Gayatri Spivak
Recent papers in Gayatri Spivak
Current adult literacy policy in Ontario requires community-based programs to partner with other agencies under the banner of employment preparation. I argue that these partnerships are driven by political rationalities that treat... more
In this paper, my aim is to elaborate disability movement praxis so that transnational struggles for justice over the production of impairment emerging from the Global South can be represented within the transnational frame of disability... more
Despite the fact that the story retold in Wide Sargasso Sea on the surface seems to be a pathetic love story of a Creole woman who goes crazy due to unrequited love in her marriage to an English man, through a close postcolonial reading... more
Rose Harris-Birtill analyses the secular reworking of Buddhist religious influences across David Mitchell’s complete fictions, including his novels, short stories, and libretti, arguing that their shared ethical perspectives draw them... more
La bibliografia che qui proponiamo raccoglie i libri che la biblioteca possiede sulla vita di questo personaggio rivoluzionario, David Lazzaretti, una sorta di predicatore eretico che visse ad Arcidosso verso la fine dell'800. Ad un... more
O artigo tem como intenção analisar as associações comumente feitas entre representação e representatividade, que supõem que a representatividade entre produtores leva necessariamente à representação positiva de determinados grupos e... more
Aqualung gaze nothing spares. ANDY lived in New York during late 1970s and in their Jamaica he experienced the emotional cocktail of surveillance frenzy and racial/religious discrimination. Spying Glass. In Gayatri Spivak ‘s conception of... more
Mahasweta Devi’s well-known novella, _Pterodactyl, Puran Sahay, and Pirtha_, within the collection, _Imaginary Maps_, is a careful meditation on the implications, both personal and political, of representing another’s cultural history.... more
Drawing from Gayatri Spivak’s theory of the subaltern woman, this study introduces the concept of the ‘in-between’ intellectual and attempts to highlight the importance of this class in representing the subaltern. In the humanities and... more
L’artiste donne-t-il plus à la communauté lorsqu’il élabore des stratégies d’attaque d’un ennemi identifié (le détournement du spectacle, selon Debord) ? Lorsqu’il met directement en circulation des images « émancipées » (le partage du... more
Through this essay, I explore feminist theories of translation and ideas of haunting in the film, Cloud Atlas. Both the book and the film, Cloud Atlas, move to show how all persons are connected through time, geographies, and locations.... more
In: (2014) Decolonizing Enlightenment: Transnational Justice, Human Rights and Democracy in a Postcolonial World. Ed. Dhawan, N. (Berlin, Toronto, Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers), ISBN: 978-3-8474-0056-1
This essay traces the history, current state, and potential future of comparative literature. The great expansions have coincided with aspirations for international understanding. The term first emerged after the Napoleonic wars. The... more
In diesem Beitrag gehe ich auf die postkoloniale Theorie der indischen Literaturwissenschaftlerin Prof. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak ein. Genauer gesagt analysiere ich ihren Beitrag „Can the subaltern speak“ von 1983. Hierin untersucht sie... more
Se, para Goethe, a possibilidade de uma literatura mundial estava assegurada pela universalidade da ideia de literatura, o pensamento de Marx aponta para uma direção diferente: é o processo de circulação que cria as condições para a... more
تقدم هذه الورقة، قراءة عامة لنشوء النظرية المابعد الكولونيالية، بتركيز خاص على المقاربات النظرية التي قدمها النقاد المابعد الكولونياليون الهنود، وذلك لبلورة فكرة تتوخى ربط الإسهام النظري لمدرسة "دراسات التابع" في السجال الدائر حول إنتاج... more
Reflexing on intercultural Musical Education, this work discusses issues related to the musical cultures of the world, including themes such as identity, authenticity, decolonialism, among other. Describes three projects that deal with... more
An interpretation of a Renaissance tale (Bandello's Giulia da Gazuolo) within a subaltern studies perspective
Nei Quaderni del carcere Antonio Gramsci sviluppa un nuovo concetto di classi o gruppi sociali subalterni, utilizzato per caratterizzare tutti quei gruppi sociali che sono soggetti a forme di comando e di direzione politica e sociale... more
The article discusses schools' use of multicultural school events as a practice designed to enhance inclusion and to prevent prejudice and negative intergroup attitudes in school. While prior research has largely criticized such events... more
