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Предлагается русскоязычная адаптация опросника PhoPhiKat. По результатам анализа психометрических свойств опросника PhoPhiKat<45> (N = 818) были отобраны 30 пунктов с наилучшими характеристиками. Повторная апробация опросника... more
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      Fear Of Being Laughed At (Gelotophobia)Gelotophobiaсмехклиническая психология
Приводятся результаты русскоязычной адаптации опросника гелотофобии, гелотофилии и катагеластицизма PhoPhiKat на выборке российских подростков (N=392), которые свидетельствуют о хороших психометрических свойствах опросника, адекватности... more
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      Fear Of Being Laughed At (Gelotophobia)Gelotophobiaсмехклиническая психология
Представлен обзор зарубежных исследований гелотофобии (страха оказаться объектом насмешки, выглядеть смешным). Осуществлена русскоязычная адаптация опросника гелотофобии (n = 216), которая выявила высокую надежность (α = .83), а также... more
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      Fear Of Being Laughed At (Gelotophobia)Gelotophobiaсмехклиническая психология
This study aimed to test a hypothesis about the correlation between levels of gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism and understanding of Internet memes as a specific form of humour. Participants were 45 native speakers of... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyIntelligenceHumor psychologyHumor
Research on gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at) has come a long way since the first empirical studies published in 2008. Based on a review of the findings on gelotophobia, its structure, causes and consequences, updates to the... more
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      Clinical PsychologyHumorLaughterReview
Psychological studies of humor have been attracting the attention of personality researchers since long, but the recent focus on humor first as a transcendental character strength , and lately as an emotional one has opened up new... more
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    • Gelotophobia
Аннотация В ходе исследования была проверена гипотеза о взаимосвязи показателей гелотофобии, гелотофилии и катагеластицизма с полнотой понимания интернет-мемов. Объект исследования – процесс смысловой реконструкции когнитивной структуры... more
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      Humor (Psychology)Internet memesComprehensionGelotophobia
Аннотация Работа посвящена изучению взаимосвязи полноты понимания комических текстов и выраженности гелотофобии у лиц с разным уровнем психометрического интеллекта (IQ). Объект исследования – процесс понимания вербального юмора у... more
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      Intelligence StudiesHumor (Psychology)Reading ComprehensionGelotophobia
Research on gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at) has come a long way since the first empirical studies published in 2008. Based on a review of the findings on gelotophobia, its structure, causes and consequences, updates to the... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyHumorFear Of Being Laughed At (Gelotophobia)
This study aimed to test a hypothesis about the correlation between levels of gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism and understanding of Internet memes as a specific form of humour. Participants were 45 native speakers of... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyIntelligenceHumor (Psychology)Humor
The current study examines whether the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia) can be assessed reliably and validly by means of a self-report instrument in di¤erent countries of the world. All items of the GELOPH
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      PsychometricsHumor (Psychology)HumorFear Of Being Laughed At (Gelotophobia)
This study aimed to test a hypothesis about the correlation between levels of gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism and understanding of Internet memes as a specific form of humour. Participants were 45 native speakers of... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyIntelligenceHumor psychologyHumor
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    • Gelotophobia