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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageSouth KoreaKorean Literature and Culture
W hen I began teaching English in Korea, standard practice was to introduce new words by writing them on the blackboard (yes, they were black), saying the new lexical item several times, then explaining its meaning and using it in a... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
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      Dental MaterialsGIC
Objectives: This study evaluated the adhesion of a conventional (Fuji VII) and a recently introduced CPP– ACP containing glass-ionomer cement (Fuji VII EP) to human enamel, sound dentine, and caries-affected dentine (CAD). Material and... more
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    • GIC
In design of analog circuits not only the gain and speed are important but power dissipation, supply voltage, linearity, noise and maximum voltage swing are also important. Noise limits the minimum signal level that a circuit can process... more
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      Research papersLow NoiseJournal PaperOp amp
Third order low-pass filters are analyzed. Two different configuration of General Impedance Converter (GIC) based filters are compared to two Sallen and Key (SAK) based structures. For GIC based third-order filters realization procedures... more
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      Monte CarloSensitivity AnalysisMonte Carlo MethodsButterworth Filter Design
Interview with Bryan Hale
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
The objective of this paper is to provide a discussion of the surface impedance applicable in connection with studies of geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in technological systems. This viewpoint means that the surface impedance is... more
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      Earth SciencesMagnetotelluricEarthMagnetic field
In this paper, the thermal decomposition of air-stable Cs-ethylene-ternary graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) is discussed. The air stability of Cs-GICs is improved remarkably after the absorption of ethylene into their interlayer... more
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    • GIC
Spring is coming to Gwangju and to the Gwangju International Center (GIC). Spring always signals change-a change in the seasons but also a new beginning in human activity for the year and, of course, for the GIC. This spring has an... more
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      South KoreaContemporary Korean Society and CultureSouth KoreanGwangju
Hyperbaric oxygen culture (HOC) prolongs endocrine graft survival and decreases major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I surface expression. If graft prolongation were the result of passenger cell inactivation and decreased class I... more
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      ImmunologyImmune responseCytokinesGene expression
Aims: The purpose of this study was to compare the sealing ability of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) when used over gutta-percha as intracanal sealing materials. The study also evaluated the sealing... more
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      DentistryConservative DentistryGIC
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January is ushering in a new year -just as it did last year. The now-naked ginkgo trees lining the city streets seem to shiver as the mercury drops below 0 degrees -this too, is the same as last year. I start my day with breakfast, before... more
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      South KoreaKoreaGwangjuGIC
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      Power SystemsGeomagnetically induced CurrentsGIC
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      South KoreaContemporary Korean Society and CultureGwangjuGIC
MiRNA-34a is considered as a potential prognostic marker for glioma, as studies suggest that its expression negatively correlates with patient survival in grade III and IV glial tumors. Here, we show that expression of miR-34a was... more
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      HeterogeneityEvqRT PCRGIC
Aim: To determine the effect of incorporating Casein Phosphopeptide-amorphous calciu m phosphate (CPP-ACP) into self-cured g lass-ionomer cement (GIC) and to compare the shear-peel band strength. Materials and method:1) Ion Measurements... more
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    • GIC
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      Harmonic AnalysisPower SystemsGICWindings