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We tested the detection properties of four MOX sensors toward different ozone mixtures to identify sets of sensing layers and interfering compounds concentrations most suitable for a reliable detection of ozone. The measurement campaign... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryCarbon MonoxideStatistical Techniques in Spatial Analysis
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsGas SensorSolid State Ionics
A novel prototype of low-power thick-film gas sensor deposited by screen-printing onto a micromachined hotplate is presented. The micro-heater is designed to maintain a film temperature of 400ЊC with less than 30 mW of input power. The... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyWorking ConditionsPhysical sciences
Crystalline Cd(OH) 2 /CdCO 3 nanowires, having lengths in the range from 0.3 up to several microns and 5-30 nm in diameter, were synthesized by a microwave-assisted wet chemical route and used as a precursor to obtain CdO nanostructures... more
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      Carbon DioxideScanning Electron MicroscopyTransmission Electron MicroscopyNanotechnology
The nanometer-size In 2 O 3 was synthesized via a reverse microemulsion. A new catalytic combustion-type In 2 O 3 -based H 2 gas sensor was developed based on the technology for fabricating the direct-heating-type sensor and a... more
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      Materials EngineeringSemiconductorsTransmission Electron MicroscopyDiffusion
Abstracf-Thin films of SnOl were pdpared by a sol-gel technique using tin tetrachloride (SnC4) ahd isopropyl alcohol solution. Applying standard lithography process, high sensitivity SDOZ gas sensors were miniaturized on maeromachined Si... more
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      Thin FilmGas SensorHigh SensitivitySol Gel Method
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) of >99.9% purity was artificially released to simulate the emission sources in the etching-thin film area of a working cleanroom in a semiconductor fab at the rate of 492 g/h. Three mobile Fourier transform... more
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      ArchitectureThin FilmBuildingGas Sensor
His work focuses on microtechnology, microsystem development, assembly technology, microsystems reliability, and microsystems for medical applications.
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      Gas SensorHumidity SensorTransient ResponseElectrical And Electronic Engineering
TiO2 and SnO2 are the well-known sensing materials with a good thermal stability of the former and a high sensitivity of the latter. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have also gas sensing ability at room temperature. CNTs-included SnO2/TiO2... more
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      Materials EngineeringCarbon NanotubeNanotechnologySol Gel Process
Functional materials for thick film gas sensors have been examined: nanosized powder preparation methods, such as sol-gel and hydrothermal processes, morphological, micro-structural and electrical properties, in particular those depending... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryFunctional MaterialsSol Gel Process
A Pt/C heterojunction has been fabricated and tested as a conductometric hydrogen gas sensor. The carbon layer, deposited between planar Au substrate contacts using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc (with an applied substrate bias of -500... more
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      CarbonIEEEGas SensorElectrical Conductivity
The effects of UV light illumination on the performance of SnO and In O semiconductor gas sensors toward CO and NO are 2 2 3 2 Ž . reported. The sample were prepared with DC sputtering in Ar atmospheres by the Rheotaxial Growth and... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryGas SensorMagnetron Sputtering
Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) could be doped with as much as 8.7 atom% Cr by means of a sol-gel method. XRD analysis revealed that the powder of Cr (8.7 atom%)-doped TiO 2 calcined at 500 C consisted of small crystallites ascribale to anatase... more
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      Thin FilmGas SensorCHEMICAL SCIENCES
A micro-gas analysis system, μGAS, is proposed here for the continuous and highly sensitive on-site measurement of atmospheric trace gases. The μGAS presented here is comprised of a microchannel scrubber and a high-sensitivity small... more
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      Analytical ChemistryGas SensorMicroanalysisMembrane
Complex impedance analysis and transient response studies in SnO 2 thick films show the impedance dependence on gaseous environment and temperature. Possible mechanisms responsible for the found behaviors are proposed. The influence of... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceDiffusionPhysical sciences
Abstract: - This paper describes a fully integrated acoustic sensor that combines high sensitivity, wide frequency range and low cost of batch processed miniaturized silicon components. A sputtered piezoelectric ZnO layer transforms the... more
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      Computer ScienceSolar CellGas SensorBand Gap
