Gas Phase Ion Chemistry

53 papers
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Gas Phase Ion Chemistry is the study of ions in the gaseous state, focusing on their formation, reactions, and interactions. This field examines the behavior of ions under various conditions, utilizing techniques such as mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry to analyze chemical processes and mechanisms at the molecular level.
The geothermal field of Akropotamos produces fluids at temperatures up to 90oC. The waters from wells AKR-1, AKR-3, AKR-4, AKR-5 and AKR-6 at 30 86oC and TDS of 3.1-30.7 g/l are classified as Na-Cl type. The water from well AKR-2 at 46oC... more
Packed columns are an important part of the broad selection of mass and heat transfer equipment. Nowadays, the use of packed columns is increasing, which is because of its lower pressure drop, higher capacity and higher mass transfer in... more
On-road emissions of carbonyls from the current vehicle fleet of Brazil were determined in two experimental campaigns, conducted in traffic tunnels located in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP), in southeastern Brazil. Among... more
Throughout this text the acronym 'SFCA' in single quotation marks refers to undifferentiated 'SFCA'-like phases. These may consist of substituted calcium ferrites, SFCA sensu stricto and SFCA-I.
The near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and X-ray photoelectron (XP) spectra of gas-phase 2,8-bis-(diphenylphosphoryl)dibenzo[b,d]thiophene (PPT) and triphenylphosphine oxide (TPPO) have been measured at the S and P L... more
An autoionization spectrum of the H2S molecule has been identified from the comparison between the Auger electrons recorded by means of high-resolution electron-beam and monochromatic Al Ea exciting sources. Due to the high energy... more
We present a comprehensive review of published results from the last 30 years regarding the sources and atmospheric characteristics of particles and ozone in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP). During the last 30 years, many... more
An autoionization spectrum of the H2S molecule has been identified from the comparison between the Auger electrons recorded by means of high-resolution electron-beam and monochromatic Al Ea exciting sources. Due to the high energy... more
Please note that technical editing may introduce minor changes to the text and/or graphics, which may alter content. The journal's standard Terms & Conditions and the Ethical guidelines still apply. In no event shall the Royal Society of... more
Electron ionization (70 eV) mass spectra, double-stage (MS 2) 10 eV collision-induced dissociation (CID) production mass spectra of molecular ions and triple-stage (MS 3) sequential production mass spectra of major fragment ions are... more
Research highlights  Emissions and concentrations in three Brazilian metropolitan areas are reviewed  In 2014, vehicular emissions contributed 34% of the total Brazilian PM2.5 emissions  Non-exhaust sources could represent 90% of the... more
We report the unimolecular decomposition following collisional activation of protonated mono-, di- and trimethylbenzenes as a function of collision energy. The resulting energy-resolved mass spectra are then used for the quality control... more
In order to reach a deeper insight into the reaction mechanism of the zeolite catalyzed methanol to hydrocarbons reaction (MTH), the proposed reaction intermediates, i.e., a series of multiply methyl-substituted benzenium ions has been... more
Contents:-Tables S1-S2-Figures S1-S9-Reference of Gaussian 03. Any additional computational detail and material (cartesian coordinate xyz files, calculated vibrational frequencies for all structures, etc.) is available upon request.
High resolution X-ray spectroscopic studies on free SF 6 molecules and SF 6 clusters near the S 2p ionization thresholds are reported. Spectral changes occurring in clusters for the intense molecular-like S 2p 1/2,3/2 → 6a 1g-, 2t 2g-,... more
Vehicular emissions can be determined by measurements inside road tunnels. Such studies can provide information about emissions factors of in-use vehicles. Emission factors (EFs) are used to estimate vehicular
Fragment ion yields in the C 1s f Rydberg excitation region of CO 2 were measured in the 90°and 0°d irections relative to the electric vector of the linearly polarized light. The C 1s f ns (n) 3, 4), npπ and npσ (n) 3-7), and nd (n) 3, 4)... more
We present a theoretical and experimental study of the electronic structure of N-methyltrifluoroacetamide (FNMA) and examine the resonant Auger (RA) decay upon site-and state-specific excitation at the C 1s, N 1s, and O 1s edges. Based on... more
The new radical FBNCO and the new cation FBNCO+, containing all the p-block elements, have been identified in the gas phase, as species having a dissociation energy of 50 and 161 kcal mol−1, respectively.
