Gender and Women's Studies
Recent papers in Gender and Women's Studies
The female terrorist circulates within contemporary Western culture as an object of fascination and heightened concern. Gender and the Political analyses cultural constructions of the female terrorist, arguing that she operates as a limit... more
Oi Christianoi - Sezione antica, n. 26 ----- Su Ipazia di Alessandria e su Sinesio di Cirene molti hanno già scritto: Ipazia, una nota antica scienziata e filosofia, Sinesio, un nobile, suo allievo e poi vescovo cristiano; Ipazia, da... more
Coined by Harley Granville Barker, the term ‘boy-actress’ describes young male actors, probably aged between 10 and 22 years, who appeared in women's roles on the early modern stage of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. These boys, their... more
MODERA Niccolò Guicciardini (Università degli Studi di Milano) LIBRI PRESENTATI Marta Cavazza, Laura Bassi: Donne, genere e scienza nell'Italia del Settecento, Editrice Bibliografica, Milano 2020 Massimo Mazzotti, Maria Gaetana Agnesi e... more
The elaborate song and dance sequences of early modern Indian cinema echoed the diverse performance cultures of a nation in transition. This essay focuses on the brief screen presence that was enjoyed by the dances of Manipur beginning... more
Since the second half of the 1970s, a corpus of studies focusing on the history of women during the Holocaust has been produced. These studies assert that even though Jewish women shared the annihilation threat with the men, Jewish women... more
Where have all the women gone? It can be difficult, sometimes, to find evidence of female participation in the arts and culture of the early modern period. This short essay explores how we can locate women and their participation by... more
This paper was written for my Women's & Gender Studies (also English 105) class. It's an expository character analysis of Calixta, a character from Kate Chopin's "The Storm".
This course introduces students to the history of women in the United States since 1880.
4th International E-Conference
This beautifully illustrated book is appealing to a wider audience with a general interest in the Anglo-Boer War and the role that women and families played during the war. The haunting images tell a story about the trials and... more
Renewed violence in Nicaragua in the aftermath of the 1980s Contra War is tied to the drug trade, drug war militarization, and the rise of the postwar security state. State sexual violence in an Afro-Nicaraguan community under... more
This paper focuses on the linguistic landscape (LL) of religious signboards in select areas of Ado Ekiti, Nigeria with a view of establishing the relationship between the languages used on these signboards and the implication for... more
The debate below, on the role of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran, prompted by William O. Beeman's 2001 article, "Iranian Women's Situation has Improved under the Islamic Republic" was conducted in 2001 as part of the Gulf12000... more
This article examines Ivanka Trump's Women Who Work, arguing that it represents the newest permutation of the neoliberal feminist subject. After providing an overview of the recent emergence of neoliberal feminism, I explain why the book... more
Against the backdrop of an unprecedented number of women deploying in a new array of roles in the so-called "global war on terror" and the official opening of combat arms units to women in the United States military, menstruation has... more
chapter in the book: Brigitte Young and Christoph Scherrer (eds.)
This introductory course invites students to the explore the field of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. As such, we will begin the semester by learning about the field's history and conclude the class by considering its future. The... more
Maria Paola ZANOBONI, Donne al lavoro nell’Italia e nell’Europa medievali (secc.XIII-XV), Milano, Jouvence, 2016 VINCITORE DEL PREMIO ITALIAMEDIEVALE 2017: more
The present paper seeks to examine the phenomenon of elopement in late colonial
Bureaucracy is an organizational form that became dominant in business, government and other arenas during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Since then, extensive debates among sociologists and others have centered on its social... more
This article investigates the role of shame in shaping the epistolary form and aesthetic structure of Alice Walker’s The Color Purple. I argue that the epistolary framing presents a crisis in the development of Celie’s shamed... more
My chapter from the 2021 anthology Queer Nightlife, edited by Kareem Khubchandani, Kemi Adeyemi, and Ramón H. Rivera-Servera. The chapter is an autoethnographic of my experiences in queer nightlife spaces as a fat queer femme while also... more
An overview of feminist approaches to labor beginning with 1970s materialist feminism through recent conceptualizations of biological and digital labor. Written for an undergraduate audience, it provides an overview of feminist critiques... more
Balestracci’s new book is an essay of social, cultural and political history based on primary and secondary sources, that through the perspective of the history of sexuality reads again decisive moments of the seventy years history of the... more
Women's Studies, Volume 29, 2000 - Issue 1, pages 37-69.
Neste dossiê, propomos explorar a combinação entre o tema da casa (ou da domesticidade), na esteira de uma trajetória consistente nos estudos do rural, e a questão da corporalidade (incluindo classificações da comida; comensalidade e... more
The poetry of lesbian writer Renée Vivien (née Pauline Mary Tarn, 1877-1909) in translation. The second edition, available through Headmistress Press and Amazon, is newly expanded to include more translations as well as the original... more
James Joyce wrote about women as either being pure and virginal or as prostitutes. There are not many in-between descriptors for him and the
In this essay I present the extant evidence for nurses in wet-nursing contracts preserved on papyri from Egypt (46 texts, all but one of Roman date) and point out the ways in which the hiring of wet nurses in Roman Egypt can be... more
Linguistic anthropology evolved in the 20 th century in an environment that tended to reify language and culture. A recognition of the dynamics of discourse as a sociocultural process has since emerged as researchers have used new methods... more
Sexual health includes positive aspects of sexuality and the possibility of having pleasurable sexual experiences. However, few researchers examine how socioeconomic conditions shape sexual wellbeing. This paper presents the concept of... more
Full papers International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender Studies and the Status of Women (WomenBeing Conference 2017)
En este trabajo se estudia el primer movimiento feminista en Bolivia y el rol que tuvo en las reivindicaciones del sufragio femenino desde los años 1920 hasta la proclamación del sufragio universal en el cuadro de la Revolución Nacional... more