Game Playing

1,157 papers
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Game playing is the study of interactive activities governed by rules, where participants engage in competition or cooperation to achieve specific objectives. This field encompasses various dimensions, including cognitive processes, social interactions, and behavioral outcomes, and is analyzed through psychological, educational, and computational lenses.
We introduce a new isomorphic quantity for Banach spaces, the index ΘX , based on finite convex coverings of the unit ball. This index is closely related to the asymptotic moduli of uniform convexity and uniform smoothness, so that it can... more
The polymorphic fungus Candida albicans can live as an aggressive pathogen that causes a wide variety of diseases in humans. Host resistance against these infections is mediated predominantly by phagocytes, namely neutrophils and... more
We study a quantum version of a penny flip game played using control parameters of the Hamiltonian in the Heisenberg model. Moreover, we extend this game by introducing auxiliary spins which can be used to alter the behaviour of the... more
We study a quantum version of a penny flip game played using control parameters of the Hamiltonian in the Heisenberg model. Moreover, we extend this game by introducing auxiliary spins which can be used to alter the behaviour of the... more
On 24. i. d4 Black has the very strong reply 24 ... J:Id4. But now the devastated residence of the white king creates a painful impression. 24 .. Jlh3 25.tbg3 'fid5 26.St.b6 St.e5 13 ... b5 I sensed that it was on the solution to this... more
Improving teaching in universities is a worthy aim, but how will the Teaching Excellence Framework recognise and reward quality? Marty Chamberlain looks at how teaching is currently assessed. Peer review of teaching tends to operate... more
Central banks, in executing monetary policy, while pursuing traditional objectives, such as the control of inflation, may try also to promote financial stability. In this paper, we explore a simple monetary policy game played between the... more
Engagement with computer games causes children and adolescent users to spend a substantial amount of time at sedentary game playing activity. We hypothesise that this engagement can be leveraged to motivate users to increase their amount... more
A theory of heuristic game tree search and evaluation functions for estimating minimax values is developed. The result is quite different from the traditional minimsx approach to game playing, and it leads to product-propagation rules for... more
The Layered Pareto Coevolution Archive (LAPCA) was recently proposed as an effective Coevolutionary Memory (CM) which, under certain assumptions, approximates monotonic progress in coevolution. In this paper, a technique is developed that... more
Discrete optimization problems (DOPs) arise in various applications such as planning, scheduling, computer aided design, robotics, game playing and constraint directed reasoning. Often, a DOP is formulated in terms of nding a (minimum... more
We propose the use of a new design-first approach called Problem Stereotypes and Solution Frameworks, for teaching CS1 and CS2. A problem stereotype is a category of problems that can be solved using similar techniques. A solution... more
Writing puzzle-solving and game-playing programs can generate excitement in students. Such programs are usually assigned as projects in an AI course. These are major software projects expected to be completed by students who usually have... more
We present a model of a purchaser of electricity in Norway, bidding into a wholesale electricity pool market that operates a day ahead of dispatch. The purchaser must arrange purchase for an uncertain demand that occurs the following day.... more
In this paper, we introduce the concept of generalized pseudo-base in generalized topological spaces, and using this concept, we study the product of g-Volterra space and weakly g-Volterra space in generalized topological spaces. In... more
In a small-scale study we have analyzed the genderscripts of the toys of three Dutch toy producing companies and we have interviewed owners and directors of these companies. We found large differences in the 'genderedness' of... more
We prove that if X is a subspace of Lp (2 < p < ∞), then either X embeds isomorphically into ℓp ⊕ ℓ2 or X contains a subspace Y, which is isomorphic to ℓp(ℓ2). We also give an intrinsic characterization of when X embeds into ℓp ⊕ℓ2 in... more
Alice Mitchell Ultralab, Anglia Ruskin University Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford, CM1 1SG, UK e-mail: [email protected], web page : ... Paolo Inchingolo, Federica Vatta DEEI, University of Trieste Via Valerio 10,... more
If you would like to make any comments on this working paper please contact the author directly within 90 days of publication. Disclaimer This article has been written as part of a series of publications issued from the Centre for Tax... more
We introduce a game of complete information with multiple principals and multiple agents. Each agent makes a decision that can affect the payoffs of all principals. Each principal offers monetary transfers to each agent conditional on the... more
Evolutionary theorizing has a long tradition in economics. Only recently has this approach been brought into the framework of noncooperative game theory. Evolutionary game theory studies the robustness of strategic behavior with respect... more
The main objective of this paper is to provide an empirical assessment of the production process in a basketball team. We estimate a logit model in which the output produced by a team is the game outcome (win or loss) and the inputs are... more
Abstract. We introduce a computational method for semi-automatical detecting fortresses in the game of chess. It is based on computer heuristic search and can be easily used with any state-of-the-art chess program. We also demonstrate a... more