The ion corresponding to protonated sulfurous acid, H 3 SO 3 + , has been successfully delivered into the gas phase by electrospray ionization of the solution of a suitable precursor and an in-source fragmentation process. The neutral... more
The effect of pulse width of Nd-YAG laser on the measurement of isotopic ratios of Li and lighter rare Q4 earths is studied using an in-house developed Laser Ionization Mass Spectrometer (LIMS) facility. The picosecond (ps) laser seems to... more
Packed columns are an important part of the broad selection of mass and heat transfer equipment. Nowadays, the use of packed columns is increasing, which is because of its lower pressure drop, higher capacity and higher mass transfer in... more
Direct measurements of Ar^{+} 1s^{-1}2p^{-1}nl double-core-hole shake-up states are reported using conventional single-channel photoemission, offering a new and relatively easy means to study such species. The high-quality results yield... more
Resonance K auger spectra of molecular oxygen are presented at photon energies corresponding to 10-t lag, 3o,( c?), and Rydberg excitations. Atomic-like Auger lines observed in the 30, (a*) decay spectrum are compared with the pure atomic... more
São Paulo in Brazil has relatively relaxed regulations for ambient air pollution standards and often experiences high air pollution levels due to emissions of airborne particles from local sources and long-range transport of biomass... more
Pulsed Q collision induced dissociation (PQD) was developed to facilitate detection of low-mass reporter ions from labeling reagents (e.g., iTRΑQ) in peptide quantification using an LTQ mass spectrometer (MS). Despite the large number of... more
The extent and effects of sequence scrambling in peptide ions during tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) have been examined using tryptic peptides from model proteins. Sequencescrambled b ions appeared in about 35% of 43 tryptic peptides... more
Resonant photoionization of OCS at the sulfur 2p 3/2 → 4 * resonance is observed. The spectra show three satellite structures between B (2) and C (2) valence-ionized states. Based on ab initio theoretical calculations, these satellites... more
Ar 2p photoabsorption spectra for Ar solid and Ar mixture with Kr, Xe and N 2 have been measured in order to study Ar 2p excited states in solid phase. Based on difference between partial electron yield and fluorescence yield spectra for... more
The X-ray photoelectron spcctn of the Na and Mg atoms xc thcoreticdlg studied wlrh an ab mitlo Cl cdcul~~ion. Ills shtikcup cnerw and infcnsity ukulalcd for Na are m good qrecmunt with c\pcrimcnt, whereas .I slgnifiwnt disqrccment is... more
Pulsed Q collision induced dissociation (PQD) was developed to facilitate detection of low-mass reporter ions from labeling reagents (e.g., iTRΑQ) in peptide quantification using an LTQ mass spectrometer (MS). Despite the large number of... more
Pulsed Q collision induced dissociation (PQD) was developed to facilitate detection of low-mass reporter ions from labeling reagents (e.g., iTRΑQ) in peptide quantification using an LTQ mass spectrometer (MS). Despite the large number of... more
Argon L 2,3-M 2,3 M 2,3 Auger-electron spectra were measured in coincidence with K␣ fluorescent x rays in studies of K-shell vacancy decays at several photon energies above the K threshold and on the 1s→4 p resonance. The complex spectra... more
Angle-resolved ion-yield spectra are reported for the C1s ™ Rydberg excitations of linear acetylene C H in comparison 2 2 with N and CO. The 3s U valence state is observed in the 3ss Rydberg region with no mixing. The 3ps state is found... more
Packed columns are an important part of the broad selection of mass and heat transfer equipment. Nowadays, the use of packed columns is increasing, which is because of its lower pressure drop, higher capacity and higher mass transfer in... more
The notable increase in biofuel usage by the road transportation sector in Brazil during recent years has significantly altered the vehicular fuel composition. Consequently, many uncertainties are currently found in particulate matter... more
Ammonia is a key alkaline species, playing an important role by neutralizing atmospheric acidity and inorganic secondary aerosol production. On the other hand, the NH3/NH4+ increases the acidity and eutrophication in natural ecosystems,... more
Protein phosphorylation underlies numerous cellular signaling processes. Since a reliable prediction of phosphorylation site(s) based on a consensus amino acid sequence is rather difficult to date, determination of phosphorylation site(s)... more
Hartree-Fock formalism have been carried out on COa to investigate the vibrational band profile of its high resolution ESCA spectrum. This method has involved calculations of the equihbrium geometries and the harmonic force constants, for... more
Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) at impact energies of 2.5-3 keV has been used to obtain the electron excitation spectra for the N 1s (K-shell), F 1s (K-shell) and valence shell regions of NFs. The inner shell spectra were... more
High-resolution normal Auger-electron spectra of carbonyl sulfide subsequent to S 2p −1 photoionization at photon energies of 200, 220, and 240 eV are reported along with corresponding photoelectron spectra. In addition, theoretical... more
Fluorescence spectra have been recorded in the wavelength region 300 nm ≤ λ(fluo) ≤ 500 nm after resonant 2p → 3d excitation of atomic Ar using monochromatic synchrotron light. The radiative emission is characterized by strong transitions... more
The fragmentation of peptides containing quaternary ammonium group, but lacking easily mobilizable protons, was examined with the aid of deuteriumlabeled analogs and quantum-chemical modeling. The fragmentation of oligoproline containing... more
Ultrafast dissociation of the HCl and HBr molecules excited respectively to the 2p 3/2 → * and 3d 5/2 → * resonances are studied with high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy. Sharp vibrational molecular lines and broad atomic lines are... more
We show the first evidence of dissociation during resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering. Carbon and oxygen K-shell and sulfur L-shell resonant and non-resonant X-ray emission spectra were measured using monochromatic synchrotron... more