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Copper oxide nanoparticles were prepared by modified sol-gel technique using sodium dodecyl sulphate as a surfactant. Effect of calcination temperature on particle size, band-gap, crystallinity and morphology of the nanoparticles were... more
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      NanotechnologyNanoscienceGas SensorSurfactant
This article extensively reviews the recent development of semiconductor metal oxide gas sensors for environmentally hazardous gases including NO 2 , NO, N 2 O, H 2 S, CO, NH 3 , CH 4 , SO 2 and CO 2 . The gas sensing properties of... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryEnvironmental HazardsGas Sensor
Reviews 7632
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MEMS based Microhotplates plays an important in gas sensing applications. In this paper, we present the simulation results of a MEMS micro-hotplate. The electro-thermo-mechanical behaviors of micro-hotplates (MHP) have been simulated... more
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      MEMSZnOGas SensorMEMS design: Sensors and Actuators
The development of carbon nanotube-(CNTs-)based gas sensors and sensor arrays has attracted intensive research interest in the last several years because of their potential for the selective and rapid detection of various gaseous species... more
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      Carbon NanotubeNanotechnologyConsumer ElectronicsGas Sensor
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      Analytical ChemistrySemiconductor DevicesConducting PolymersPolymers
Systematic development and mechanistic studies of sensing materials are critical to the design of higher performance gas sensing elements and arrays. Polycrystalline metal-oxide semiconductors such as SnO 2 and TiO 2 are among the most... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMaterialsThin Film
In¯uences of gas transport phenomena on the sensitivity of a thin ®lm semiconductor gas sensor were investigated theoretically. A diffusion equation was formulated by assuming that an in¯ammable gas (target gas) moves inside the ®lm by... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryTransport phenomenaThin Film
The continuous evolution of nanotechnology in these years led to the production of quasi-one dimensional (Q1D) structures in a variety of morphologies such as nanowires, core-shell nanowires, nanotubes, nanobelts, hierarchical structures,... more
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      EngineeringNanowiresGas SensorDislocations
The gas sensors fabricated by using conducting polymers such as polyaniline (PAni), polypyrrole (PPy) and poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) as the active layers have been reviewed. This review discusses the sensing mechanism and... more
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      PhysicsConducting PolymerGas Sensor
This paper reviews the range of sensors used in electronic nose (e-nose) systems to date. It outlines the operating principles and fabrication methods of each sensor type as well as the applications in which the different sensors have... more
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      SensorElectronic NoseGas SensorCost effectiveness
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      Artificial IntelligenceAnalytical ChemistryMultivariate StatisticsFuzzy Logic
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      Analytical ChemistryPattern RecognitionProcess ControlConducting Polymer
Identifying chemical species and their quantification have become important in many industrial applications involving high temperatures and chemical contaminants. Center for Industrial Sensors and Measurements has developed TiO 2... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAppliedGas SensorHigh Temperature
TiO 2 /PANI composite Chemiresistor sensor H 2 gas sensing Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) a b s t r a c t
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      EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyTransmission Electron MicroscopyCopper
is furnished to the author for non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the author's institution, sharing with colleagues and providing to institution administration.
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      Analytical ChemistryElectrochemistryIonic LiquidGas Sensor
having a rotational or helical symmetry, are relatively closely related from the symmetry point of view, but they are nanoscale objects (instead of the macroscopic fibers), their rotational symmetry is discrete, and they are finite in the... more
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      EngineeringAdvanced MaterialsPhysical sciencesGas Sensor
A new hybrid SWCNTs/SnO 2 gas sensor is developed by adding single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) into a SnO 2 substrate. The fabrication involved heat-treating the SWCNTs/SnO 2 layer, which was fabricated by spin coating using an... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryCarbon NanotubeGas Sensor
The analysis of the in¯uence of deposition modes on the structure, electrical and gas sensitivity characteristics of SnO 2 ®lms, deposited by spray pyrolysis, is presented in this report. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryScanning Electron MicroscopyGas Sensor
The development of carbon nanotube-(CNTs-)based gas sensors and sensor arrays has attracted intensive research interest in the last several years because of their potential for the selective and rapid detection of various gaseous species... more
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      Carbon NanotubeNanotechnologyMultidisciplinaryConsumer Electronics
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsNanoelectronicsBiosensorsMorphology
30] Note the reversal of the hydrophilic±hydrophobic character of the two surface regions on going from operation 2 to operation 4 .
