of Colombeau generalized functions a large class of linear mappings admit integral kernels. To do this, we need to introduce news spaces of... more
We study the joint distribution of (X, Y, N), where N has a geometric distribution while X and Y are, respectively, the sum and the maximum of N i.i.d. exponential random variables. We present fundamental properties of this class of mixed... more
The generalized Waring distribution is a discrete distribution with a wide spectrum of applications in areas such as accident statistics, income analysis, environmental statistics, etc. It has been used as a model that better describes... more
by Rui Alberto and 
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In this paper a measure of proximity of distributions, when moments are known, is proposed. Based on cases where the exact distribution is known, evidence is given that the proposed measure is accurate to evaluate the proximity of... more
Inuence diagrams have become a popular tool for representing and solving complex decision-making problems under uncertainty. In this paper, we focus on the task of building probability models from expert knowledge, and also on the... more
Inuence diagrams have become a popular tool for representing and solving complex decision-making problems under uncertainty. In this paper, we focus on the task of building probability models from expert knowledge, and also on the... more
Independent random variables X l1 ,. .. ,X ln are said to belong to the scale family of distributions if X l i $ Fðl i xÞ, for i =1,y,n, where F is an absolutely continuous distribution function with hazard rate r and reverse hazard... more
The history of problems of evaluation of series associated with the Riemann Zeta function can be traced back to Christian Goldbach (1690-1764) and Leonhard Euler (1707-1783). Many different techniques to evaluate various series involving... more
Inference on the largest mean of a multivariate normal distribution is a surprisingly difficult and unexplored topic. Difficulties arise when two or more of the means are simultaneously the largest mean. Our proposed solution is based on... more
A topological description of various generalized function algebras over corresponding basic locally convex algebras is given. The framework consists of algebras of sequences with appropriate ultra(pseudo)metrics defined by sequences of... more
... 208, 336–346. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.. View all references, it is often assumed that the base survival function is of the Weibull type, thus the model becomes: ... Cantú, M., Arnold, BC and Villaseñor, JA 1998. A distributional... more
Recently two-parameter generalized exponential distribution has been introduced by the authors. In this paper we consider the Bayes estimators of the unknown param- eters under the assumptions of gamma priors on both the shape and scale... more
Time to failure due to fatigue is one of the common quality characteristics in material engineering applications. In this article, acceptance sampling plans are developed for the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution percentiles when the life... more
A topological description of various generalized function algebras over corresponding basic locally convex algebras is given. The framework consists of algebras of sequences with appropriate ultra(pseudo)metrics defined by sequences of... more
The authors present a systematic investigation of the following log-gamma integral: ∫0zlogΓ(t+1)dt and of its several related integral formulas. Relevant connections among the various mathematical constants involved naturally in the... more
The statistical meaning of higher D ðpÞ N ðp ¼ 1; 2;. . .Þ and fractional D ðpÞ N ð0opo1Þ moments for an arbitrary random sequence of the length N has been found. The higher moments help to reduce the sequence analyzed to a finite set of... more
In the study of the stochastic behaviour of the lifetime of an element as a function of its length, it is often observed that the failure time (or lifetime) decreases as the length increases. In probabilistic terms, such an idea can be... more
The technique devised by Wong to derive the asymptotic expansions of multiple Fourier transforms by using the theory of Schwartz distributions is extended to a large class of integral transforms. The extension requires establishing a... more
Sur une classe d'algèbre de fonctions généralisées application aux systèmes différentiels
We study the regularity of the viscosity solution of a quasilinear parabolic partial differential equation with Lipschitz coefficients by using its connection with a forward backward stochastic differential equation (in short FBSDE) and... more
The exponential and Rayleigh are the two most commonly used distributions for analyzing lifetime data. These distributions have several desirable properties and nice physical interpretations. Unfortunately the exponential distribution... more
Using the concept of near-exact approximation to a distribution we developed two different near-exact approximations to the distribution of the product of an odd number of particular independent Beta random variables (r.v.'s). One of them... more
ABSTRACT The study of multivariate distributions of order k, two of which are the multivariate negative binomial of order k and the multinomial of the same order, was introduced in Philippou et al. (Philippou, A. N., Antzoulakos, D. L.,... more
We consider estimation of the ratio of arbitrary powers of two normal generalized variances based on two correlated random samples. First, the result of Iliopoulos [Decision theoretic estimation of the ratio of variances in a bivariate... more
The modeling and analysis of lifetime data is an important aspect of statistical work in a wide variety of scientific and technological fields. Good (1953) introduced a probability distribution which is commonly used in the analysis of... more
Many processes can be represented in a simple form as infinite-order linear series. In such cases, an approximate model is often derived as a truncation of the infinite-order process, for estimation on the finite sample. The literature... more