In Artificial Intelligence (AI), there exist formalised approaches and algorithms for general problem solving. These approaches address problems that require combinatorial search among alternatives, such as planning, scheduling, or... more
Agents learning to act autonomously in realworld domains must acquire a model of the dynamics of the domain in which they operate. Learning domain dynamics can be challenging, especially where an agent only has partial access to the world... more
The game board is represented by an array `b[]` containing characters '0' to '9' representing the positions on the Tic-Tac-Toe grid. 2. Functions: ➢ `printboard()`: Prints the current state of the Tic-Tac-Toe board. ➢ `checkwin()`: Checks... more
This article focuses on the techniques of evolutionary computation for generating players performing tasks cooperatively. However, in using evolutionary computation for generating players performing tasks cooperatively, one faces... more
Several approaches have been developed for answering users' specific questions about AI behavior and for assessing their core functionality in terms of primitive executable actions. However, the problem of summarizing an AI agent's broad... more
While current General Game Playing (GGP) systems facilitate useful research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for game-playing, they are often somewhat specialized and computationally inefficient. In this paper, we describe an initial... more
We analyze further the Magnus-Derek game, a two-player game played on a round table with n positions. The players jointly control the movement of a token. One player, Magnus, aims to maximize the number of positions visited while... more
We study Maker-Breaker games played on the edge set of a random graph. Specifically, we consider the random graph process and analyze the first time in a typical random graph process that Maker starts having a winning strategy for his... more
While current General Game Playing (GGP) systems facilitate useful research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for game-playing, they are often somewhat specialized and computationally inefficient. In this paper, we describe an initial... more
Dynamic programs, or xpoint iteration schemes, are useful for solving many problems on state spaces, including model checking on Kripke structures (\veri cation"), computing shortest paths on weighted graphs (\optimization"), computing... more
We consider 2-player games played on a finite state space for an infinite number of rounds. The games are concurrent: in each round, the two players choose their moves independently and simultaneously; the current state and the two moves... more
Three-color parity games capture the disjunction of a Büchi and a co-Büchi condition. The most efficient known algorithm for these games is the progress measures algorithm by Jurdziński. We present an acceleration technique that, while... more
We consider two-player games played for an infinite number of rounds, with ω-regular winning conditions. The games may be concurrent, in that the players choose their moves simultaneously and independently, and probabilistic, in that the... more
We consider two-player games played for an infinite number of rounds, with ω-regular winning conditions. The games may be concurrent, in that the players choose their moves simultaneously and independently, and probabilistic, in that the... more
We consider two-player infinite games played on graphs. The games are concurrent, in that at each state the players choose their moves simultaneously and independently, and stochastic, in that the moves determine a probability... more
We consider concurrent games played on graphs. At every round of the game, each player simultaneously and independently selects a move; the moves jointly determine the transition to a successor state. Two basic objectives are the safety... more
We consider two-player games played over finite state spaces for an infinite number of rounds. At each state, the players simultaneously choose moves; the moves determine a successor state. It is often advantageous for players to choose... more
We consider two-player games played for an infinite number of rounds, with ω-regular winning conditions. The games may be concurrent, in that the players choose their moves simultaneously and independently, and probabilistic, in that the... more
Our work is intended to model and solve artificial planning problems with logic based planning, using the novel semantics called p-stable, which is an alternative of stable semantics. Also we present a method to encode a general planning... more
We analyze the number of games played in a seven-game playoff series under various homeaway sequences. In doing so, we employ a simple Bernoulli model of home-field advantage in which the outcome of each game in the series depends only on... more
I lavori riflettono esclusivamente le opinioni degli autori e non impegnano la responsabilità del Dipartimento. SERIES e MATEF vogliono promuovere la circolazione di studi ancora preliminari e incompleti, per suscitare commenti critici e... more
We study the strategic choice of compatibility between two initially incompatible network goods in a two-stage game played by an incumbent and an entrant firm. Compatibility may be achieved by means of a converter. We derive a number of... more
Economic theory suggests that multiple financial and non-financial measures (i.e., a strategic performance measurement system ''SPMS") be used in compensation contracting to properly direct employees' attention and motivate behavior... more
Automatically creating opening books is a natural step towards the building of strong game-playing programs, especially when there is little available knowledge about the game. However, while recent popular Monte-Carlo Tree-Search... more