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      Game studiesGame DesignVideo GamesVideo Game Design
Dramatic reality is a core concept in drama therapy, and perhaps also the most genuine feature of the field. All drama therapists draw on dramatic reality in some form, both in their clinical practice and in their theoretical thinking.... more
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      PsychologyPlay TherapyPsychodramaPhilosophy
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      Game studiesEducational TechnologySpecial EducationUsability
Carly Kocurek and I originally wrote this chapter after #1reasonwhy to interrogate the game industry's resistance to women in the workforce. We look to the discursive practices around women as consumers, as journalists, and as producers... more
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      Game studiesFeminist Media StudiesComputer GamesWomen and Video Games
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      PhilosophyGame studiesVideo GamesSurveillance Studies
We analyze collaborative play in an online video game, World of Warcraft, the most popular personal computer game in the United States, with significant markets in Asia and Europe. Based on an immersive ethnographic study, we describe how... more
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      Game studiesVideo GameCommunityLearning
Games like World of Warcraft have been called "inherently queer," providing gamic spaces where gender and sexuality seem fluid and customizable. Although the provocation is exciting and revisits many of the arguments made about the... more
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      Video Game StudiesWorld of WarcraftGame StudiesQueer Game Studies
In this interview by Yujia Yao, I talk about the current state of the Japanese gaming industry within its cultural and economic context. Interview questions include topics such as: the general decline of the Japanese game industry in... more
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      Japanese StudiesGame studiesJapanese Video GamesGame Industry
Since the advent of the study of games, scholars have emphasised the idea of games as subsets of the real world, as make-believe and as representational systems. Games have been understood as delimited from the real world by a physical... more
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      Game studiesNew MediaDigital GamesGames research methods
The paper explores the recent growth in critical gameplay, an application of critical design to the production of computer games. This paper outlines play pedagogy and game rhetoric, relating critical design practices to the creation of... more
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      Critical TheoryGame studiesMedia and Cultural StudiesGame Design
With the ever-increasing number of applications for mobile phones, we are more and more likely to be confronted with a problem of a separation from our environment when looking at our screen. It can be easily illustrated with a mobile... more
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      EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionGame studiesGame Design
The increasing amount of time children are spending on computers at home and school has raised questions about how the use of computer technology may make a difference in their lives-from helping with homework to causing depression to... more
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      Social PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyCommunicationGame studies
With hundreds of new games being released every week, designers rely on existing knowledge to design control schemes for their products. However, in the case of games with new game mechanics, designers struggle to implement new button... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionGame studiesGame Design
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is considering the adoption of e-sports (i.e., organised competitive video gaming), which could be considered a radical innovation as it deviates in many areas from traditional sports... more
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      MarketingSport PsychologyGame studiesTechnology
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Association for Behavior Analysis International. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish... more
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      PsychologyGame TheoryGame studiesEducation
In this paper, the different general motivations of gamers for playing video games are explored. Surprisingly, to date little research has been devoted to the characterization of the gamer, based on general game motivations. By means of... more
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      Game studiesVideo GameDigital GamesOnline survey
This paper focuses on the analysis of audiovisual materials according to the media circulation model of eSports-related content. Its aim is to assess the process of strengthening the commercial potential of formalized eSports enterprises... more
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesBritish Cultural StudiesMedia Industry Studies
Link is thrust into his destiny of having to defeat evil by collecting items and tools throughout Hyrule, proving himself a hero and eventually leading to a showdown with a villain. However, his journey is not as simple as defeating evil... more
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      Music therapy (Psychology)Video GamesGrief (Psychology)Mere Exposure
Recently, a flash sintering method, which is one of field assisted sintering technique (FAST), has been developed. In the flash sintering method, lower sintering temperature and shorter sintering time can be realized using a flash event... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesGame studiesIntellect
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityVideo GamesInteractivity
As a yet small academic field, historical video game studies are in a crucial and interesting moment of development. The most recent contributions, looking at the re-validation of historical themed video games as proper historical... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Postcolonial StudiesAnthropology of MediaAmerican Indian and Indigenous StudiesGame Studies
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      Computer ScienceGame studiesArchitectureVideo Games