Sommaire: Majeure 29. Narrations postcoloniales - Antonella Corsani, Christophe Degoutin, François Matheron, Giovanna Zapperi: Narrations postcoloniales - Fatimah Tobing Rony: Le Troisième oeil - Nirmal Puwar: Architectures de la... more
In diesem Band widmet sich Nora Sternfeld der Frage, wie Kunstvermittlung im 21. Jahrhundert jenseits “einer einfachen Übermittlung oder jener einer konsenssuchenden Mediation” (S. 9) verstanden kann. Dabei entwickelt sie nach Spivak im... more
L'approche critique des fondements épistémologiques des discours post-orientalistes et post-colonialistes
Are non-human animals our friends or enemies? In this provocative book, Dinesh Wadiwel argues that our mainstay relationships with billions of animals are essentially hostile. The War against Animals asks us to interrogate this sustained... more
Referāts veltīts atraitnībai latviešu literatūrā, šoreiz pievēršoties sieviešu tēliem un viņu izpratnei par dzīvi pēc laulātā miršanas. Izvēlējos analizēt visai plaša žanra un noskaņas darbus: Rūdolfa Blaumaņa noveli "Raudupiete" (1889),... more
A reading of Gayatri Spivak’s 1995 “City, Country, Agency,” this article offers a framework for constructing a responsibility- based agency for architecture and urbanism in service of decol-onization. Weaving together deconstructive... more
Since the late 1930s, there have been numerous disputes and discussions concerning Antonio Gramsci's intellectual and political legacy. His ideas and writings have been subject to a range of interpretations, political appropriations, and... more
Hegemonic “norms of recognition” determine what can be read, heard and understood as legible. Intelligibility is deeply linked to survival, whereby the very possibility of life depends on being recognized as a legitimate subject. At the... more
The aim of this essay is to explore how gender issues are represented and subverted in these pieces of literature, more specifically, within four novels: Atonement , The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Swing time and The Return. Some... more
When it comes to portraying Muslims in popular culture, the overwhelming trend is to depict Muslim women as oppressed. However, American superhero comics have recently begun to portray Muslim women in a more sensitive manner with strong... more
O trabalho de Gayatri Spivak se inicia fazendo uma crítica a qualquer concepção baseada na soberania do sujeito, o que ela critica na obra de Deleuze e Foucault.
This paper critically compares the work of two contemporary Canadian artists Leanne Simpson and Kent Monkman. Simpson's innovative collection of poems titled Islands of Decolonial Love (2013) and Monkman's provocative exhibition Shame and... more
Das Standardlehrbuch zu Postkolonialer Theorie in dritter Auflage. Diese Einführung erschließt das weite Feld postkolonialer Theoriebildung über eine kritische Debatte der Schriften der drei prominentesten postkolonialen Stimmen – Edward... more
This paper seeks to explore the complex representation of Muslim women characters in two texts by two Muslim writers who live or have lived in Britain namely Monica Ali and Leila Aboulela. Since the two writers come of Asian and African/... more
Abstract: To use the word ―subaltern‖ casually is to empty it of the extent to which its subject is oppressed, for the truth is the subaltern cannot speak and hence must be spoken for. This can be extremely problematic as it begs... more
In 2017 the Barbican Curve Gallery opened its doors to a new work by the Irish conceptual documentary photographer Richard Mosse. Created in 2016 and titled Incoming, the exhibition included a series of still prints, a large video... more
1 2 2 . 3 ] 627 PubLicaTions of The Modern Language associaTion of aMerica [ Published six times a year ] Volumes Online (continued) 629 a statement of editorial Policy 630 forthcoming in PMLA 630 features in PMLA 633 editor's column: The... more A rogues' gallery of Mexican bandits, bombshells, lotharios, and thieves saturates American popular culture. Remember Speedy Gonzalez? "Mexican Spitfire" Lupe Vélez? The Frito Bandito? Familiar and reassuring—at... more
There have been a number of scientific studies on the question of whether fish feel pain. Some have suggested that some fish indeed do feel pain and that this has significant welfare implications (2003). Others have argued that fish do... more
Este ensaio tem por objetivo analisar os poemas da escritora afro-brasileira Miriam Alves. Buscaremos retratar as complexas relações entre gênero, classe e etnia na sociedade heterogênea brasileira dentro de um arcabouço teórico... more
This article o ers a close reading of Mahasweta Devi’s ethnographic report- age in her short narratives “Giribala” and “Dhowli,” in Women, Outcastes, Peasants and Rebels and “Douloti the Bountiful” in Imaginary Maps to show how ecological... more