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      EngineeringAdvanced MaterialsPhysical sciencesGas Sensor
Nanostructured SnO 2 -ZnO as selective ethanol gas sensor materials with controlled grain size and morphology were successfully synthesized by a precipitation method. The structure, morphology, and gas sensing performance of calcined SnO... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryScanning Electron MicroscopyGas Sensor
NO 2 gas sensor was fabricated by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) technique and rapid photothermal processing (RPP) of the Sn-doped ZnO film. The experimental results shows that tin doping of zinc oxide thin films... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryEnvironmental MonitoringZinc Oxide
Titanium dioxide Nickel oxide Semiconductor gas sensor Thin films X-ray diffraction X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Electron beam evaporation This work presents the development of n-type and p-type gas-sensitive materials from NiO x... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyAtomic Force MicroscopyThin Films
A detailed overview towards the advancement of graphene based biosensors has been reviewed. The large surface area and excellent electrical conductivity of graphene allow it to act as an "electron wire" between the redox centers of an... more
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringBiosensorsNanotechnology
The sensing ability of individual SnO 2 nanowires and nanobelts configured as gas sensors was measured before and after functionalization with Pd catalyst particles. In situ deposition of Pd in the same reaction chamber in which the... more
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      Scanning Transmission Electron MicroscopyMultidisciplinarySurface ChemistryNanowires
Ammonia sensing characteristics of undoped and cobalt (Co)-doped nanostructured ZnO thin films were investigated. Polycrystalline nature with hexagonal wurtzite structure and high crystalline quality with dominant (002) plane orientation... more
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      Thin Films and CoatingsGas SensorsNanowires based gas sensorsZinc Oxide
Microbial contamination can easily affect processed tomato, thus determining both organoleptic adulterations and potential health risks for customers. Innovative techniques for a rapid and reliable diagnose of spoilage, such as electronic... more
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      Mass SpectrometrySaccharomyces cerevisiaeEscherichia coliElectronic Nose
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      Carbon DioxideSHELF LIFEFood supplyGas Sensor
ZnO nanocrystals (2.5-4.5 nm) were prepared by a wet chemical method based on alkaline-activated hydrolysis and condensation of zinc acetate solutions. Dropcasting of the nanocrystals onto alumina substrates allowed the fabrication of gas... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryNanomaterialsGas Sensor
Four spinel ferrites, MFe2O4 (M = Cu, Cd, Zn and Ni), having various grain sizes (100 -700 nm) were prepared by sol-gelselfcombustion and their sensing properties to reducing gases were investigated. The gas sensing characteristics were... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringGas SensorSensitivity
In this article, the gas sensing properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films have been reported where the nanocrystalline ZnO based thin films were well deposited by a simple and inexpensive 'chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP)' technique. Films... more
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      DefectsGas Sensor
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistrySelf AssemblyNanocomposites
An integrated catalytic combustion H 2 sensor has been fabricated by using MEMS technology. Both the sensing elements and the reference elements could be integrated into the suspended micro heaters connected in a suitable circuit such as... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryMEMSGas Sensor
CuO-loaded SnO 2 element was earlier identified as a highly sensitive and selective H 2 S gas sensor. A number of techniques have been used by different authors for preparing thick and thin films of SnO 2 doped with CuO, which among... more
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      EngineeringRemote SensingThin FilmPhysical sciences
A detailed overview towards the advancement of graphene based biosensors has been reviewed. The large surface area and excellent electrical conductivity of graphene allow it to act as an "electron wire" between the redox centers of an... more
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringRNABiosensors
This project is based on LabVIEW software using NI-myRIO and it is meant for low cost, small size and light weight unmanned ground vehicle .It is specialized in wheel structure and camera courage .the typical wheel design is used to cross... more
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      LabVIEWArmGas SensorCamera
30] Note the reversal of the hydrophilic±hydrophobic character of the two surface regions on going from operation 2 to operation 4 .
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      EngineeringAdvanced MaterialsPhysical sciencesGas Sensor
Recently one dimensional (1-D) nanostructured metal-oxides have attracted much attention because of their potential applications in gas sensors. 1-D nanostructured metal-oxides provide high surface to volume ratio, while maintaining good... more
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      One dimensional nanostructuresGas Sensor
Tin oxide (SnO 2 ) nanowires with a tetragonal structure were synthesized by thermal evaporation of tin grains at 900 • C. The obtained nanowires were doped with palladium. The morphology, crystal structure, and H 2 gas sensing properties... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryNanowiresCrystal structure
A dynamic thermal conductivity sensor for gas detection based on the transient thermal response of a SiC microplate slightly heated by a screen-printed Pt resistance is described. This sensor is developed for specific applications such as... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryFuel CellCarbon Monoxide
a b s t r a c t Nanostrucutred spinel ZnCo 2 O 4 (∼26-30 nm) was synthesized by calcining the mixed precursor (consisting of cobalt hydroxyl carbonate and zinc hydroxyl carbonate) in air at 600 • C for 5 h. The mixed precursor was... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryHigh Resolution Transmission Electron MicroscopyGas Sensor
A set of Cr-highly doped TiO 2 samples with Cr contents ranging from 5 to 30 at.% were prepared in a sol-gel route and calcined at a temperature between 600 and 900 8C. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses revealed the persistence of anatase... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryThin FilmTitanium dioxide
A SnO2/MWCNTs composite-based NH3 sensor working at room temperature was fabricated by thin film microelectronic technique. The gas-sensitive composite thin film was prepared by using both commercially available multi-walled carbon... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryCarbon NanotubeThin Film
Recent advances in the development of sensors based on infrared diode and quantum cascade lasers for the detection of trace gas species is reported. Several examples of applications in environmental and industrial process monitoring as... more
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      Quantum Cascade LasersNear InfraredProcess MonitoringOrganic Semiconductor Laser
The gas sensitivity, selectivity and stability properties of WO 3 thin films for the detection of NO 2 gas in the concentration range 0.2-5 ppm, have been evaluated and discussed in the light of the preparation conditions and working... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryThin FilmGas Sensor
Vehicles on the road are the primary cause of atmospheric pollution. With the increase in vehicles, the air quality has been degraded to such a level that it causes various health issues like asthma, bronchitis, etc. These vehicles... more
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      RFIDGas SensorIOT
Detection of low concentration of air pollution, like cigarette smoke, cooking fumes, etc. is possible with the combination of an air quality sensor and data acquisition system. In present paper is presented approach for design and... more
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      Air QualityAir pollutionAutomatic ControlCarbon Monoxide
The detection of the gases produced by the cars becomes an important objective for different applications as urban pollution control or for the development of car exhaust devices. The use of gas sensors can contribute to reach such... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryUrban PollutionGas Sensor