We report about the manufacturing of sensor devices for detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air. The sensor comprises three fully inkjet-printed layers of (i) silver interdigitated electrodes (SIDE), (ii) multi-walled... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyCarbon NanotubesCarbon NanotubeSEM
We investigated the effect of the reaction parameters on the structure of multi-walled carbon nanotubes containing different concentrations of nitrogen and boron. The nanotubes were produced using a 'standard' aerosol chemical vapour... more
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      EngineeringCarbonCarbon NanotubePhysical sciences
The paper reviews some significant pieces of work carried out in the authors' laboratory in the course of about three decades and concerned with the development of market oriented devices, which exploit the singular characteristics of... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsBiosensorsCarbon DioxideKinetics
The goal of this paper is to explore the possibility to detect and identify bacteria by sensing their odor via fluctuation-enhanced sensing with commercial Taguchi sensors. The fluctuations of the electrical resistance during exposure to... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryEscherichia coliGeneral Physics
Recent progress in the development of a ß-alumina gas sensor for automotive applications is reported. The sensing device consists of two solid electrolytes (namely a thin film of sodium sulfate deposited on ß-alumina by appropriate... more
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      Materials EngineeringElectroceramicsThin FilmScreen printing
This work details the fabrication and performance of a sensor for ammonia gas analysis which has been constructed via the inkjet-printed deposition of polyaniline nanoparticle films. The conducting films were assembled on interdigitated... more
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      Analytical ChemistryGas SensorRelative HumidityTemperature Dependence
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      MultidisciplinaryCrystal structureGas SensorParticle Size
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) delay line (DL) oscillators offer many advantages as gas sensors. Such devices are fabricated on a piezoelectric (PE) substrate, whose propagation path is coated with a selectively sorbing film. The sorption... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryGas Sensor
Ultrahigh-sensitive WO 3 nanosensors have been developed by using an interdigitated Au nano-electrode for dilute NO 2 detection. The interdigitated Au nano-electrodes with a line spacing of 200 nm and various teeth numbers were fabricated... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryElectron Beam LithographyThin Film
A dynamic model of a metal-oxide semiconductor gas sensor is proposed and discussed as a tool for obtaining a substantial reduction of the time needed for sensor calibration. The sensor dynamics turn out to be well represented using a... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryGas SensorSteady state
Results from gas probing with various analyte vapors on high-low-loss surface transverse wave (STW) and surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators coated with thin plasma-polymer films of hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO), styrene, and allyl... more
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      MathematicsWireless SystemsSurface Acoustic WavesStability
A gas sensor based on a b-alumina thick ®lm was recently developed on a laboratory scale. This sensor can be successfully used for selective detection of CO and NO x , resulting from an appropriate choice of the working temperature of the... more
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      Materials EngineeringElectroceramicsViscosityScreen printing
Detection of low concentration of air pollution, like cigarette smoke, cooking fumes, etc. is possible with the combination of an air quality sensor and data acquisition system. In present paper is presented approach for design and... more
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      Air QualityAir pollutionAutomatic ControlCarbon Monoxide
Ahxtsrmcr -The effect of ethanol vapour and temperature was investigatcd on gas sensors fabricated from poly(viny1 acetate)\carbon black composites based around a predetermined percolation threshold. Samples with 8% carbon black loading... more
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      MicroelectronicsGas SensorVinyl acetateComposite Material
This project is based on LabVIEW software using NI-myRIO and it is meant for low cost, small size and light weight unmanned ground vehicle .It is specialized in wheel structure and camera courage .the typical wheel design is used to cross... more
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      LabVIEWArmGas SensorCamera
An integrated catalytic combustion H 2 sensor has been fabricated by using MEMS technology. Both the sensing elements and the reference elements could be integrated into the suspended micro heaters connected in a suitable circuit such as... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryMEMSGas Sensor
An analytical solution for the one-dimensional steady-state transport of ions in an electrolyte towards a planar electrode is obtained. This electrolyte contains more than one electroactive species and any number of non-reacting species.... more
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      Analytical ChemistryMigrationKineticsLinear Algebra
Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique has been successfully used to not only deposit nanostructured tin dioxide (SnO 2 ) thin ®lms, on alumina substrates, but also to concomitantly achieve their in-situ doping by Pt metal catalyst. The... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryTransmission Electron MicroscopyPulsed Laser Deposition
In order to enable further developments in low cost wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for unobtrusive environmental monitoring, increased miniaturisation and integration of hardware is essential. This paper outlines the design concept and... more
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      MicroelectronicsData MiningEnvironmental MonitoringGas Sensor
This work present a new approach to design and fabrication of AlGaN/GaN based SAW-HEMT structures to be applied for chemical gas sensors operating in harsh environment. A direct on-chip integrated compatibility in the process technology... more
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      MultidisciplinaryQuality FactorGas SensorOscillations
Few decades, it is very difficult to Monitoring and eradicating the problem of sewage outlet system. Most of the cities and towns the clog in the sewage system will collapse to an overflow in streets. It is very dangerous for affecting... more
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      Gas SensorUltrasonic SensorArduino UnoSensor Ultrasonic
Nanostructured anatase TiO 2 was produced by flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) and tested for sensing of volatile organic compounds and CO at 500 • C. The as-prepared powders were characterized by transmission/scanning electron microscopy,... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryScanning Electron MicroscopyHeat Treatment
Air pollution is a serious problem in thickly populated and industrialized areas in Thailand, especially in Bangkok. The air pollution in Bangkok is abundant, especially in areas where pollution sources and the human population are... more
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      Materials EngineeringAir QualityEconomic GrowthAir pollution
The continuous evolution of nanotechnology in these years led to the production of quasi-one dimensional (Q1D) structures in a variety of morphologies such as nanowires, core-shell nanowires, nanotubes, nanobelts, hierarchical structures,... more
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      EngineeringNanowiresGas SensorDislocations
ZnO nanocrystals (2.5-4.5 nm) were prepared by a wet chemical method based on alkaline-activated hydrolysis and condensation of zinc acetate solutions. Dropcasting of the nanocrystals onto alumina substrates allowed the fabrication of gas... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryNanomaterialsGas Sensor
This paper gives an overview about the principles and the technologies used in solid-state gas sensors. These devices work by measuring a physical property changed by adsorption/desorption processes and chemical reactions on the surface... more
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      OptoelectronicsGas SensorAnalytical Methods
The development of carbon nanotube-(CNTs-)based gas sensors and sensor arrays has attracted intensive research interest in the last several years because of their potential for the selective and rapid detection of various gaseous species... more
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      Carbon NanotubeNanotechnologyConsumer ElectronicsGas Sensor
Zinc oxide (ZnO), tin dioxide (SnO 2 ) and compounds ZnO/SnO 2 (ZTO) nanostructures have been synthesized successfully from the vapor phase without a catalyst using three different approaches. XRD analyses showed that ZnO with a wurtzite... more
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      Chemical EngineeringNanowiresCrystal structureZinc Oxide
This paper gives an overview about the principles and the technologies used in solid-state gas sensors. These devices work by measuring a physical property changed by adsorption/desorption processes and chemical reactions on the surface... more
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      OptoelectronicsGas SensorAnalytical Methods
Two recent topics important for advancing gas sensor technology are introduced. Semiconductor gas sensors have been developed so far on empirical bases but now a fundamental theory has been made available for further developments. The... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryGas SensorChemical Properties
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      Carbon DioxideSHELF LIFEFood supplyGas Sensor
A detailed overview towards the advancement of graphene based biosensors has been reviewed. The large surface area and excellent electrical conductivity of graphene allow it to act as an "electron wire" between the redox centers of an... more
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringRNABiosensors
TiO 2 /PANI composite Chemiresistor sensor H 2 gas sensing Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) a b s t r a c t
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      EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyTransmission Electron MicroscopyCopper
A novel fully-analog lock-in amplifier for the accurate measurements of low quantities of gas in sensor applications is here presented. When compared with commercial lock-in and other solutions available in the literature, the proposed... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringWorking TimeCarbon MonoxideGas Sensor