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Though an integral element of sport sociology, the study of masculinities in sport has been largely confined to Western sports such as American football. Embodied Masculinities in Global Sport provides a more expanded view, offering... more
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      Sociology of SportGender StudiesMasculinitiesGender and Sport
Policy debates have focused on who can participate in or access single-sex activities or services. This article describes how science of the biology of sex is relevant to three major policy areas: parenting (including leaves), sports, and... more
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      Sex and GenderSexual and Reproductive HealthTransgender StudiesReproduction
This paper offers a discussion of the rationale for the creation of sports categorization criteria based on sporting genealogy and the gendered body, as proposed by Torres et al. in their article 'Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience,... more
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      Gender StudiesTransgender StudiesPhenomenologyTheories of Gender and Transgender
"All play means something" (Johan Huizinga, 1938) In recent decades, sport as a social practice has become relevant in many different spheres: in health, economy, politics, education, work and leisure. The importance of sport transcends... more
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      Sociology of SportPlayOrganizational CultureAlternative forms of management and organization
Gemeinsam für mehr Vielfalt und Akzeptanz im Sport: Die erste BundesNetzwerkTagung der queeren Sportvereine macht's möglich! Jetzt anmelden! Das Interesse an der Tagung ist schon jetzt groß, diverse Expert_innen aus der Wissenschaft,... more
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      Sports and GenderGender and SportSportSportwissenschaft
As more campuses begin to address the needs of athletes in general, and female athletes in particular, more research assessing current wellness behaviors on the part of female athletes can be used to improve the support available while... more
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    • Gender and Sport
In this study, it was aimed to analyze the content of postgraduate theses on women and sports. The study is a qualitative one. Content analysis, one of the documentary scanning methods, was used in collecting the data. Taking the National... more
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      Content AnalysisGenderGender and SportWomen and Sport
On the 5 of February 2016, the Martial Arts Studies Research Network held its first one-day seminar, on the theme of gender issues in theory and practice. Hosted by the University of Brighton, the day drew around 30 delegates, including... more
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      Sociology of SportCombat SportsMartial ArtsPhysical Activity
Equestrian sport is the only Olympic-level sport not organized around a binary gender division and as such offers a unique opportunity to explore the consequences of sex integration within competitive sport. Drawing on a study of... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's StudiesGender and Sexuality
Gyms are becoming a mass hobby: they are multiplying, their subscription costs are falling and the ways of working out are becoming standardized. This is the "fitness revolution" (Andreasson & Johansson, 2014a). If the injunctions to the... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesAnthropology of the BodyMasculinities
Call for Contributions (Edited Volume) and Workshop Announcement Date and time: 12 November 2021 (Tue.), 10:00-17:00 MET (online). Interested scholars may submit abstracts (of up to 250 words) to the organizers ([email protected]) by 30... more
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      Gender StudiesGender HistoryFascismNationalism
Modern dünyada teknolojik gelişmelerle birlikte daha fazla serbest zamana sahip olan birey, stresten uzaklaşmak, dinlenmek ve eğlenmek gibi amaçlarla serbest zamanlarında iş dışında aktivite arayışına girmektedir. Rekreasyonel... more
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      Gender StudiesRecreation & Leisure StudiesGender and SportLeisure
Hardcover ▶ 99,99 € | £90.00 | $129.00 ▶ *106,99 € (D) | 109,99 € (A) | CHF 133.50 eBook For individual purchases buy at a lower price on
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      Gender and SportEquestrian Literature
Este estudo de caso teve como objetivo identifi car os processos de inclusão/exclusão, em uma turma masculina de Educação Física escolar do ensino fundamental. Inclusão/exclusão, neste trabalho, são termos entendidos em uma relação... more
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      Masculinity StudiesMasculinityMasculinitiesSports and Gender
The volume includes 23 contributions dealing with the social, economic, political and gender aspects of the athletics. The periods in focus are the Classical Antiquity and the Modern Era. For the fully uploaded contribution of Athanasios... more
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      Sociology of SportClassical ArchaeologySocial IdentitySports History
Fashion models and professional bodybuilders seem to share the experience of walking on a runway incommon however the nature of the relation to their bodies exposed on the catwalk is rather different. One of the apparent difference... more
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      Gender StudiesMasculinitiesGender and Sport
"Women have had a long history of participation in modern sporting activities though they have faced countless barriers to sporting competition, particularly in ‘contact’ sports. As we move into the twenty-first century, many more doors... more
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      Sociology of SportGender StudiesWomen's StudiesAustralian Studies
The article, referring to the concept of Mary Douglas, presents various practices undertaken in the sports world to maintain the “purity” of gender boundaries. The first part focuses on the concept of gender boundaries and the embodiment... more
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      Sociology of SportSociology of the BodyGender and Sport
Colombian girls are not encouraged from playing sport due to gendered roles that idealize girls as 'delicate' and reserve sport as an activity for boys. Since the early and mid-2000s girls living in two marginalized communities in... more
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      ColombiaFeminismGender and SportGlobal South
International scholarship on equestrianism makes consistent reference to the importance of the horse and of horse-human relations in the dynamics of social life. The role of the horse in the building and sustenance of human cultures and... more
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      Gender and SportHorsesAnthropology of equestrian culturesLeisure and Culture
Sport is a platform that both reinforces and challenges gendered stereotypes and it is often seen to privilege men over women. However, women are becoming more visible in roles and positions that have traditionally been held by men in... more
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      LeadershipWomenAustralian Rules FootballGender and Sport
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      Sociology of SportPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsUrban GeographyCritical Geography
This volume presents a wide-reaching overview of contemporary research and scholarship on women's engagement in a range of combat sports across the world. Including chapters on boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and various other... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyGender StudiesWomen's Studies
This volume presents a wide-reaching overview of contemporary research and scholarship on women's engagement in a range of combat sports across the world. Including chapters on boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts, and various other... more
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      SociologySociology of SportSport PsychologyGender Studies
21.95, ISBN 978-0-7914-7393-1 (hbk), 978-0-7914-7394-8 (pbk).
