Gender issues in Islam

15 papers
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Gender issues in Islam encompass the examination of the roles, rights, and status of women and men within Islamic texts, traditions, and societies. This field analyzes the intersection of gender with religious beliefs, cultural practices, and socio-political contexts, exploring how these factors influence gender equality and identity in Muslim communities.
12. What are the drawbacks or harms that you have experienced as a result of that relationship? Not much, just I was defamed, beaten, caught, molested, and my character was questioned. My family life was destroyed, I was broken as a boy,... more
LGBT nonprofit organizations in Lebanon use social media videos to foreground the rights of sexual minorities in a society that institutionalizes homophobia. Employing content and thematic analysis to study twelve of these videos within... more
Homosexuality is not just a matter of personal feelings. It has an impact on human individualism, behaviour, family system and public health. The structure of the human community and its norms has been affected. Early from history, the... more
In cultures that pretend homosexuality doesn't exist, or view it as a Western perversion, gay men and lesbians are forced to lead furtive lives.
As medical doctors, we find ourselves responsible for providing medical care to this community despite all the social, legal and religious challenges, based on ethical principles. "
This is the pre-publication English version of a French-language article published in Habibi: Les Révolutions de l'Amour. Paris: Snoeck, 2022. 
Muslim women are frequently portrayed as the victims of an oppressive, patriarchal religion (Bartelink and Buitelaar, 2006, p.352), and there exists a popular belief in the Western world that Islam is inherently ‘bad’ for women. Indeed,... more
The study reported how the Arab world perceived homosexuality criminalization and decriminalization in opposition or in alignment with approaches determined in the pre and post-colonial eras in different European and American countries.... more
I have a vague memory of the first time I saw Barra magazine when I was a teenager. I purchased Barra out of excitement that it was in Arabic, and not just any Arabic: Its very title promised to offer material in colloquial Lebanese,... more
I have a vague memory of the first time I saw Barra magazine when I was a teenager. I purchased Barra out of excitement that it was in Arabic, and not just any Arabic: Its very title promised to offer material in colloquial Lebanese,... more
Online fatwas" and "Virtual Counselling" are a major concern for the global community. The introduction, growth, and utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have created new public spheres where different concepts... more
Terms of a Western discourse of homosexuality shape conflicts surrounding sexual identity that are faced by many Muslims, especially those who live in diasporic communities. Many use essentialized categories to articulate their sexual... more
Saya membaca jurnal beliau y Badrah uyuni dalam jurnalnya yang berjudul "zakat uang elektronik " di dalam jurnal tersebut menjelaskan tentang sebuah penelitian bahwa seiring perkembangan zaman dan teknologi, semakin banyak perubahan yang... more
In this introduction we set a number of sociological insights when looking at gender normativity in the Middle east, namely 1). The variability of hierarchies shaping norms; (2) the multiplicity of sources of authority on gender and... more
Keududukan perempuan dalam pandangan Islam terutama Al-Quran

Materi Presentasi Sekolah Islam Gender (SIG) KOPRI PMII PK IAI CIpasung
Since the last decades, the Middle East has been portrayed as hostile towards homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. The overall public opinion represents them by facing suppression, whereas marginalization seems to be... more
Altogether, with its emic perspective, the book provides an extensive reference source on the inner-Islamic discussion for gay and lesbian Muslims and can be used as a strong base for an argumentation that situates same-sex unions within... more
Interviu/ Alina Isac Alak, islamolog: " Interzicerea niqabului în școli pedepsește direct nu musulmanii reali, ci, paradoxal, mai delicat și dificil de controlat, musulmanul imaginar " Alina Isac Alak este doctor în filosofie, islamolog... more
There is a series of contemporary Islamic issues which cannot be solved by invoking the pre-modern exegeses or the classical Islamic jurisprudence, otherwise than, at most, by resorting to a strategic artifice of identifying minority and... more
From the early 1970s until 2011, the Syrian shrine town of Sayyida Zaynab flourished as a minor centre of Shiʿi learning. It predominantly served Iraqi Shiʿi refugees, but also temporary visitors from Iran and the Gulf countries. The... more
A paper first delivered at the Gurukul Summer Institute on Feminist Perspectives and Praxis, 26 April - 7 May 1998; subsequently published in Feminist Theology: Perspectives and Praxis, ed. Prasanna Kumari, Chennai: Gurukul Lutheran... more
In his 2006 article in the Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America (JIMA), Dr. Ahmed qualified the predominant psychiatric view on " homosexuality " by recourse to opinions prevalent within reparative therapy circles.... more
As one of the first studies on Afghan Masculinities and Gender inequality, the overall purpose of this research is to achieve an in-depth understanding of different notions of being a man in Afghanistan and how they contribute to gender... more
O Mankind, keep your duty to your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate (of same kind) and from them twain has spread a multitude of men and women...He (God) it is who did create you from a single soul and... more
The culture wars over homosexuality in the Middle East are studied here in the context of the theoretical debate on culture in International Relations and, more specifically, through a critical examination of postcolonial international... more
The expression boya (plural boya¯t) is derived from the English word boy, to which the Arabic ta¯’ marbu¯ta has been added, and it seems to have originated in the language of the youth and to have spread into the media as the phenomenon... more
"The first theoretical part of the paper will be devoted to a critical reflection on what analytical categories we could use when dealing with “homosexuality” in the Middle East. In the second part of the article will look at the... more
The documentary film, Light in Her Eyes, depicts a conservative Muslim women's movement in Syria.
Any attempt to explain legal continuity and change requires an account of how laws come about. In trying to determine the factors that generated the laws in mainstream H anaf ı jurisprudence, this book began by considering four candidates:
The ‘case’ I investigate is of Sayyid-Sally, an Egyptian transsexual medical student at Al-Azhar University, a pre-eminent institution for Islamic religious studies, who was expelled in 1982 because of her gendered identity. In this... more