Gender Issues
Recent papers in Gender Issues
Terrorism is considered the ultimate ''weapon of the weak''. Groups that could not possibly succeed using conventional tactics on the battlefield employ unconventional means to strike terror behind the battle lines. Increasingly, however,... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
First published in 1988, this volume redefined the anthropological study of menstrual customs. Examining cultures as diverse as long-house dwellers in North Borneo, African farmers, Welsh housewives, and postindustrial American workers,... more
Most farmers in Nigeria operate at the subsistence, smallholder level in an extensive agricultural system; hence in their hands lies the country's food security and agricultural development. Particularly striking, however, is the fact... more
The political debates about legal abortion in the United States have intensified the ideological content of the issue. At the time that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide , conservatives were divided on the issue, as were liberals.... more
The use of indigenous researchers has long been practiced in ethnographic research; a similar use of indigenous personnel has not been as commonly undertaken ill interview studies of men who have sex with men (MSM). This research note... more
Most farmers in Nigeria operate at the subsistence, smallholder level in an extensive agricultural system; hence in their hands lies the country's food security and agricultural development. Particularly striking, however, is the fact... more
In this paper we argue that a gender analysis is fundamental to health and health planning. We begin with a definition of gender and related concepts including equity and equality. We discuss why gender is key to understanding all... more
Work-family conflict can act as an important, and gendered, mechanism underlying women's under-representation in male-dominated occupations. This study uses in-depth interviews to explore the experiences of female professional chefs in... more
Cet article propose une réflexion théorique et méthodologique à partir de l'étude des recherches sur le genre dans les revues comptables françaises et anglo-saxonnes. Une analyse détaillée de la littérature sur le plafond de verre dans... more
In Arab and Islamic countries, domestic violence is not yet considered a major concern despite its increasing frequency and serious consequences. Surveys in Egypt, Palestine, Israel and Tunisia show that at least one out of three women is... more
8. HANDBOOK OF MONETARY ECONOMICS (in 2 volumes) Edited by Benjamin Friedman and Frank Hahn 9. HANDBOOK OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS (in 4 volumes) Volumes 1 and 2 edited by Hollis B. Chenery and TN Srinivasan Volumes 3A and 3B edited by Jere... more
A partir da comparação entre moda e gênero como performances, este estudo analisa a questão dos gêneros não binários como método de subversão e possibilidades de uso da Moda como ferramenta semiótica de expressão pessoal além dos limites... more
Gender is an essential determinant of health and illness. Gender awareness in doctors contributes to equity and equality in health and aims towards better health for men and women. Nevertheless, gender has largely been ignored in... more
Tourism is a very important sector for the Portuguese economy and it is responsible for the creation of many workplaces. But what is the nature of the employment generated by this industry? More specifically, which gender inequalities... more
Purpose -This paper aims to examine some of the factors associated with the decision to participate in the promotion process for female police officers in a Midwestern police agency. Design/methodology/approach -Face-to-face, structured... more
Psychological First Aid (PFA) consists of a systematic set of helping actions aimed at reducing initial post-trauma distress and supporting short-and long-term adaptive functioning. Designed as an initial component of a comprehensive... more
The emergence of ICT has provided an unrivalled opportunity for women to exploit their capabilities to improve their quality of life as well as to contribute to the welfare of the society. Internet has also become a social and... more
We are grateful to Tim Smeeding and Lee Rainwater for their generous guidance and support in the development of the new policy database. We would also like to thank Sheila Kamerman for her helpful comments on an earlier draft of this... more
The purpose of this study is to explore household tourism decision making. There is an extensive literature on consumer choice in general.1-3 In terms of tourism, the main focus has been on motivational factors,4-6 but as part of the... more
Gender scholars have long argued that workplace culture is an important key to understanding how informal norms create, maintain, and sometimes undermine gender and sexual inequality at work. Although most studies have defined workplace... more
The issues of gender-related persecution and violence against women have been put onto the international agenda, largely thanks to lobbying by feminist NGOs and transnational networks. There is a question, however, of how successfully... more
The chapter deals with the global issue of advancing women's role in higher education and research (HE&R) as a mechanism for reaching the Sustainable Development Goal 5 – gender equality. Gender analysis method is employed to identify... more
The statistics show that the number of Computer Science majors is dropping across the United States. Possible reasons include a reduced number of jobs in the field, an incorrect perception of what Computer Scientists do, and the students'... more
This work explores the connections between gender inequality, HIV/AIDS and women's health in the world of work in South Africa. These connections are located within a context of significant reversals in development, specifically declining... more
Researchers (e.g., Stangl & Kane Sociology of Sport Journal, 8: 47–60, 1991) have been successful in using homologous reproduction theory to explain the decline of women in coaching roles. In this investigation, we aimed to extend... more
The importance of main streaming gender issues in development programmes is now recognized by governments and development agents. This paper evaluates the role of gender in smallholder livestock production using Zimbabwe as a case study.... more
It was during my first year at Scripps College that I realized what my ultimate fear is--to be motherless and fatherless. One might ask why a college girl would have such a severe fear of loss? Some might also wonder why 12 years later I... more
Two experiments investigated mock-juror perceptions of intimate stalking using Kentucky’s (United States) anti-stalking legislation. Experiment 1 used a mock-juror methodology in which 177 undergraduates (87 men and 90 women) from a large... more
1 Timothy 2:8-15 is one of the most debated passages in the New Testament. This is an exegetical analysis which takes a look at all aspects of this passage including genre, background, textual variants, syntactical ambiguities, and... more
In this paper, we review and analyze the emerging network paradigm in organizational research. We begin with a conventional review of recent research organized around recognized research streams. Next, we analyze this research, developing... more
Berturut-turutnya bencana yang melanda Indonesia menyadarkan, bahwa bencana adalah bagian dari kehidupan keseharian masyarakat Indonesia yang harus disikapi dengan bijak. Dalam kondisi seperti di atas, kesadaran dan tanggap akan bencana... more