This article uses Jacques Rancière's notion of aesthetic regime of art and Nicholas Bourriaud's idea of relational aesthetics to assess the role of aesthetics microtransactions in Path of Exile (2013-, Grinding Gear Games). Three main... more
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      Computer ScienceGame studiesGame Studies
Abstract: This article discusses the processes involved in the construction of group membership and cohesion in a semiprofessional team of esports in the city of Belém, the capital of the state of Pará, in the Brazilian Amazonian... more
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      CommunicationGame studiesScience CommunicationVideo Games
Facial animation is an important aspect to make character more life in virtual world. Early stage to make facial animation is facial rigging. Facial rigging is the process of creating the animation controls for a facial model and the... more
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      Game studiesAnimationSerious GamesComputer Animation
World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) supporting complex social interactions among over 12 million players. While the -lone gamer‖ stereotype still persists, there is little data on gaming with other players... more
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      Game studiesSocial InteractionWorld of WarcraftSocial Relationship
This essay works toward a definition of the media franchise and uses the Alien franchise (1979-Present) to consider how digital technologies have influenced a shift in franchise management from multimedia to transmedia. The Alien... more
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      New MediaVideo GamesAdaptationMedia Industries
As a nature parable, THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD involves players in a dreamlike gameworld in which their unconscious desires for an ecological sustainable Utopia and a romantic imagery of nature are evoked, exposed to... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisEmotionGame Theory
Book Review of Colin Milburn's book "Mondo Nano: Fun and Games in the World of Digital Matter"
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      CommunicationGame studiesArtNanotechnology
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      Game studiesGame Studies
This paper broaches the issue of exploration as a virtual fictional strategy and critical agent to immerse players in vast open world games. Complex networks of places, quests and spatial arrangements are built for simulating a freely... more
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      LandscapeExplorationGame StudiesProspect-refuge Theory
New Forms and Interactions is a collection of eleven articles highlighting the controversial relation between the two traditionally opposed realms. By determining the forms, conditions and consequences of interaction between fiction and... more
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      Game studiesEnglish LiteratureFilm StudiesPerformance Studies
This book is about the three identities of the videogame, the gamer, and Game Studies. I write that there are no definitive truths but rather discourses and constructions; ideas, actions, beliefs, and practices related to videogames are... more
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      Game TheoryGame studiesThe VirtualWorld-Game-Simulation-Reality Continuum--gradual steps of added reality/imaginationVideo Game Platforms for Artwork--using them for art not just gaming and for gaming new styles of artwork
The contemporary video game market is more and more crowded with titles that are expanded by digital contents that can be downloaded for free or payment: from annexing additional costumes to the characters, to implementing large portions... more
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    • Game Studies
Figuren sind ein zentrales Attraktionsmoment aktueller Computerspiele, doch ihre medienwissenschaftliche Erforschung ist bislang nur in Ansätzen erfolgt. Diese Arbeit schließt diese Forschungslücke, indem sie allgemeine... more
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      Media StudiesVideo GamesCharacter DesignMedia analysis
本研究では、歴史的観点をもって、スペインのゲーム産業の現状を考察する。スペインのゲーム産業の統 計を持ち、他国のゲーム産業に比較し、スペインのゲーム産業の特徴などを明確にする。さらに本研究では、成功 したスペインの大手ゲーム会社のケースを分析する目的もある。
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      Game studiesVideo GamesSpainGame Studies
"Lo que diferencia al videojuego de otros medios audiovisuales para la divulgación científica reside en su capacidad de transmitir conocimiento sobre sistemas complejos a... more
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      Game studiesVideojuegosLudologíaGame Studies
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      Game studiesGame Studies
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      Human Computer InteractionGame studiesPersonalityGame Design
Adapting Bernard Suits' account of game-play, we can show that, in games, competition can be converted into cooperation. Suits says that to play a game is to voluntarily take up unnecessary obstacles for the sake of overcoming them. Thus,... more
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      Sociology of SportEthicsGame studiesApplied Ethics
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      Game studiesGame DesignGame Studies
This paper addresses the lack of solid historical information concerning early computer game sales and preferences. Two consistent data series from the magazines Softalk and Computer Gaming World (CGW) are analyzed to give an overview of... more
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      HistoryComputer ScienceGame studiesGenre
Player immersion is the holy grail of computer game designers particularly in environments such as those found in firstperson shooters. However, little is understood about the processes of immersion and much is assumed. This is certainly... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceGame studiesUser Experience (UX)
The multiplatform Ni no Kuni (Bandai Namco, 2010/2013) represents anime studio Studio Ghibli's first dedicated video game project. Although Japanese video game company Level-5 developed Ni no Kuni, Ghibli contributed to the story and was... more
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      ConvergenceMedia ConvergenceHayao MiyazakiConvergence Culture