Even though in recent years we have seen an increase in academic works on the history and memory of sexual dissidence, this is a subject that remains completely absent from policies on memory developed by public administrations and from... more
Sexual harassment has become one of the alarming symptoms of unhealthy work culture in recent times. Irrespective of gender, unsolicited sexual favours represent, among several others, aberration in the individual thought process.... more
one another across differences means that we must change ideas about how we learn; rather than fearing conflict we have to find ways to use it as a catalyst for new thinking, for growth.-bell hooks
Ao proxecto EDU2015-66643-C2-2-P, do Ministerio de Economia e Competitividade, e ao proxecto EDU2017-82915-R, do Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion e Universidades cofinancia- do polo Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional (AEI/FEDER,... more
The core of the teaching process is the arrangement of the environment within which the students can interact and study how to learn. Models are one of them for creating a learning environment in the classroom. The teaching models have... more
Esta comunicacion surge a partir del proyecto de investigacion MAGA (Mujeres Arquitectas de GAlicia) cuyo objetivo consiste en determinar la visibilidad de las arquitectas gallegas a traves de su papel activo como agente arquitectonico en... more
Background-Orphanin FQ/Nociceptin (OFQ/N), the endogenous ligand of the opioid receptorlike (ORL1) receptor, blocks cocaine sensitization in rats. In the current study, we tested whether OFQ/N would block sensitization to the motor... more
In general youth are engaged with the global networks facilitated by global Information and Communication Technology s, but use them for local purposes. Their support for globalization is limited to embracing (mainly other western)... more
Introduction: Human beings have five senses and one most prominent is being able to see things that are only possible through the Eyes. Life without this ability is extremely difficult to manage. With 7.8 million blind people in... more
ABSTRACT Purpose: this study aims to approve the folk uses for Ecballium elaterium [(L.) A. Rich.] for treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins also for nose bleeding in the West Bank-Palestine. We search about phytochemicals, which... more
We studied the effects of prenatal cocaine and morphine given separately and in combination on the (1) postnatal brain A-opioid receptor development and (2) interaction of dopamine with A receptors. Pregnant rats received single daily... more
The Indian National Education Policy seek to restructure and standardize the higher education institution (HEI) curriculum and look forward to a futuristic, meritocratic, equitable, and multidisciplinary pedagogy. Present work critically... more
Psychostimulant and opioid addiction are poorly treated. The majority of abstinent users relapse back to drug-taking within a year of abstinence, making 'anti-relapse' therapies the focus of much current research. There are two... more
Central to hooks’ (1994) feminist pedagogy is engaged teaching and learning, a pathway that allows learner and teacher to actively question what is and what must be. This learning-teaching space examines the intersecting topics of gender,... more
A Comparative Framework of Gender Sensitive Factors affecting Gender Sensitivity in Schools of Delhi
Gender sensitisation is spreading the wings of awareness and altering the behaviour of the individuals towards the gender. It is a revolutionary tool that can create gender awareness by eradicating the stereotypical thinking and orthodox... more
We investigated the effect of estrogen on cocaine-induced brain activity using blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance imaging. Ovariectomized (Ovx) rats without estrogen and Ovx rats with estrogen (OvxϩE) were given a... more
The Indian National Education Policy seek to restructure and standardize the higher education institution (HEI) curriculum and look forward to a futuristic, meritocratic, equitable, and multidisciplinary pedagogy. Present work critically... more
Research studies have defined the important role of endogenous opioids in modulating stress-associated behavior. The release of -endorphins in the amygdala in response to stress helps to cope with a stressor by inhibiting the... more
The present study explore the implementation level of measures of women safety according to ‘Saksham guidelines’ (UGC, 2014) in higher education institutions of Jammu, India. Focus group interviews with girls in degree colleges of Jammu... more
A novel psychoactive substance, α-pyrrolidinopentiothiophenone (α-PVT), is a structural analog to amphetamine. Recently, it has been shown that α-PVT has an abuse potential similar to psychomotor stimulants like cocaine or amphetamine.... more
We have previously shown that administration of orphanin FQ/nociceptin (OFQ/N), the endogenous ligand of the opioid receptor-like (ORL-1) receptor, into the lateral ventricles or VTA blocked cocaine sensitization. In the present study, we... more
