Gender and Politics
Recent papers in Gender and Politics
The female terrorist circulates within contemporary Western culture as an object of fascination and heightened concern. Gender and the Political analyses cultural constructions of the female terrorist, arguing that she operates as a limit... more
In the midst of the 1970s, where the immersion of culture battles made an entrance in the realms of politics and gender issues, Protect Renoir (1974) by Helen Frankenthaler was seen as polarizing in multiple dimensions as critics believed... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
Situado no contexto brasileiro, o livro "Gênero e desigualdades: limites da democracia no Brasil" mobiliza teorias e dados que pudemos acumular e qualificar nas últimas décadas com o objetivo de compreender impasses e contradições da... more
First published in 1988, this volume redefined the anthropological study of menstrual customs. Examining cultures as diverse as long-house dwellers in North Borneo, African farmers, Welsh housewives, and postindustrial American workers,... more
Normalisation of women's election is a noble target toward fulfilling the demands of international conventions amongst them the UDHR(1948) on gender and participatory democracy. It is a pathway that also fulfils the tenets of a functional... more
Some numbers on religiosity in the U.S. We are far more religious than our narrative of secularity would suggest. Religion and politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Saba Mahmood, and Pierre Bourdieu's Doxa and Habitus.... more
Podstawowym celem artykułu jest analiza udziału kobiet w samorządzie lokalnym i wiejskim na przykładzie funkcji radnej gminy i sołtyski. Autorka poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytania o skalę tego zaangażowania, jego zmian w czasie oraz... more
Captured and branded in the highly recognizable image of the pink ribbon, the politics of breast cancer at the start of the 21st century is markedly hopeful (given the grim statistics) and surprisingly compliant with the medical... more
Feminist criticisms of the Bush Administration distinguish its feminized security rhetoric, which claims to support women's rights in Iraq and Afghanistan, from its actions at home and abroad, which undermine hard-won gains for women.... more
"‘This book illuminates the fascinating life of Eva Gore-Booth. Often lost in the shadow of her more famous sister, Constance, Eva finally emerges as a key figure. Historian Sonja Tiernan has written an exciting and vibrant life of this... more
Political communication and mass media play an important role in shaping societal attitudes, gender roles for women and public policies in general. This paper is an exploration of relationships between the mass media's sexist attitude and... more
In many Muslim-majority countries, Islamic movements and parties tend to negatively view women’s access to political leadership positions. The dominant gender discourse of these movements, which is often based on patriarchal... more
One of the ways to account for the inability of the French feminist movement to think differences among women (as illustrated by the recent controversies around the wearing of the Islamic veils) is to examine its firm allegiance to the... more
Previous research has documented that the public often views women candidates through the lens of gender stereotypes. However, as much of this work draws on experimental designs and hypothetical candidates, we have less information about... more
The article analyzes expressions of violence against women in Brazilian politics. It discusses events that could be classified as political violence against women, setting an exploratory analysis. It also presents and discusses... more
The chapter will introduce the basic component parts of a key political insti- tution, the electoral system, with attention to the franchise, districting, and the voting system, while setting out both the explicitly gendered definitions... more
This publication examines Ghana's foreign policy under the PNDC from (1981-1992) to determine whether the regime committed an ideological suicide during the era under review or it had a change in its ideological leaning for economic... more
Over the past decade, there has been a major shift in Dutch gender equality policy to an almost exclusive focus on migrant women. Simultaneously, the focus of "minority policies" has shifted more and more towards gender relations. The... more
***Description of this Reading***: This is chapter six of my dissertation with only eleven pages available for preview here on It chronicles the beginning of Bethune's NCNW. Readers gain a sense of her organizing... more
In the chapter, Zabrzewska analyzes Polish politicians’ responses to the 2020 protests against the abortion ban through the lens of feminist philosophy. Using selected sources (e.g. the transcript of the Committee on Administration and... more
Despite its disapproval of the modernization of the woman’s role in the society, the NSDAP could not prevent the consolidation of a female leadership within the party. This was until 1945 in charge of leading the Reich´s woman´s... more
Als B. Ruby Rich im März 1992 in der New Yorker Village Voice ein neues queeres Kino ausrief, brachte sie damit ein Phänomen auf den Punkt, das mit dem Toronto-Filmfestival ein Jahr zuvor begonnen und seit dem Sundance Film Festival die... more
The #MeToo movement has shaken Korea over the last two years (Hasunuma and Shin 2019). Prosecutor Seo Ji-hyun's public testimony in January 2018 charged a former Ministry of Justice official with sexual harassment and catalyzed the... more
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
This essay uses a mix of secondary literature, primary sources, and quantitative analysis to offer a comprehensive account of the ebbs and flows in women’s representation in Chinese politics during the reform (post-1978) era. The... more
"In 1932, Ladies’ Home Journal (LHJ) ran an extensive campaign, orchestrated by public relations pioneer Edward Bernays, to persuade American women to end the Great Depression through consumer purchases. Although the campaign failed, it... more
Tony Blair's use of the state to impose and manage the United Kingdom's global and individual identities, which not only defines New Labour but is doctrine in its own right, is analyzed in this look at the Contemporary Labour Party.... more
In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich das Feld der Geschlechterforschung zu einem äußerst produktiven, eigenständigen und ausdifferenzierten Wissensgebiet entwickelt, das im deutschsprachigen Raum durch ein Spannungsfeld zwischen... more
The debate below, on the role of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran, prompted by William O. Beeman's 2001 article, "Iranian Women's Situation has Improved under the Islamic Republic" was conducted in 2001 as part of the Gulf12000... more
Este livro é fruto de uma investigação transnacional realizada entre os anos de 2018 e 2019 e de um profícuo diálogo entre seus autores sobre as relações entre gênero, religião, direitos e democracia. De forma sucinta, a obra analisa as... more
International relations must distance itself from its Eurocentric and masculine moorings if it is to address its increasing irrelevance in the modern world and become more "international" and truly inclusive. The theoretical position of... more
La continuation du conflit israélo-palestinien a indéniablement pesé sur les formulations féministes des Israéliennes et des Palestiniennes qui se sont structurées en parallèle, en miroir, souvent en opposition et, parfois, dans le... more
It is vital to understand the structural and institutional dynamics behind female empowerment as its realization benefits not only women but also society at large. Drawing on an original, global-level dataset that covers 169 countries... more
This article examines organized opposition to feminist and LGBTI political projects in Colombia. Although there is a large body of literature on feminist movements and a growing literature on LGBTI movements, there is little research on... more
In Wilhelm Hofmeister, Megha Sarmah, and Dilpreet Kaur (eds.), Women Policy and Political Leadership, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2015, pp.87-94.