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      Sociology of SportSports HistorySports and GenderGender and Sport
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      Combat SportsAnthropology of SportGenderParticipation
Perhaps almost as much a part of world literature as the romantic references to a man and his horse (the warrior, cowboy, or gaucho and his faithful mount) are the numerous narratives on women and horses, from age-old mythology to... more
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      Research MethodologyGenderGender and SportAmazonas
Athletic urinary incontinence is characterized by urinary loss during sports practice. This condition occurs in the case of CrossFit®, a modality based on high intensity training and functional movements, it can also be considered as... more
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      UrologyGender and SportMedicineSports
Women-only road races are a recent trend in the niche sport of distance running in the U.S., as there are currently over 200 women-only races taking place each year (Robbins, 2011). To date, no known research has explored the concept of... more
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      Sports ManagementSport MarketingGender and SportSport Management
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      Sociology of SportGender StudiesGender and Sport
The purpose of this study was to examine Olympic athletes’ self-presentation on Instagram, a social media outlet on which users post photographs as their primary communication mechanism, in order to develop an understanding of the ways in... more
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      Gender StudiesNew MediaSports ManagementSport Marketing
This study examined effects of the sex of sports writers on the framing of athletes in print-media coverage of intercollegiate men’s and women’s basketball tournaments. The number of articles by female and male authors and the frames used... more
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      Media SportSport MediaGender and SportSport Communication
As Rothgerber (2012) states, as arguments become more prominent that meat consumption is harmful to the ‘environment, public health, and animals’ (p.1); those who consume meat products will experience pressure to justify their meat... more
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      Gender StudiesMasculinityMasculinitiesVegetarianism
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      Sociology of SportGender and Sport
Dance is proven to offer a myriad of physical, psychological, and social benefits. However, because dance has been frequently perceived as a feminine practice, there is a prevailing prejudice towards boys who dance, making it hard for... more
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      Social MarketingStereotypes and PrejudiceGender EqualityGender and Sport
This study aims to address how, to what extent, and under what conditions may those who are not cisgen-dered as male do the work of negotiating access to male sporting space. In doing so, it brings together critical geographies of... more
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      Sociology of SportUrban GeographyGender StudiesFeminist Theory
Son yıllarda, ülkemizde çeşitli kesimlerden kadınların fiziksel aktiviteye katılımlarında önemli bir artış gözlenmektedir. Buna karşın kadınların fiziksel aktiviteye katılımlarını araştıran çalışma sayısı çok kısıtlıdır. Bu çalışmanın... more
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      Sociology of SportGender and Sport
Sport is a social institution that perpetuates gendered ideologies in the wider society through appealing to discourses of the naturalness of men's privilege and domination in society. Heteronormativity regulates the roles, behaviours,... more
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      Sociology of SportGender and SportSexuality and Sports
This paper offers a discussion of the rationale for the creation of sports categorization criteria based on sporting genealogy and the gendered body, as proposed by Torres et al. in their article 'Beyond Physiology: Embodied... more
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      Gender StudiesPhilosophyApplied EthicsTransgender Studies
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      Gender and SportSport and International DevelopmentSexuality and SportsSport In Africa
Yoga, bedeni, zihni ve ruhu eğiten ve kişinin kendini tanımasını sağlayan en eski kişisel gelişim yöntemlerinden biridir. Hindistan’da ortaya çıkmasına rağmen, Yoga felsefesi tüm dünyaya yayılmıştır. Özellikle yoganın sağlık üzerindeki... more
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      Sport PsychologyYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
Corra atrás quando sempre Dessa lúdica fiança Conviver entre as mulheres Dá aos homens mais confiança ( Xandão).
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      Gender and SportFootball
This paper examines how masculine identifications are constructed through sport and represented and critiqued in sporting literature. The novel, This Sporting Life (1960) by David Storey, harks back to an era of small town life with its... more
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      Sociology of SportGender StudiesSports HistoryGender and Sport
Tesis de Licenciatura en Sociología, UNAM, 2014.
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      Sociology of SportGender and SportMexicoEstudios de Género
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      Football (soccer)Gender and Sport
The basic purpose of this study was to determine and describe motivational differences related to gender in athletes in Greece. This research is of great importance because a systematic examination of how different types of motivation... more
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      Sport PsychologyGender and SportPeak PerformancePsychology, Applied Psychology, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Psychology, Motivation, Professional Practice in Applied Psychology, Social Sciences and other related fields
By the 1870s, the major sporting fashion of croquet had begun to slip in popularity, thanks to an array of reasons, but essentially due to the rise in lawn tennis. The Morning Post in 1875, despite describing croquet as an excellent game,... more
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      HistoryGender StudiesSocial SciencesVictorian Studies
This book documents stories of inspiring women in sport from 14 countries in Asia continent. The term “sport” is used in its widest sense to cover competitive sport, physical education, dance, leisure/community-based physical activities.... more
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      Sociology of SportGender StudiesWomen's StudiesGender
A study was conducted to see whether or not sports activities had any impact on students' educational accomplishment in Tehuledere woreda preparatory schools. The taking part students (N=168) were chosen from two school districts. The... more
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      EducationGender and SportPhysical EducationSports Coaching