We investigated whether acute treatment with agonists affected subcellular distribution of κ opioid receptor (KOPR) in the dorsal horn of the rat lumbar spinal cord by using immunoelectron microscopy. Rats were injected intrathecally... more
Substance abuse problem has become a global challenge. From a transit country India is becoming a major consumer of different kinds of substances. It has become a worldwide phenomenon among students. The present Study aimed to assess the... more
Orphanin FQ/nociceptin (NOC) has been reported to regulate dopaminergic neurotransmission in rewarding pathway, and to suppress the development of conditioned place preference (CPP) induced by certain addictive drugs. In this study, we... more
David Lea (comité organizador) participó con la comunicación: "APROXIMACIÓN, DEFINICIÓN Y RECATEGORIZACIÓN DE LA ADAPTACIÓN POSLITERARIA: LA MEDIADAPTACIÓN". IX EMI, 20, 21 y 22 de junio de 2022. Lugar: Facultade de Bioloxía (USC).... more
Background & Objective: The aim of present study was to evaluate herbal analgesic cream containing Nigella sativa oil as an active ingredient, standardization of Nigella sativa oil and evaluation of irritation/sensitization potential of... more
I think it is probably fair to say that for most people both the interest and the meaning of Pride and Prejudice reside in the splendid opposition and gradual reconciliation of Darcy and Elizabeth. There may be differences in the... more
Satire in its myriad forms has been catching the intended audience off guard since ages. Humour, irony, farce and allegory have not only tickled the laughing bones, but have also been able to persuade the readers about need for... more
The present work was concerned with the effect of sensitization and deformation on the corrosion behavior of 304LN and 316LN austenitic stainless steel before and after hot rolling. Specimens were subjected to mechanical deformation and... more
Unidade didáctica Metabolismo da civilización industrial e o desenvolvemento económico MATERIA: Desenvolvemento Económico e Sustentabilidade TITULACIÓN: Grao en Economía PROGRAMA XERAL DO CURSO Localización da presente unidade didáctica... more
Female rats are intensely affected by cocaine, with estrogen probably playing an important role in this effect. Progesterone modulates the GABA system and attenuates the effects of cocaine; however, there is no information about its... more
There is increasing evidence in humans and laboratory animals for biologically based sex differences in every phase of drug addiction: acute reinforcing effects, transition from occasional to compulsive use, withdrawal-associated negative... more
There is an increasing number of evidence showing analgesic properties of the kynurenic acid (KYNA), and also some studies demonstrate that kynurenine might interact with the opioid system. Therefore in this study, for the first time we... more
Excitotoxicity is a contributing factor to the pathogenesis of acute or chronic neurodegenerative disease states. Kainic acid (KA) is an excitotoxic substance and the administration of it to rodents induces seizure activity (status... more
The effects of κ-opioid agonist treatment on κ-opioid receptor density and on dynorphin A levels in the rat brain were studied. Rats were treated with the selective κ-opioid agonist U-69593 or vehicle for 5 d. Dynorphin A levels and... more
Background: Females exhibit more rapid escalation of cocaine use and enhanced cocaine-taking behavior as compared to males. While ovarian hormones likely play a role in this increased vulnerability, research has yet to examine the role of... more
This paper examines the linkages between domestic violence and reproductive health of women of India. The main cause of the prevalence of violence against women in Indian society is mainly due to lack of economic freedom and decision... more
Background Adolescence is a time of evolving from the immaturity of childhood into the maturity of adulthood. This is a stage which requires extra care and protection. Physiologically and physically, adolescents go through a series of... more
With the GAL training, we felt the necessity to create gender norms to follow:" examples of gender-related capacities strengthened by civil society organizations ........... 4.3.2 "When it is about hard work, women are involved, but when... more
The Little Art (TLA), with the support of the Netherlands government, implemented the “Equally Loud” project (January to October, 2019) to strengthen the voices of marginalized groups of women, girls and boys, and support dialogue to... more
Opioids have been implicated in sexual differentiation of the brain and in the regulation of reproductive behavior and endocrinology of mammals. Previous studies have indicated that estrogen administration in adults regulates... more
The squirting cucumber plant is widely used in the treatment of sinusitis, rheumatism, and hepatitis.It is reported that the liquid obtained from fruits is widely used in the treatment of sinusitis among people, especially in Turkey. The... more
Jane Austen submitted the novel for publication between 1796 and 1797 with the title First Impressions. Later it was changed to Pride and Prejudice and published in 1813. Though unmarried, Austen gave the definition of marriage in Pride... more